I can "one up" everyone here....
First, you get diagnosed with a kidney stone and then told later it was a mistake...."you just had indigestion". Then, you get a ride in an F-16 which actually dislodges said kidney stone further down urinary track while pulling 9 Gs. Realizing you still have a stone while in flight you also accept that it's another hour of pulling fighter plane Gs until you land.
You haven't lived until you have been in so much pain that you throw up all over your car interior on the way to the hospital because of kidney stones.
Then you can't remember getting to the hospital. Do this on a Navy base with military docs and you being Air force...this equates to no one giving a shit about your pain. When Morphine is given through an IV you tell the corpsman through 4 hours of waiting to see a doc that it's having no effect and later are told "sorry" the morphine was leaking out before it hit your vein. "Sorry, the last guy was in training". after literally passing out from blinding pain you wake up and are told by the doc that he is going to borescope your urinary track to find the stones.
You are then strapped in with your legs in the stirrups like you are about to give birth. You aren't knocked out or given any drugs while the doc runs a metal guide tube into your weenis and then runs the lightsource up to where you see your kidney in a monitor. Then you are forced into a wheel chair with a borescope stuck in your weenis and get paraded around the hospital feeling every bump on the way to surgery.
Then you get a spinal from a male Navy nurse to relax your pissing muscles so the doc can put the equivalent of mechanical fingers on the stones (plural) and pull them out through said weenis. The Navy nurse says "you are going to feel a small prick" when he puts a needle in your hand for an IV. You laugh at that comment despite the pain.
You are discharged the next day and told by the doc that signs your release that you should have more respect and not curse at said doc while he is shoving borescope up your weenis.
Good times, good times indeed.