YAWN - Yet another White Nationaist in the White House.


Feb 6, 2002
I believe this is the 4th person tied to White Nationalism who worked at the White House. I think that means there were more White Nationalists then black people.

For a group of people who claim they are not racist or anti-Semitic they sure associate with a lot of them

Ian Smith, a former Department of Homeland Security analyst who recently quit his job amid questions over his ties to white nationalists, attended multiple immigration policy meetings at the White House convened by President Trump’s senior adviser Stephen Miller, said government officials familiar with his work.

Mr. Smith attended several White House policy meetings during his time with the Trump administration, occasionally appearing in place of his supervisor, the DHS assistant secretary for border, immigration and trade policy, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

The White House meetings happened prior to Tuesday this week, when The Atlantic reported that leaked emails put Mr. Smith in contact with several prominent white nationalists before joining the Trump administration in 2017, including alt-right leader Richard Spencer and self-described “white advocate” Jared Taylor.
