ZX-6R question


May 17, 2008
This guy on Craig's is selling his 2011 zx6r for $8500. It's got low miles, and he said he dropped it while not moving and has some scratches. I have to go look at it to see how bad the "scratches" are, but what would you offer? Kbb says $7400, but I assume that's with out the warranty. Is it possible to flip this bike if I replace the fairing? I've never flipped anything before and I would hate to take a loss on this. Worst case is, well yeah I can just ride the thing all summer, but I personally am not a fan of ninja's. Just looking to make a quick buck.
Sep 7, 2009
I would not do this with the intention of actually making any money off of it. For one, it's spring, so something with a KBB of $7500 should go for $8500 with no problem. Come fall you'd be lucky to get $7k.

Second, most of the time a simple drop like that is very very minor. Certainly not enough to flip it and make $3k or anything.

Most 600 supersports have been dropped in a parking lot, it's very normal to see them with minor scratches on the fairing, bar ends, and case covers. Personally I don't care about that as much as the tank being ok


May 17, 2008
Ok thanks for the advice. I probably won't even make an offer then.

Sort of a similar topic.. I am however looking for like an 01 gsxr 600 or something similar. Taking into account the fact it is spring.. Kbb puts a bike in excellent condition at $2900.. People are selling these online for like $4k. Is that price fair? I've already owned a 600 but I want something for like $3k tops. Kind of annoying seeing people asking 33% more than kbb says.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
This guy on Craig's is selling his 2011 zx6r for $8500. It's got low miles, and he said he dropped it while not moving and has some scratches. I have to go look at it to see how bad the "scratches" are, but what would you offer? Kbb says $7400, but I assume that's with out the warranty. Is it possible to flip this bike if I replace the fairing? I've never flipped anything before and I would hate to take a loss on this. Worst case is, well yeah I can just ride the thing all summer, but I personally am not a fan of ninja's. Just looking to make a quick buck.

The plastics alone will cost you $1500 or more. $8500 seems high for a rashed used bike.
Sep 7, 2009
Ok thanks for the advice. I probably won't even make an offer then.

Sort of a similar topic.. I am however looking for like an 01 gsxr 600 or something similar. Taking into account the fact it is spring.. Kbb puts a bike in excellent condition at $2900.. People are selling these online for like $4k. Is that price fair? I've already owned a 600 but I want something for like $3k tops. Kind of annoying seeing people asking 33% more than kbb says.

In my opinion, any FI supersport, no matter the age, is a good deal at $3k IF it's in good condition. Being that it's spring you're going to have a tough time finding a 600 in good condition at that price, most are ragged out.

It's very easy to get into the trap of being set at a certain price range, and saving $1000 just to spend $1000 in tires, valve adjustment, chain/sprockets, fork oil, brakes, etc

I used to buy bikes in the fall to tinker on and ride in early spring, and sell them right as it was getting towards summer before prices drop. At one point I had 6+ motorcycles in my garage. I did it for fun/hobby, it would've been REALLY tough to actually turn a consistent profit like you're wanting to do.

Jlee's SV would've been a good bike for you. For what you want to spend, you might be better off with an SV650 versus a full out supersport.
May 13, 2009
Stay away IMO. I rebuilt a nearly totaled zx6r 2009. 2009-2011 are the exact same bike btw. Parts are high and it was borderline almost not worth the money I put into it and this is a bike I paid off cash already. $8500 is not high it's absurd.
May 13, 2009
Also the 2009 I rebuilt was rebuilt by finding good used parts off eBay, local bike salvage, etc.. If I would of bought new parts from the dealer I'd spent more in parts than the bike was worth.


May 17, 2008
^^ wow yeah that's pretty crappy. Well maybe then my best route is to wait til August or something and save up and spend the $4k on a high quality used bike.

I would really prefer a supersport tho. The SV is ok.. but.. yeah I would really like a gsxr600 or cbr600rr. I don't really like ninja's or R6..They don't have a comfortable riding position ( for me at least).
May 13, 2009
^^ wow yeah that's pretty crappy. Well maybe then my best route is to wait til August or something and save up and spend the $4k on a high quality used bike.

I would really prefer a supersport tho. The SV is ok.. but.. yeah I would really like a gsxr600 or cbr600rr. I don't really like ninja's or R6..They don't have a comfortable riding position ( for me at least).

