Recent content by GG-Netscape

  1. GG-Netscape

    #Gamergate, the war on nerds, and the corruption of the left and the free press

    I've hosted plenty of GamerGate meetups in Saint Louis before and can confirm we've got some killer ladies in the Saint Louis area. If you think you are fighting for women by assuming that all women must automatically agree with you, then you're the sexist.
  2. GG-Netscape

    #Gamergate, the war on nerds, and the corruption of the left and the free press

    Hey everyone, I'll be hosting a GamerGate meetup in Saint Louis on Monday, August 28th to celebrate the third anniversary of GamerGate. The meetup will begin at Fuddruckers in Sunset Hills, MO around 1PM, where we can have lunch and a couple drinks. After lunch we'll be heading right down the...
  3. GG-Netscape

    Alien: Covenant (Prometheus sequel)

    Very disappointing film, the plot twists and surprises were pretty transparent and the characters made dumb choices (i.e. Captain Chris).
  4. GG-Netscape

    #Gamergate, the war on nerds, and the corruption of the left and the free press

    Snopes has published a very inaccurate article trying to link GamerGate to the sexist /r/TheRedPill subreddit and claiming that GamerGate is a sexist harassment campaign. The guy who wrote the article seems to be a huge Feminist Frequency fan and is blocking anyone who asks him about it, so I...
  5. GG-Netscape

    #Gamergate, the war on nerds, and the corruption of the left and the free press

    What are you talking about? GamerGate pretty much won. The SJWs lost their stranglehold over gaming and pretty much any momentum they may have once had. And hell, on the ethics front we've uncovered countless ethical violations, forced companies to create ethics policies, convinced advertisers...
  6. GG-Netscape

    #Gamergate, the war on nerds, and the corruption of the left and the free press

    Veteran game dev Troy Leavitt did a pretty amazing video on GamerGate. He described GamerGate as a "revolt against identity politics," which I'd say is pretty accurate (though it's also about ethics).
  7. GG-Netscape

    It's over! 2016 Election Night Results Thread!

    It looks like Trump is winning Florida, Ohio, Virginia and others so far. To my surprise, he might actually pull this off.
  8. GG-Netscape

    #Gamergate, the war on nerds, and the corruption of the left and the free press

    Ko Takeuchi, of WarioWare and Super Smash Bros fame, has come under attack by the anti-GG/SJW crowd after drawing Vivian James. He originally self-censored in wake of the mob, but has sense reposted it, telling the social justice crowd to block him if they don't like his art...
  9. GG-Netscape

    #Gamergate, the war on nerds, and the corruption of the left and the free press

    Polygon goes full hypocrite: And Kotaku wrote another shaming piece, this time over an obscure anime:
  10. GG-Netscape

    #Gamergate, the war on nerds, and the corruption of the left and the free press

    Lynn Walsh from SPJ Airplay and SavePoint has become president of the Society of Professional Journalists for 2016-2017. Good to see an ethical journalist (with an interest in GG and games journalism) taking the helm of the SPJ.
  11. GG-Netscape

    #Gamergate, the war on nerds, and the corruption of the left and the free press

    Some big news with the Trello leaks. William Usher wrote a piece exposing how CON couldn't find any evidence that #GamerGate has ever harassed Anita Sarkeesian.
  12. GG-Netscape

    #Gamergate, the war on nerds, and the corruption of the left and the free press

    Her book deal gets shot down, yet Twitter just verified her anyone, despite her never actually creating or doing anything.
  13. GG-Netscape

    #Gamergate, the war on nerds, and the corruption of the left and the free press

    Brad Glasgow just published a pretty interesting analysis, debunking the myth that GamerGate is a "right-wing" community.
  14. GG-Netscape

    #Gamergate, the war on nerds, and the corruption of the left and the free press

    That's all anti-GamerGaters have. As it turns out, basing your entire ideology on feelings isn't healthy or productive.