YASECT: police brutally pummel man in synagogue

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Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2008
No, I am not joking.

He had permission to be there.

Cops were called because he was suspected to not have permission to be there. The intelligent thing to do would be to oblige the officers by not resisting, then explain the situation in a safer environment. The retarded thing to do would be to resist arrest which earns him a beating.


Dec 18, 2010
I love the cop-haters and their blindness to reality.

My brother is a deputy sheriff, and I have a bunch of buddies in law enforcement.

There are a lot of cop bullies out there. There are some good ones, but there are a lot of bad ones.

Capt Caveman

Jan 30, 2005
No, I am not joking.

In several states (I do not know about new york), it is illegal for a police officer to arrest someone unless there has been a crime committed in the precious of the officer, or the police officer has a warrant.

This prevents police from arresting people, then releasing them as a form of harassment.

If the guy was drunk, he may not have been in his right state of mind.

He had permission to be there.

Were the cops even going to listen to the guy? Or just take securities word for it?

The cops "thought" he was trespassing, but he was not.

Of course they're going to take the securities word, they have the authority. You're an idiot.


Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2006
In most states an arrest is illegal, unless a crime has been committed in the precious of the police officer, or the officer has a warrant. This is to protect the public from abusive police officers.

It appears as though a figure with the ability to act as an authority on the matter (the security guard) called about a crime being committed (Trespassing). The security guard is obviously authorized to be there by the very nature of his job and is generally recognized to have the capacity to decide if someone is Trespassing or not. The cops then witnessed the crime as described to them.


Senior member
Sep 18, 2012
No, I am not joking.

In several states (I do not know about new york), it is illegal for a police officer to arrest someone unless there has been a crime committed in the precious of the officer, or the police officer has a warrant.

This prevents police from arresting people, then releasing them as a form of harassment.

If the guy was drunk, he may not have been in his right state of mind.

He had permission to be there.

Were the cops even going to listen to the guy? Or just take securities word for it?

The cops "thought" he was trespassing, but he was not.

They would have listened once the situation was deescalated, I'm sure.

I question your knowledge on the subject based purely, obscurely, and unfairly on the fact that you hail from a state that has the death penalty for retarded people.


Dec 18, 2010
I question your knowledge on the subject based purely, obscurely, and unfairly on the fact that you hail from a state that has the death penalty for retarded people.

I question your knowledge because you're an idiot.

Cops dont care, they are there to do a job. Security called and wanted the guy removed. Cops are not going to listen to a drunk guy.

I feel bad for the guy, he had permission to be there, but yet he was punished because of someones lack of communication.


Senior member
Sep 18, 2012
I question your knowledge because you're an idiot.

Cops dont care, they are there to do a job. Security called and wanted the guy removed. Cops are not going to listen to a drunk guy.

I feel bad for the guy, he had permission to be there, but yet he was punished because of someones lack of communication.


He was punished because he jeopardized police officer's safety. And while I agree with you about there being a lot of bully cops, you still don't get physical with them.

If you are innocent, justice will favor you.


Senior member
Jul 11, 2005
I don't understand why the cop had to be such a bad ass and give him like, 10 right hooks to the face.

Just use pepper spray, get him to the ground and cuff him. He's shirtless ffs. And it's not like the guy even put a fight up. The cop just assumed he was ready to rumble.

LOL watching the rest of the video I realize how incompetent the cops are. Two of them can't control/cuff a skinny white dude? Extra LOL when the cops all run over to "get in on the action."
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Jul 4, 2000
the real stupidity here is that all this could've been avoided if ppl just thought first before acting


Jan 12, 2005
Gotta love this forum.

Don't take my guns, I'll use them to put the government in order if they get too repressive.

You must do exactly what the police tell you, if you're at all unhelpful they should be allowed to beat you to a pulp.