If what you want is a ss then by all means wait until the time is right and buy a ss. If you buy a sv all you'll be able to think about is how it's not really the right bike for you and how much better it would be to be on a screaming supersport. If you're looking in the 4k range I'd recommend a 636 Ninja. They are more relaxed riding position than the newer bikes and just as much power.


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2004
In my opinion, any FI supersport, no matter the age, is a good deal at $3k IF it's in good condition.

exactly what i was going to say. ive seen cbr f4i with 20k still asking for $4500. Just from helping a couple friends show and sell their 600cc bikes. Most are newbies that should be on 250's but they will not accept anything lower then a 600 because they wanna be stunnas. Those are the guys who will pay the asking $4500.

If you were going to spend remotely close to $8k on that ninja, i would just go new at that point. A clean minty FI 600 SS the most i'm willing to pay is $5k. For 8k i would easily look at street triple, ducs and 750cc. I had a GSXR 750, 05 mint for $6500. I couldn't pull the trigger.

I was in the market for one early this month, i ended up with a FI SV650 MINT. I'm more then happy with it as a commuter. I haven't had it on 50+ highway miles yet.
Sep 7, 2009
^^ wow yeah that's pretty crappy. Well maybe then my best route is to wait til August or something and save up and spend the $4k on a high quality used bike.

I would really prefer a supersport tho. The SV is ok.. but.. yeah I would really like a gsxr600 or cbr600rr. I don't really like ninja's or R6..They don't have a comfortable riding position ( for me at least).

What's your riding history?

As far as comfortable riding position............. None of these are distinctly 'more comfortable' than the others. The most comfortable 600 SS is definitely going to be an f4i. In my opinion the ~05 ninja 636 is also very comfortable. Tje gsxr is imo consistently the worst of the bunch for daily riding


May 17, 2008
What's your riding history?

As far as comfortable riding position............. None of these are distinctly 'more comfortable' than the others. The most comfortable 600 SS is definitely going to be an f4i. In my opinion the ~05 ninja 636 is also very comfortable. Tje gsxr is imo consistently the worst of the bunch for daily riding

My history..I first bought a '82 GS650 and rode that for a whole season. Sold it for some much needed cash, but I really love riding. My buddy got a used 2000 or 2001 929rr and I would like to go riding w/ him. I am just fine w 600cc, I don't need anything crazy like him.

I have sat on most of the SS bikes, but not all. I have sat on all the 600s ( except the 636) and the most comfortable position for me, was the gixxer or the cbr. The kawi felt like it put a decent amount of pressure of my wrists and the r6 seat height made it feel like I was almost tippy toed. I get your point, that none of them are really "comfortable" but it seemed like those two fit my body the best. I am not really a fanboi of any brand, so I will sit on whatever feels the best, regardless of brand. I do think that the older suzuki's and honda's do look the best, too.. but this bike I only plan to keep for a year or two, then upgrade to a newer ss..I really like the gixx 750 so I might check that out.
Sep 7, 2009
My history..I first bought a '82 GS650 and rode that for a whole season. Sold it for some much needed cash, but I really love riding. My buddy got a used 2000 or 2001 929rr and I would like to go riding w/ him. I am just fine w 600cc, I don't need anything crazy like him.

I have sat on most of the SS bikes, but not all. I have sat on all the 600s ( except the 636) and the most comfortable position for me, was the gixxer or the cbr. The kawi felt like it put a decent amount of pressure of my wrists and the r6 seat height made it feel like I was almost tippy toed. I get your point, that none of them are really "comfortable" but it seemed like those two fit my body the best. I am not really a fanboi of any brand, so I will sit on whatever feels the best, regardless of brand. I do think that the older suzuki's and honda's do look the best, too.. but this bike I only plan to keep for a year or two, then upgrade to a newer ss..I really like the gixx 750 so I might check that out.

If you're truly only planning on keeping this for a year or two and then upgrading then I would definitely get an SV considering that you're trying to keep this close to $3k.

