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Senior member
Nov 4, 1999
ok, im gonna get mean for just a sec. wagner, its funny how you refuse to admit your wrong. any decent person will see how nice and understanding i have tried to be, but you think you are always right, you got a wackass attitude about things, you may be smart in the brain, but your EXTREMELY idiotic in the heart. Its very ironic that you say Dabudda is avoiding all your arguments, bc you continue to ignore my thoughts. I say you have no patience, you are hardheaded, mean, prideful, you care for yourself the most, have no respect, you think success in life is money,big house, good job, basically you are one big prick, you didn't say anything to me about that ,cuz you know you are one and cant defend yourself. Man did u not get that the point of the 55mph thing was that some people do things differently and that i wasn't trying to prove you wrong or anything, in fact i agree with many of the things u said, i never directly insulted u, just said your way of thing is dangerous to the society. Your an IDIOT. I call you an idiot now bc you fail to understand the finer things in life, u have a one-track mind and im sorry to assume alot but your attitude shows it. I assume all you care about is schoo,money,girls,hotdeals. You probaly think your too smart/superior for religion, cuz i know you dont practice any with a full heart. i assume you are a loner, nerd who claims superiority over everyone else. people who thnink they are smart and act like they are smart have this very BIG,BIG,BIG,BIG EGO, a smartass like yourself should realize this, it just ruins them as a person. its just like a beautiful girl having an ego about her beauty.

and mojomonkey, just shutup did you read everything? Your the ignorant one for agreeing with this idiot and kissing up and admiring him like a hero. You think hes gonna be successful? You label success as the same exact thing he probably labels it, stupid irrelevant things in life.

any good decent being would rather be smart in the heard than in the head. Your gonna get mad when i say these things but there is a purpose of it. You are a fellow human brother. My ONLY point of anything that i have EVER said, IS for you to REALIZE yourself as a person. bc w/this realization, I hope you can change yourself. I am not trying to belittle you as a person even if it might seem like it, im not your momma but im sick of these kinda attitudes. there are MANY, MANY people just like you,so this goes out to them too, im not singlin you out. look into your heart bro, and if im wrong about how i have judged, you tell me where i am wrong. peace.


Aug 11, 2000

You do what desperate men in your situation have done throughout history. Unable to reason your way out of an argument, you drag it down to a moral platform, where nothing is provably right or wrong. You reduce the argument from the beauty of logical axioms and deductions, to a pissing match of quotations from religious leaders and philosophers. I can quote you one philosopher to prove my moral standpoint, you can quote another philosopher who invalidates my standpoint. We can continue doing this for years. There is no shortage of great learned men who oppose each other on moral grounds, and this moral pissing match will get us nowhere. This is because one cannot prove, nor disprove, any moral value. If such a thing were possible, we would be calling them "moral truths" and not "moral values". That which is founded upon facts and reasoning is "truth". That which is arbitrary, emotive, and fluffy is (arguably) a "value".

Throughout this dialog I have tried to maintain a standard of quality in my arguments. That is to say, I have tried to justify everything I have said through reasoning, and reference to previously established facts, or to naturally obvious truths. In return, I have received two refutations of any note.

1) The "Some like to do it one way, others like to do it the other way." argument. Also known as the "We are idiots and we enjoy suboptimality, inconvenience, and hassle, as long as we can preserve our egos." argument.
2) The "You are an asshole." argument. Also known as the "I cannot refute you, so in order to save face, I am instead going to insult you." argument.

After more than enough of this petty exchange, I have decided that my time is better spent elsewhere. I have learned that the general Anand population, or at least the vocal subset that clicks on this thread, is not quite capable of engaging in rational dialogue. As my grandfather used to say "One does not challenge a monkey to a game of chess." How true that is. From now on, I will pick my debates elsewhere, and not on this board.

EDIT: My comment about monkeys is not directed towards MojoMonkey, nor those rational beings with enough sense to not get involved with the idiots in this petty exchange. You know who you are, and you have my respect. Unfortunately, we are all too few in number.


Senior member
Nov 4, 1999
haha , ya see funny , man really funny ya ignored everything again. I dont care about your rational crap. cuz im not tryin to argue you damn, cant you see that. the quality of your arguments very straightforward and easy to understand,common sense, i dont care about that though, thats why i never tried to refute them. You really try to label us as stupid dont you. and u put on insults first not me, im not tryin to save face i dont give a damn about my reputation, as seen on this thread. DO you not understand i dont care if i lost the argument, what i really wanted was to realize yourself as a person but you ignored that and say im tryin to save face?. If you dont want to be involved in this petty discussion, they why do u keep on talking? being so smart, shouldnt u have withdrew from this conversation LONG, LONG ago? no your ego does not allow it.