Nov 18, 2007
I guess he figured if it was too hard for them to cuff him the cops would get tried and leave. What are the possible outcomes when you resist arrest? I can say for sure, nothing that favors you. Even if you were innocent like this guy (since he had permission to be there) you can then be charged with assault on the officer.


Oct 27, 2006
Gotta love this forum.

Don't take my guns, I'll use them to put the government in order if they get too repressive.

You must do exactly what the police tell you, if you're at all unhelpful they should be allowed to beat you to a pulp.



Dec 18, 2010
You must do exactly what the police tell you, if you're at all unhelpful they should be allowed to beat you to a pulp.

Yea, pretty much.

Vote third party, get the crap beat out of you.

Dog barks, get the crap beat out of you.

Play music too loud, go to church, get drunk, have sex anyway besides missionary,,,, and so on. It is perfectly ok for the police to kick your door in and beat the living hell out of you.


Jul 2, 2005
No, I am not joking.

In several states (I do not know about new york), it is illegal for a police officer to arrest someone unless there has been a crime committed in the precious of the officer, or the police officer has a warrant.

You smoking crack again?

Given your logic (by the way, I think you mean "presence"), an officer would not be able to arrest a bankrobber unless the guy decides to rob the bank while the cop is there :D Go ahead and give that a whirl and see how it works out for you.

If an officer gives a lawful command, you follow it. Issues/concerns are handled afterwards. If you fight, you will get hurt and subsequently likely get a slew of additional charges.

He had permission to be there.

How exactly are the officers supposed to know that?

Were the cops even going to listen to the guy? Or just take securities word for it?

Yes, they would take the word of the security officer for it, as well they should.


Dec 18, 2010
If an officer gives a lawful command, you follow it.

This is not nazi germany

Kinda like the video of the guy in new orleans that refused to hand over his rifle afer hurricane katrina. Cop said he would be forced to take the firearm, the homeowner said something like try it.


Aug 4, 2007
^ uh, they could have just ASKED him what was he doing there? i hope this guy sues and wins big


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2005
SE, you have a hard-on for police brutality. Imagine our nation and it's overwhelming population of scumbags without police who are willing to whoop that ass. Or no cops at all.

It is one of the most thankless jobs in our society yet, without it, we would all be robbed, shot, stabbed, carjacked, or otherwise maimed at a much greater rate and yet you still bitch and complain...

I for one support police who will F*** you up if you step out of line.

No cops at all, thanks. Pussy.


Dec 28, 2003
so what's issue here? From what I saw in the video, the guy forcefully resisted.

If you don't want to get jacked up by police officers, don't resist. Fight your battle in court if you don't feel in the wrong.

Good job to those officers.


Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004
The poor guy sealed his own doom. He acted like an ass by waving his hands in the cops face and probably yelling at him. He was obviously a little upset for being woken up and then made maters worse by resisting detainment. If he had been acting calm the cops might not have felt it was necessary to cuff him while they figured out what was going on.

Whoever gave him permission to be there should have informed the security guard, who's job it is to secure the building.

I've witnessed hundreds of people getting cuffed by law enforcement. They do it for a number of reasons, but basically it's to detain the individual until they can figure out what happened. They don't legally need to prove shit at that time. No crime needs to proven before they can cuff you, and no law is violated if they cuff you and it turns out they made a mistake. They just release you with with an apology. Unless you can prove the detainment was done with malice or to harass you then no crime was committed.

There is NEVER an instance in the US when the suspect being place in custody has ANY legal right to negotiate with law enforcement, or have it explained to him why he is being placed in custody. In the US, your legal obligation is to comply, let yourself be cuffed and, if applicable, dispute the action later in court after the immediate situation has been resolved.

I'm not a big fan of what happened on this tape. I'm sure the cops could have handled it a bit more delicately, as I'm sure if the guy had been calmer it might have ended without the fighting.

But the cop haters in this thread are living in their own world if they think US law enforcement doesn't have the legal right to detain people in cuffs while an investigation is conducted.