BTW.. oilfieldtrash is our resident "Go supersport as first bike or go home" poster... Not saying to ignore him, but take his posts with a grain of salt (as you should with anyone saying anything motorcycle related)
Sep 7, 2009
If what you want is a ss then by all means wait until the time is right and buy a ss. If you buy a sv all you'll be able to think about is how it's not really the right bike for you and how much better it would be to be on a screaming supersport. If you're looking in the 4k range I'd recommend a 636 Ninja. They are more relaxed riding position than the newer bikes and just as much power.

OFT this is BS. We've hashed this out too many times to count, but it's ridiculous of you to completely discount a bike that has such a strong following. Many people are completely happy with SVs. I've owned liter supersports and still took the SV to the mountains and had a blast.

Just because YOU feel insecure about being on an SV doesn't mean everyone else does.
May 13, 2009
lol! Resident go supersport or go home guy.

FYI I don't even have a bike since I sold my ninja last year. If he wants a SV then more power to him. Just from my personal experience I wanted a SS when I was like 22. Couldn't afford the insurance so I bought a power cruiser. It was a nice bike but it never satisfied the need for a SS. I ended up getting rid of it and got a SS anyways when I could buy it cash.
I have no problem with SV type bikes. My little brother has a '11 fz6 and I rode it and liked it. I'm just saying if you want a SS get a SS.
Sep 7, 2009
lol! Resident go supersport or go home guy.

FYI I don't even have a bike since I sold my ninja last year. If he wants a SV then more power to him. Just from my personal experience I wanted a SS when I was like 22. Couldn't afford the insurance so I bought a power cruiser. It was a nice bike but it never satisfied the need for a SS. I ended up getting rid of it and got a SS anyways when I could buy it cash.
I have no problem with SV type bikes. My little brother has a '11 fz6 and I rode it and liked it. I'm just saying if you want a SS get a SS.

There's a huge difference between a 'power cruiser' and an SV. Your personal experience is based on you making a bad call when deciding what bike to purchase and then regretting it. Maybe if you had bought an SV rather than a 'power cruiser' then you would have a different opinion on the subject.

And the current FZ6 is basically a de-tuned last generation R6. So your little bros fz6 is basically a supersport anyway.

Saying "if you like a SS then get a SS" is literally a life risking decision. It's far more than something you can spray all over the forum and then walk away wiping your hands clean.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
^^ wow yeah that's pretty crappy. Well maybe then my best route is to wait til August or something and save up and spend the $4k on a high quality used bike.

I would really prefer a supersport tho. The SV is ok.. but.. yeah I would really like a gsxr600 or cbr600rr. I don't really like ninja's or R6..They don't have a comfortable riding position ( for me at least).

I'm curious what you think is just ok about the SV? Have you ridden one? It is lightweight, has an excellent chassis, good power, and decent brakes. A couple minor upgrades and it is a great canyon carver and track day toy.

Much more forgiving than a supersport and cheaper too. In the $4k price range I can't think of a better bike.
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May 17, 2008
I'm curious what you think is just ok about the SV? Have you ridden one? It is lightweight, has an excellent chassis, good power, and decent brakes. A couple minor upgrades and it is a great canyon carver and track day toy.

Much more forgiving than a supersport and cheaper too. In the $4k price range I can't think of a better bike.

Yeah I mean, there'es nothing wrong with it. I think maybe it's just some small style issues? For whatever reason it bugs me when you can see the entire 360 degree view of the front tire. It almost makes it look liek the bike ends too soon or something..I don't know if I am wording that correctly or if you could understand what I mean. Also, what size tires some stock on the SV? For what ever reason, and I don't know if I am a minority in saying this, but I do enjoy the look of a 180/190 rear tire on a sport bike. Seemed like the few SV's I have seen had maybe.. 150s? Hard to tell. But I do like the bike overall, and I like how it sounds. I would def mod a few things though. If the time comes and I end up getting one, I will ask for your advice. If I am going to spend $4k though.. I want it to be $4k I don't regret so.. I would obv check it out. It seems like some folks on here think if you buy an ss, it automatically means you will crash, or do crazy shit on it, just because they have a ton of power. I don't personally ever plan on doing that type of crazy crap on my bike, and I really don't feel bad for people who get fucked up when they do.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Yeah I mean, there'es nothing wrong with it. I think maybe it's just some small style issues? For whatever reason it bugs me when you can see the entire 360 degree view of the front tire. It almost makes it look liek the bike ends too soon or something..I don't know if I am wording that correctly or if you could understand what I mean. Also, what size tires some stock on the SV? For what ever reason, and I don't know if I am a minority in saying this, but I do enjoy the look of a 180/190 rear tire on a sport bike. Seemed like the few SV's I have seen had maybe.. 150s? Hard to tell. But I do like the bike overall, and I like how it sounds. I would def mod a few things though. If the time comes and I end up getting one, I will ask for your advice. If I am going to spend $4k though.. I want it to be $4k I don't regret so.. I would obv check it out. It seems like some folks on here think if you buy an ss, it automatically means you will crash, or do crazy shit on it, just because they have a ton of power. I don't personally ever plan on doing that type of crazy crap on my bike, and I really don't feel bad for people who get fucked up when they do.

