Recent content by gopunk

  1. G

    Beach house recommendations?

    awesome, thanks guys! gonna look into costa rica / jaco :)
  2. G

    Beach house recommendations?

    My friends and I want to get a beach house for June and July. We're looking for something with good surfing yet not expensive (ideally less than 1300 / month per person). Do such things exist?
  3. G

    3:10 to Yuma

    Am I the only one who was sad when Wade shoots prince? I mean sure, he was a homicidal maniac, but for Wade to turn on him after his fanatical loyalty just gets to me. edit: sorry for the spoiler in the topic summary earlier! sometimes i forget that there are people who are further behind...
  4. G

    .What events can I capture when users select from the FF auto-complete dropdown?

    You know, when you click on a text field how FF will display previously entered data to select from. I'm trying to implement real-time client-side validation of form input. Everything works except for this. I've tried mouseup, click, change, blur... nothing seems to work.
  5. G

    PSA: Microwave your vegetables.

    does it retain all the nutrients? i always figured the heat would break apart some healthy stuff.
  6. G


    anybody still have invites?
  7. G

    /brag Booyakasha! A top law firm just extended me a second interview!!

    for law firms, there's only one callback.
  8. G

    /brag Booyakasha! A top law firm just extended me a second interview!!

    there are few firms, if any, where 2500 would be on the low side. plenty of firms are around 2000 with 160k. i don't think any major firms have 5 year partnership tracks anymore, it's likely 8-10, and even then there might be a tiered system.
  9. G

    How much money would it take...

    never for stranger or friend... for somebody that in my mind deserved it, just opportunity cost.
  10. G

    The Wire has caught me

    omar's my favorite character. "oh sh!t, omar's coming!"
  11. G

    I need help... EATING...

    if you don't care about taste, i don't really understand what the issue is? just cook the meat however you want... bake it, fry it, steam it, boil it, etc...
  12. G

    Expensive Ramen

    yea, i know what he's talking about... i'm just pointing out that both are "japanese ramen".
  13. G

    Expensive Ramen

    top ramen is a japanese ramen (nissin). the differentiating factor is just quality, not whether it's from japan or not.
  14. G

    Arabic or Latin?

    doesn't really matter
  15. G

    Can code enforcers arrest people?

    i had no idea it was against the law to not mow your lawn in some places... bizarre