2 girls in Pakistan shot dead for dancing in the rain.


Jun 23, 2004
Pakistan really wants to be the first nuclear nation to fall to an invasion.

Unfortunately... "kill them all" isn't a solution to save the lives of women over there. Nor would the chaos that followed an invasion be useful at upping their quality of life. We're really not capable of helping them by force.

Ergo a real solution must be found by other means. They are deeply religious people. That is how we install values in barbarians. If they are too stupid to hold human life sacred, then we put the fear of god in them.

The problem with their religion is it has no central figure. There is no Pope for them. No one to denounce violence and condemn evil acts such as this. It must be loud and clear, spoken the world over from a man of authority. One of their own.

When such a thing happens, such a figure becomes a beacon of inspiration. More follow the peaceful teachings... and this new sect challenges barbaric terrorism for the heart of their religion.

This grand ideal, this vision, is my solution.

The west got its !@#$ together. We need to help the East do the same.


May 1, 2013
really? I don't think that barbarians can be taught. They can only be restrained and terrorized, because that's the only language they know.


Jun 23, 2004
really? I don't think that barbarians can be taught. They can only be restrained and terrorized, because that's the only language they know.

Their religion is not confined to such lands. They have fellows in the West who do value human life. Who would lead a peaceful coexistence. We must do everything to empower those good people. Everything.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2006
I have another solution: we don't do anything, and let them live their own way. Eventually, critical mass will be established, and will cause a revolution.
This is something we should have learned from the changes in Egypt.
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Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
Pakistan really wants to be the first nuclear nation to fall to an invasion.

Unfortunately... "kill them all" isn't a solution to save the lives of women over there. Nor would the chaos that followed an invasion be useful at upping their quality of life. We're really not capable of helping them by force.

Ergo a real solution must be found by other means. They are deeply religious people. That is how we install values in barbarians. If they are too stupid to hold human life sacred, then we put the fear of god in them.

The problem with their religion is it has no central figure. There is no Pope for them. No one to denounce violence and condemn evil acts such as this. It must be loud and clear, spoken the world over from a man of authority. One of their own.

When such a thing happens, such a figure becomes a beacon of inspiration. More follow the peaceful teachings... and this new sect challenges barbaric terrorism for the heart of their religion.

This grand ideal, this vision, is my solution.

The west got its !@#$ together. We need to help the East do the same.

Honor killings are more cultural then religious, a Pope won't help with this either

Widney Brown, the advocacy director of Human Rights Watch, said that the practice "goes across cultures and across religions". Human rights advocates have compared "honor killing" to "crimes of passion" in Latin America (which are sometimes treated extremely leniently) and also to the killing of women for lack of dowry in India.

Tahira Shaid Khan, a professor of women's issues at Aga Khan University, notes that there is nothing in the Qur'an that permits or sanctions honor killings.[22] Khan instead blames it on attitudes (across different classes, ethnic and religious groups) that view women as property with no rights of their own as the motivation for honor killings.[22] Khan also argues that this view results in violence against women and their being turned "into a commodity which can be exchanged, bought and sold"



May 1, 2013
Their religion is not confined to such lands. They have fellows in the West who do value human life. Who would lead a peaceful coexistence. We must do everything to empower those good people. Everything.

No-one said anything about religion.

Most of the people in Pakistan are this way. Just because other muslims in America and elsewhere have become civilised doesn't mean these barbarians deserve mercy.

Empower them? lol

You try to empower them, and what do they tell you?


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2010

The west got its !@#$ together. We need to help the East do the same.

What they need is a cultural renaissance, perhaps similar to what took place in the European renaissance after the dark ages. Islam used to value education, integration, women, .etc. Just look at the history of Timbuktu for perhaps a microcosm of the rise and fall. Timbuktu's universities and values were actually AHEAD of Europe at its peak, they were during what is now considered second level math in university in their equivalent of high school at the time.