From a riding perspective I don't think you'd regret it, I never did. Buy it, ride it around for a year or so and sell it for what you paid for it.

Rear tire is a 160 on the SV. For the record, a 600cc supersport makes about 100-110hp, the SV650 makes about 75hp but the same torque.

I've ridden a GSX-R600 and it is definitely more powerful but you have to get it up over 8,000rpms to really start getting into the powerband. The SV starts getting into the powerband at around 5,500rpms so it is a little more sane around town. I felt folded up like a pretzel on the GSX-R though and I'm 5'11". It is a fun bike to ride for sure but I don't think I could live with it on a daily basis. I bought my SV650 brand new in 2008 for $6500 OTD and sold it almost 3 and half years and 17,000 miles later for just under $4,000 and I never got sick of it. I just wanted a Ducati so I bought the Monster 1100 EVO I have now. :wub:


May 17, 2008
Yeah I mean you are obviously a bit biased toward the SV bc you owned it, rode it and loved it for over three years. OFT is biased to ss bikes bc he got something different, didn't like it then got an ss an enjoyed it much more. My last bike had 74 hp n that was fine but it was never for the highway really. I know you'd argue an ss couldn't be a daily commuter but most of my weekly miles are highway miles to n from work. That extra hp might be nicer on the highway. Either way I will def look into the SV. Side note... I found a 636 locally going for 5k when kbb says its worth 4k. Damn spring mark ups. I like the look and style of the bike, I love to sit on one.
Sep 7, 2009
Yeah I mean you are obviously a bit biased toward the SV bc you owned it, rode it and loved it for over three years. OFT is biased to ss bikes bc he got something different, didn't like it then got an ss an enjoyed it much more. My last bike had 74 hp n that was fine but it was never for the highway really. I know you'd argue an ss couldn't be a daily commuter but most of my weekly miles are highway miles to n from work. That extra hp might be nicer on the highway. Either way I will def look into the SV. Side note... I found a 636 locally going for 5k when kbb says its worth 4k. Damn spring mark ups. I like the look and style of the bike, I love to sit on one.

FWIW I commuted and toured on an 05 636, 1098, TL1000, among many many others.

For highway cruising I overall prefer a liter supersport. But I still would recommend an SV in your situation - never owned a sporty-type motorcycle, and only have $4k to spend, is going to make it a little tough to find a NICE supersport at the beginning of spring.

With the 636.. Make sure it's the underseat exhaust later version. It's much much more comfy than the side exhaust earlier model.

To me, I view the SV as an easy jump to a liter bike. I overall prefer 1000cc on the highway, and nowadays they're just as small as a 600. Most people I know who 'started' on a 600 end up wrecking it and deciding "motorcycling is too dangerous" when really it was their own idiocy.
Sep 7, 2009
Yeah I mean, there'es nothing wrong with it. I think maybe it's just some small style issues? For whatever reason it bugs me when you can see the entire 360 degree view of the front tire. It almost makes it look liek the bike ends too soon or something..I don't know if I am wording that correctly or if you could understand what I mean. Also, what size tires some stock on the SV? For what ever reason, and I don't know if I am a minority in saying this, but I do enjoy the look of a 180/190 rear tire on a sport bike. Seemed like the few SV's I have seen had maybe.. 150s? Hard to tell. But I do like the bike overall, and I like how it sounds. I would def mod a few things though. If the time comes and I end up getting one, I will ask for your advice. If I am going to spend $4k though.. I want it to be $4k I don't regret so.. I would obv check it out. It seems like some folks on here think if you buy an ss, it automatically means you will crash, or do crazy shit on it, just because they have a ton of power. I don't personally ever plan on doing that type of crazy crap on my bike, and I really don't feel bad for people who get fucked up when they do.

