
Forum discussion tagged with epyc.
  1. M

    Question Epyc 7742 ES or 7B12?

    Hi, New to the forum but saw a few conversation regarding the Epyc 7742 ES and 7B12. I was wondering for those that have those cpus if they saw big differences bewteen the two? The stepping sample seem to be same between both, should be be a drop in solution for most epyc motherboard. Any...
  2. B

    Question Which is faster for SQL Server data access and web page load: AMD Epyc (faster CPU) or Intel Xeon with Optane Persistent Memory DIMMS ?

    Say you're thinking of upgrading your servers and you're goal is fast access to SQL Server data (Database with lots of joins and tables rendering web pages over the web). In this case your ceiling of RAM will be 128GB. While I appreciate the raw power and value of Epyc vs Xeon, it seems to me...
  3. CatMerc

    Predictions for Ryzen/EPYC nodes and products into 2021

    I've been thinking about how Zen, Zen+, Zen 2, and Zen 3, all relate to each other. A leaked slide from AMD points to AMD taking a sort of tick tock approach, only naming it "inflection" and "optimization". This has been semi-confirmed by James Prior mentioning it. According to this cadence, we...
  4. B

    Help finding EPYC motherboard

    Hi all, I'm looking for a workstation level motherboard for an EPYC processor and am finding rather skimpy results. I only need a single processor. The only one I found had 10gbit Ethernet with a funny connector for fiber that I can't use...
  5. D

    Difference between TR4 & SP3

    Does anybody know the difference between socket Sp3 for epyc & TR4 for threadripper. I can think of 3 possibilities 1. The Sockets are the same but the motherboards are different. Eg. Epyc in a threadripper will only have access to 4 memory channels and 60 +/- 4 PCIe lanes. 2. The pin outs are...