Yale art student's senior project


Jul 29, 2001
I searched. I didn't search hard, so if it's a dupe, whatever. I'm lazy.

Oh, and I figure this probably goes in here rather than OT.


A Yale student who claims she artificially inseminated herself "as often as possible" and then took drugs to induce miscarriages for her senior art project says she will showcase the stomach-turning display next week ? complete with her own blood samples and videos from the terminated possible pregnancies.

The story of art major Aliza Shvarts' upcoming exhibit, which the Yale Daily News broke Thursday, has sparked widespread disgust and outrage.

"It?s clearly depraved. I think the poor woman has got some major mental problems," said National Right to Life Committee President Wanda Franz. "She?s a serial killer. This is just a horrible thought."

Critics on campus have said the display sounds like a shock-and-awe look at the highly sensitive issue of abortion and called it a sick stunt to get attention.

But Shvarts said the goal of the project is to encourage debate and discussion about the connection between art and the human body.

"I hope it inspires some sort of discourse," Shvarts, whose age was withheld, told Yale's newspaper. "Sure, some people will be upset with the message and will not agree with it, but it's not the intention of the piece to scandalize anyone."

Shvarts' campus phone has been disconnected, and she did not respond to e-mailed requests for an interview. Yale University and the abortion-rights group NARAL Pro-Choice America also did not return calls seeking comment.

Shvarts told the school paper that her sperm donors, whom she declined to identify, were not paid for their participation, but added that she did require them to be screened for STDs.

The drugs she took to induce contractions and miscarriages were legal and herbal in nature, according to Shvarts ? who didn't specify what they were. The art major insisted that she wasn't concerned about the effects of her research on her own body.

But ob-gyn Dr. Manuel Alvarez, FOXNews.com's health managing editor, said the young woman should have been worried because what she was doing was extremely unsafe.

"It?s quite dangerous," said Alvarez. "She was playing Russian roulette with her life, if she indeed did this to these unborn children for the sake of art. I don?t even have the words to express the disbelief that I have."

Alvarez said herbal remedies to trigger uterine contractions have long been used in countries where abortions are illegal ? including certain raspberry teas and strong cinnamon teas ? but they are far from consistently effective, and they tend to be risky.

"They interfere with pregnancy and are either toxic to the fetus or cause contractions," he explained. "The reason they are effective is that they create side effects, but none of them are 100 percent prescriptive to be abortive."

Shvarts wouldn't say how many times she was artificially inseminated and actually got pregnant for the project ? which she described to the Yale paper as a huge cube hanging from the ceiling and swathed in plastic sheeting smeared with her blood from the reported miscarriages. The existence and number of pregnancies Shvarts may have had weren't independently confirmed.

Videos taken of what the college student says were self-induced abortions in her bathtub will be projected both on the cube's sides and on the gallery walls.

The exhibit will be on public display from April 22 to May 1 at Yale's Holcombe T. Green Jr. Hall. Shvarts will be honored at a reception April 25.

Franz likened Shvarts' process of artificial insemination and induced miscarriages to the human experimentation that took place during the Holocaust. She said the Yale senior's work highlights a stark truth about American society's approach to abortion.

"She really has hit on a reality that what she has done is legal," said Franz. "Anything she chooses to do here can?t be stopped in terms of legality. And there are people fighting for her right to do this."

Alvarez believes such an endeavor in the name of art is offensive, harmful and insensitive, especially to women who face difficult choices about pregnancy or who aren't able to conceive.

"Anybody who trivializes a woman?s choice to terminate a pregnancy is really not contributing anything positive to these matters," he said. "I don?t see anything artistic about this. ... It?s completely unethical and immoral. What have we accomplished? Absolutely nothing."

girl artificially inseminates herself
girl does home-brew herbal abortion
girl films/photographs procedure and results
girl repeats several times
girl makes "art"


Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Corbett
That is the sickest thing I have ever read!

Yeah I know. I normally don't get bothered by much. I mean, I KNOW some things are bad, but I don't really FEEL bothered by them.

This however is [S.L. Jackson]some fucked up repugnant shit.[/S.L. Jackson]


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
How can Yale sanction this "art" by hosting such exhibition is beyond belief.


Feb 7, 2005
well that's pretty fuckin disgusting. scuse my abortion. i mean language.

ya, i don't think any pro-choice organizations are going to come out and complement her choice of colors either. im a little nauseus right now actually.


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
I could really give a shit less. If she gets a her jollys off of it so be it...

I guess I won't be going to the art show any time soon. Tho as they say anything for buck...

Feb 24, 2001
Not quite one-upping the abortion art, but here's some live fecal art

Public Enema No. 2
Bondage, fellatio, feces-swapping, and intimate cleansing at the S.F. Art Institute
By Matt Smith
Published: February 23, 2000

Jonathan Yegge, a 24-year-old scholar at the San Francisco Art Institute, is angry, anxious, resentful.