I agree with you, the space behind the rear wheel does look weird. I left my sv650 without it, but I added a front fender thing to my TL1000 which made it look a lot better..


May 17, 2008
^^^well I am willing to wait until August once prices drop. The only thing the SV doesn't do for me is basically just aesthetics. I k ow its going to be fun and suit me fine. I'd prib want to get fairings and maybe delete the sissy bar.. Not big deals really. I do like the 636 as I favor undertails over side body exhausts. When these ppl crash is it bc they were going too fast into a corner and dumped? Wheelies? Riding at night? Not sure the torque of my old 650 but it did have the same hp level as the sv650 and I never felt like whoa this thing is too powerful.
Sep 7, 2009
^^^well I am willing to wait until August once prices drop. The only thing the SV doesn't do for me is basically just aesthetics. I k ow its going to be fun and suit me fine. I'd prib want to get fairings and maybe delete the sissy bar.. Not big deals really. I do like the 636 as I favor undertails over side body exhausts. When these ppl crash is it bc they were going too fast into a corner and dumped? Wheelies? Riding at night? Not sure the torque of my old 650 but it did have the same hp level as the sv650 and I never felt like whoa this thing is too powerful.

Basically in many ways a 600 is tougher to learn on than a 1000. I'm definitely NOT staying to start out on a literbike, but bear with me for a second..

Think about the power delivery of a 600.. power is fairly low at 4000, 5000, 6000 rpm and then BAM around 8000 rpm power jumps by something like 2x. You go from 50-60hp up to full 120hp in a split second. It actually takes some decent throttle control to 'ride that line' between going apeshit crazy wiping the rear wheel out and not enough power to settle the rear through a turn. On top of that, because you're riding at 8k rpm to get that sweet 100hp, if you let off the throttle you get snap oversteer = highside. On a 1000 or SV you'd be at 4-5000 rpm, enough to not have to worry *as much* about this.

Compare this to a 1000, SV650, GS500 where the power delivery is much more predictable.. IE you turn the throttle 10% and get 10% more power. With a 600 supersport the 10% throttle between about 7k and 8k rpm is often over twice the power.

Most of the 600 accidents I've seen were up in the mountains, riding above their head/level, trying to follow someone else. Usually people with 2-6 months riding experience who were pretty confident.

Riding over your skill limits is VERY hard to not do when you're on a machine where you can't even push it 75% of its limit. In other words, it's sooooo easy to go fast and follow someone, and it doesn't feel like you're over your head, and all the sudden you're in a ditch. When I frequented my local bike forums I would guess 50% of the people who 'started' on a 600 (put in quotes because dirtbike, cruiser experience pretty much does not count) ended up wrecking it. A lot of the drops are low speeds in parking lots as well.. Supersports are very top heavy.

Compare to the people who start out on SV, GS500, ninja 500 and I'd say 95%++ of those are still riding.

In my opinion... If you took someone with your experience, IE some dirtbike or cruiser knowledge, where you know the clutch and basics... Take two of you, put one on a SV, the other on a supersport 600, give them 6 months then put BOTH on a supersport and the SV guy will ride circles around the 600 rider.

But mainly, since you're planning on selling it in 6 months, you really don't have enough time to get comfortable on a 600SS.

Edit: somehow mixed up over/understeer
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May 17, 2008
So are u suggesting I get an SV for this yr and maybe sell it next summer and buy a liter?? I mean that sounds cool and all but liters r sort of expensive.. You do have a good point tho about the power band thing. I never thought of it that way before. Is that for all 600s? Or are some pronounced in the high end like that?

Edit: so I watched some vids of sv650s with a fairing kit, undertails and an M4 and it was pretty sick. Find this in black with the white rear light covers and I could be sold.

Edit 2: found an sv650 with 5k on it for 2900 about 60 miles from me. No fairings on it though. Kbb says its worth 2300 with fairings... Think I could get it for like 2300 or 2400?

Ugh wait it's a street fighter look.. Got no wind screen and just that single head light on the front. Not really into that...
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