Like my grandfather said " One does not challenge a monkey to a game of chess. Only idiots do." so if you claim that we are monkeys, you are the bigger dumber idiot. The "you are the asshole" argument was not an argument. you are just an asshole, im not trying to convince you that,or trying to save face. im not trying to convince anyone else either, its a fact. so lates.


Sep 30, 2000
Um dohyun dude wake up. Wagner resolved the discussion successfully and made you look like his bitch. He said all there is to say. You have nothing left.

You don't have facts. (You say so yerself) You don't have arguments (Ditto) No one gives a crap about your moral values cuz everyone has there own thank you very much. Your insults are petty an childish. So what do you have dude. All you have is a chip on your shoulder and a lot of envy for smart gutsy guys like Wagner. How sad for you.

You sound like one of those potheads who sits at home all day and whine wine whines. Go away dude. Wagner kicked your ass. Werd.


Senior member
Nov 4, 1999
hahahahah banjokid and mojomonkey. when i first saw mojomonkeys thread i noticed he was a junior member, but i trusted wagner that he would not make up usernames to defend himself, so i didnt check. haha but banjokid was to much.

wagner come on get a life, stop makin new names to defend yourself. hahahahahahahah.


Sep 30, 2000
I dont know about MojoMonkey but I will speak for myself. I am a longtime lurker. I just had to picth in cuz I was tired of seeing you make such a fool of yerself. Dude. dohyun. Dude. Wake up dude. Wagner analy penetrated you. He made you his buttery cornhole. You are a loser dude. You lost. Wagner wiped the floor with your ass. Dude. Its over. Now. Repeat to yourself. One hundred times. "I AM A LOSER" Maybe then you will get it.


Senior member
Nov 4, 1999
sorry kid, not buying at all.

is it just a coincidence that 2 junior members make their very first posts in this thread, and both defend You wagner. IF even they were longtime posters, what is the probabality that they would both suddenly start posting again, on the same subject, in the same timeperiod,with the same ideas, both glorifying you.

hehe, my gosh. just use the search engine, it is all too clear. ah the level some people stoop too. lates.


Junior Member
Sep 23, 2000
Let's get away from the discussion about moral values and such shenanigans and discuss about the hot deal, okay? Well, before we do that, I'd like to put in my two cents. ^_____^

I have to say that, after reading Wagner's posts from the writer's(Wagner's) point of view, Wagner did not intend to be rude at all. The rudeness itself comes from the way his English was presented. He may have not noticed that what he said sounded irritating to some readers. By claiming that the deal is also posted at FatWallet's forum--which many readers probably do not know about--without directly linking the readers to the post, he not only inconvenienced and irritated a lot of people, but also made his post sound a little harsh. But as we see later in his other posts, he was not trying to be rude. He mindfully explained why he did not post a link to the FW's post. He was "lazy." That's all. He did not intend to sound rude. Wagner is just a guy who unintentionally irritates people.

As we see in his later posts, he calls people idiots. Oops... a very bad thing to do since that only helps to call forth more flaming responses from the readers. But perhaps he was not trying to be cruel. Perhaps he was just trying to tell the readers what they really were, which was what he presumed them to be... idiots. But by being so direct, by giving out no sympathy whatsoever, by not considering people's feelings before saying what he said, he made himself sound like a horrible person. Let's just keep in mind that he probably did not try to be rude. Let's just try to understand him as an unintentionally irritating person.


Sep 30, 2000
ruro see dude, it doesn't really matter if Wagner is irritating or not. Even if he is, it doesn't matter if it is intentional or not. What matters is, ius he right. And I say he is. I say he made a good argument. Don't try to be extra kind and make Wagner out to be the victim of circumstance or anything. It don't work that way. If Wagner comes across as an asshole more power to him. We need more people who can make a case for there beliefs dude. Rather than sit and listen like sheep. Dude. Its all bout attitude. And guts. And like dohyun is a pothead dude. He talks about fellow humans and lookin into your heart and pothead crap like that. What's up with him anyway. Dude. Some clean decent raver he is. I bet. He probably drives slow so he can roll a joint wit the other hand. Dude. Thats what Im sayin. Werd.