Your opinion on the best Free-to-Play games available?


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2001
I find myself playing FTP games a lot more than games that I've purchased. Prime examples would be WoT and WoW. Steam currently has other FTP games that I've not yet had time to try like Heroes and Generals. I rarely spend much (?) on these games as I enjoy the effort to improve my tank/ship, etc. over time. For me it is not the destination but the journey.

So what do you say ... any other FTPs out there that I/we should be trying?

Thank you ...


Jan 8, 2010
Eve Online is apparently going FTP

League of Legends is great fun and you don't need to spend any money

There are tons really..just depends on wha tyou like. Since you played World of Tanks, did you check out World of Ships? I played that for awhile and it is fun.


Sep 5, 2000
Dirty bomb is the best fast paced fps game going right now. Gunplay is amazing. Classes are balanced. Levels are sweet. I've been playing fps since doom 1 and it is the shit. Bring your A game though.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
Surprised nobody mentioned Team Fortress 2. Path of Exile has been mentioned and is pretty good. Planetside 2 is another good shooter if you love massive battles.

Honestly just check out the Free tab in Steam and see for yourself. There's plenty to choose from out there.


May 1, 2006
World ofTanks, Rift, and Spellweaver (see referral code in that sticky thread for 72 free cards). All excellent.


Junior Member
Oct 8, 2016
There are tons of decent free-to-play online games nowadays, it just depends how much P2W you're able to tolerate before rage quitting. ;) League of Legends is very good imo, doesn't offer much gameplay advantages to paying players so it's fine. EVE Online has a F2P option now I think. ArcheAge & Rift would be some decent MMO options too I guess.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I wouldn't have recommended it maybe a year+ ago... but now Warframe is pretty darn good for a F2P game. I've read good things about Paladins (never played it myself, but it looks like it's exactly in the same veins as Overwatch). I'd also recommend Heroes of the Storm if you're into the MOBA genre. And like it has been said above, Team Fortress 2 is still very fun to this day. I'd also add the still under-development and new Unreal Tournament (don't know when that one will be released, but it's receiving updates on a regular basis) which at least for now can be played for free (and should still be free from what I know at and after release).

There's more of course. I'd check on Google, or at least check out the F2P section on Steam.

Marcus Tonollo

Junior Member
Dec 4, 2016
my favourite freeware game is "world of padman". it's like quake 3 arena, but: all the shiny colours, no eyecandy, fast enough...and for children. based on quake 3 engine.


Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2011
Warframe looks interesting for reading up on it,before i dive in.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2010
Is that still happening? It was struggling for players a few years back.

Yep. They are plagued by an underlying purpose to the game being larger-scale territory control/capturing bases and moving forward, but the developers at the same time making the game attractive to those who are accustomed to playing Battlefield/CoD etc that just focus on having the most kills at the end of the 30 minute round. Which means, for example, that they do things to make it tougher to destroy enemy mobile spawn points, so that there can be "stable fights" that last a while. While that sounds good for people who want 30 minutes of kills, it makes it tougher on players trying to defend a base and has overarching effects on the territory control game. Don't get me wrong; a lot of the stuff they do to make it more like Battlefield is good. Some of it does detract from territory control though.

Honestly, if this is how a game that starts out planning it for larger-scale territory control, compromises to make it attractive to round-based kill/death ratio focus players of other games, I'd like to see how a round-based game developer would do a territory control game. Unfortunately, last I heard, DICE said they had no interest in MMOFPS, that was 3-4 years ago, who knows if it will remain that way. And I can't think of any reason CoD's dev teams would care for this.

No idea if they are overall struggling for players though; the server I play on has plenty.


Golden Member
May 28, 2016
Two FTP games on PC I play are LOL & War Thunder. Both are much more fun in co-op or with a group.
Feb 4, 2009
Is that still happening? It was struggling for players a few years back.

I tried it out recently and there weren't many players however the instant action button and control points made it bearable but running point to point the game felt pretty empty.


Golden Member
Apr 8, 2008
Hex TCG is dropping the second part of their PvE campaign tomorrow. It's all free to play but you're going to want to spend some money on cards. It plays a lot like Magic The Gathering.

Then Path of Exile is the best (and most expensive) free game I've ever played. You can access the whole game for free. But you're going to want to purchase some stash tabs, and stuff to make your characters or skills look better costs too.


Golden Member
Jun 7, 2001
IMO Path of Exile is one of the best games ever made....and it's free. Like someone mentioned you will probably want to buy stash tabs at some point but you can play with the 4 tabs it comes with easily....for awhile anyway :) ... Until it gets it's hooks in you....


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2004
Hex TCG is dropping the second part of their PvE campaign tomorrow. It's all free to play but you're going to want to spend some money on cards. It plays a lot like Magic The Gathering.

Then Path of Exile is the best (and most expensive) free game I've ever played. You can access the whole game for free. But you're going to want to purchase some stash tabs, and stuff to make your characters or skills look better costs too.

Just to be clear there are NO ADVANTAGES to paying in this game, I have all classes in hardcore to 100 (woop tee doo, i know) but never spent a cent. I have some Cosmetic items, not because i wanted them, but i felt the Devs deserved some cash for a game I enjoy. More loot tabs is nice but not needed in any way, you have 4 to start (correct?) . I have to say its one of the BEST FTP game I know. I enjoy WOT too, and can see where you mention spending (POE) i don't need it in POE, but cant see how anybody could play WOT without it (how you feel about POE), I don't buy my upgrades, but I do play premium so the levels are not so painfully slow. But again you don't need to spend a thing to play it. I am amazed at the amount of FTP MMORPG, but to date i cant find one that doesn't feel like work after the initial 20 levels to get you hooked.
Oct 30, 2004
For FPS, Planetside 2 is amazing and the new Unreal Tournament game (in pre-alpha) looks very promising.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Rift is excellent.
Its the only free MMO thats actually fun for the basic users. You dont need to spend a dime and can have good times for years.
I been on it two years now. I dont play constantly, so I only have a single level 61 character. Am pretty sure if you choose to grind like crazy, you'll end up worn out and will probably quit in a few months.