The man is 52 years old. Just when do you expect he will grow up? According to the article, he had offensive tweets about pedophilia, rape, the Holocaust, 9/11 and AIDS, and apparently never thought there was enough wrong with them to delete any.
Well, he works at Disney now - as far as I can see, his
current behavior hasn't been juvenile. A decade ago, sure, but he works for a family-oriented company now & seems to have gotten smarter about his recent social media postings, and is also a good worker who delivers well-received films. I understand Disney's position in this, and why they felt they needed to can him, but what's the difference between him tweeting out that stuff a decade ago vs. a comedian like Dave Chappelle tweeting the same topics out? To be clear, I'm not defending the topics, it just seems hypocritical that we pick & choose
who is allowed to say what publicly. Funny people or comedians can get away with all kinds of stuff any time they want, but it's okay to dig up stuff from ten years ago & fire someone over it? That's like your boss going back to your college pictures, seeing you drunk at a party, and firing you over it. And he may be 52 years old, but I know plenty of immature people who are even older than that, haha.