Yegge's plight, his mood, and his outlook are a small -- no, minuscule -- portion of the aftermath of a performance art piece he crafted three weeks ago for an art class in the school's New Genres department, led by sometimes-controversial professor Tony Labat.

Yegge asked for a volunteer from the class, got one, then took the young man aside into an empty room. Yegge handed the soon-to-be subject of his artwork a makeshift contract stating that the volunteer was agreeing to participate in a performance piece containing acts "including and up to a sexual or violent nature." The volunteer signed the contract.

Yegge led the volunteer out into a campus public area, in front of Labat's class and anyone else who happened by, and then ... well, maybe it's best to let Yegge explain.

"He was tied up. He had a blindfold and a gag, but he could see and talk through it. He had freedom of movement of his pelvis," Yegge says, by way of defending his piece. "I engaged in oral sex with him and he engaged in oral sex with me. I had given him an enema, and I had taken a shit and stuffed it in his ass. That goes on, he shits all over me, I shit in him. There was a security guard present. There was an instructor from the school present. It was videoed, and the piece was over."...


I guess it's called Shart?


Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2006
It's a bit far stretched but I applaud her for her resolution.
I mean having many multiple miscarriages and knowing how people would react... Not exactly someone without any thought does.
The simple fact is that it does provoke discussion, which maybe mostly criticism, but I seriously disagree with the fact that she is trivializing abortion.

Also, it may turn more people into controlling abortion than the pro-choice advocates. Their argument relies on the normalization of abortion as part of society.

Still, it's hard to judge her motives. If she simply wanted to spark discussion she got it. If she wanted to support pro-choice then it is a failure. If it is an anti-abortion piece of work she will have to contend with her own self, so I doubt that's the case.

btw it comes from foxnews. I distrust them greatly, I mean they bias it by ending with people criticizing her work and someone arguing that such actions are what pro-choice people are creating.

Anyway I still believe people can do whatever they want. Not my problem nor my issue. The whole future generation could be aborted, it makes no big difference to me in terms of mental anguish. Economically, that's another issue.


Mar 27, 2008
Good for her.

I literally LOLed when I saw that part where the lady said she's a serial killer. Get real you anti-abortion nuts.


Senior member
May 21, 2006
I find it somewhat humorous, at least as far as the responses. People are so predictable.

I like how the Fox guy refers to them as "children". Yay, go for that ridiculous pathos spin.

Still, that said, I don't see any artistic merit either. And regardless of technicalities on what may or may not be a human being, I would say there is probably some mental issue at work, though probably not severe.


Moderator<br>Digital & Video Cameras
Jan 2, 2006
Wow. Art. Yeah. I think we've become too accepting of what constitutes "art" nowadays?


Dec 31, 2005
Originally posted by: fuzzybabybunny
Wow. Art. Yeah. I think we've become too accepting of what constitutes "art" nowadays?

What would you constitute as art? I've always seen modern art/shock value art as just that, something to generate conversation. That is truly its only artistic value, which this piece succeeds in doing.


Senior member
May 21, 2006
Originally posted by: fuzzybabybunny
Wow. Art. Yeah. I think we've become too accepting of what constitutes "art" nowadays?
Sometimes the point of art is to push our boundaries. If we only did art which fit within our little box, it would be useless.

I'm still not really sure I agree with the student's idea. I am not going to say it is horrible though.


Mar 5, 2001
Originally posted by: mitchel
Good for her.

I literally LOLed when I saw that part where the lady said she's a serial killer. Get real you anti-abortion nuts.

I am far from an anti-abortion nut, I am completely pro-choice.

However, I think this is really fricking disgusting.

My wife had an ectopic pregnancy 3 months ago, lost the child and a tube after an emergency surgery where she almost bled to death. She has been very hurt the last 3 months and wants nothing but a baby at this point.

People really take advantage of their ability to conceive. This is the first person I have truly wished could never conceive again.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: fuzzybabybunny
Wow. Art. Yeah. I think we've become too accepting of what constitutes "art" nowadays?

"We" have NEVER been very accepting of what constitutes art -- nowadays, then, ever.

For the record, regale us with your definition "art".

And btw, what this woman did disgusts me, but I support her right to do it.



Platinum Member
Jun 24, 2001
The only reasonable response to this is:

I'm Pro-Life and this b!tch is sick!
I'm Pro-Choice and this b!tch is sick!

Welcome to post-feminist moral relativism!


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Guys, it was a hoax. Probably a good part of what she was trying to do was get reactions just like this out of you guys.


Golden Member
Nov 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Enig101
I like how the Fox guy refers to them as "children". Yay, go for that ridiculous pathos spin.

For thousands of years, slaves were considered property and 100% not human. Just because the law is on your side does not make it truth.


Jul 28, 2006
Since she goes to a liberal college I bet she had no idea the shit storm she was going to create the second her little story hit the press.

I am sure she thought this was a great way to get people talking about abortion rights and the like. Obviously she didn't realize how important this issue is to some people.