They need a cultural and value renaissance, and it has to come from within. I worry about the suggestion of a pope like figure however, as it could be construed as the so called one world caliphate that the extremists seem to want. Sure it would be great if this leader led using the only the most benevolent aspects of their teachings, but what if some deranged Imam rose to that level? Once some of their burgeoning democracies actually vote in some secular leaders and they see the value of this will I have some more hope in this regard.


Jun 23, 2004
Honor killings are more cultural then religious, a Pope won't help with this either

The West is disgusted enough to abolish such things. A similar sentiment can be shared with the East, if they had a strong enough voice to condemn it.

Their religious, if culturally changed by their religion, would act against it more fervently.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2010
I have another solution: we don't do anything, and let them live their own way. Eventually, critical mass will be established, and will cause a revolution.
This is something we should have learned from the changes in Egypt.

I too am starting to think this way. Sure provide some foreign aid commensurate to the benefit it provides, buy oil on the market, but otherwise stay out of their way unless they are hosting terrorists or whatever crazy shit they think of that directly impacts our well being.

You can't force a wholesale cultural change, let alone one so interspersed and dependent on how they interpret their religion that year. It will take generations to change the worst of the worst, maybe longer.

Orignal Earl

Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2005
The West is disgusted enough to abolish such things. A similar sentiment can be shared with the East, if they had a strong enough voice to condemn it.

Their religious, if culturally changed by their religion, would act against it more fervently.

The Pakistani government's failure to take effective measures to end the practice of honor killings is indicative of a weakening of political institutions, corruption, and economic decline. In the wake of civil crisis, people turn to other alternative models, such as traditional tribal customs.



Jun 23, 2004

and when politics fail, as it often did early in the West, do you recall our history? I suggest it was the moral teachings of religion that prepared our civilization for what it is today. A common thread that helped us weave the fabric of our civilization together.

I suggest that without that commonality our Tribalism would have killed the Renaissance before it ever got started.

We must take the lessons of our history, how we arrived at where we are today, and do our part to help apply it to them. Obviously it won't be exactly the same, but if we sit back and allow the public image of Islam to be that of terrorism. To let their inspirational figures be the likes of Osama Bin Laden.... it is a grave mistake.

We chose to throw away $2 trillion and 55,000 casualties to do nothing. Maybe we should apply our resources towards something productive instead of killing a few people and pissing off the rest.

If to HAVE people kill us is our goal - I'd say we're doing a damn fine job.
If stopping the violence is our goal, I'd say we're miserable failures.

What's good for stopping the violence against us, is also good for stopping the tribal violence against their own people.


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
Religion is what kept Europe in the dark ages for hundreds of years following the fall of Rome. The Muddle east (and America) is still stuck there. Please don't suggest fixing stupid with more stupid.


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2010
Religion is what kept Europe in the dark ages for hundreds of years following the fall of Rome. The Muddle east (and America) is still stuck there. Please don't suggest fixing stupid with more stupid.

Are you sure of that? I have read this claim before and I am not so sure. Religion provided aid and charity to millions during the dark ages. It was there before and grew after the dark ages. Now, I could see how one could say the lack of secularity allowed the dark ages to continue.

But if it is responsible for the dark ages, and the so-called current dark ages in America (what part? North, Central, South?), what changed in religion to allow the dark ages to begin, given religion was so prevalent prior?


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2013
What changed was the spread of Christianity. The teachings of Augustine is directly responsible for sending western thought into dropout mode for centuries, right up until the rediscovery of ancient Greek knowledge in Arab Spain. So ironically it's the Muslims we have to thank for the renaissance, and ironically now the Islam world is the most backward.
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Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
Most of the people in Pakistan are this way. Just because other muslims in America and elsewhere have become civilised doesn't mean these barbarians deserve mercy.
A supremacist nationalist and Muslim bashing by a self-declared AnandTech forum troll who has the recorded posting history to "kill all Muslims." [1] [2]

Cherry-picked bait for fellow forum prejudicial bigots. :thumbsdown: par-de-course for the AnandTech P&N.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
really? I don't think that barbarians can be taught. They can only be restrained and terrorized, because that's the only language they know.
Meh, that "barbaric" country has produced a boatload of the finest engineers in my region.

Sounds like they can be taught more than you can.