XP1600+ cpu temp idle @ 56C ?!?


Senior member
Nov 15, 2001
I just installed my XP1600+ today. However, the CPU is @56C idle (w/o any overclocking), and right now, i am going WTF ?!?
I have a Thermaltake Volcano 7 mounted on top of the cpu and i double checked to make sure that it is mounted correctly.

The only reason that i think of as to why the temp is so high is b'c of the thermal grease that i used was a generic brand i bought from Comp USA.

Any other ideas as to why the CPU temp is so high?



Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
What motherboard ? Does it support XP's ? What is the vcore voltage ? Is the case cover on/off and what is the case temp, if the cover is on ? Unless you put too much thermal paste on (and maybe not even then), the only reason I can think of for this, is bad case ventilation with the case cover on, or high vcore voltage. The proper mounting is essential, and I will have to assume you know what you are doing there, but if there is any chance that is wrong or even imperfect, it could explain the problem.

Anybody else ??


Senior member
Nov 15, 2001
Here is my current config:

Gigabyte 7VXR
Samsung 512mb PC2700 Ram
Thermaltake Volcano 7
Vcore & 1.75 volt
Case temp at 38C idle

I did stained a couple spots on the CPU near the die with thermal grease; however, i did clean them off with cloth.

I doubled checked to make sure that the heatsink was properly mounted.
I have no idea what's wrong :(



Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
I don't have my conversion rule with me here at work, but I think the 38C is way high, and would explain the 56C which is only a little high. My XP2000 runs at 51C idle and 55C full load, but that is with the retail HSF. However, the case cover is off. When I put the cover on, it goes over 60 at full load, and I don't like that, even though thats in spec. This is using the internal diode I think, since that came from an A7V333 ASUS that has the internal reader, and it is using their software. I do know that you case temp should NOT be more than 10F degrees more than the room temp (7C??), and I think 38C is high. Try with the cover off, wait 20 minutes, and report back with case and CPU temps.


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2001
38C is right at 100F and that is pretty high for a case temp. Is your room really hot? If not you need to get some case fans to ventilate your case. 56C idle is still a bit high for idle even with 38C case temps, but nothing to throw a fit about. You might want to make sure your thermal compound installation was good and that your clip isn't backwards. The part that presses down should be right over the core.

Other than that, it might just be how your mobo reads. Stability is the final check. Power up Prime95 and see if it crashes within 24 hours. If not then your probably ok. (Still need case fans or an air conditioner...:D)

And the rule for conversion is pretty easy to remember. Fahrenheit to Celcius is (Tf - 32)*5/9 and its reverse Celcius to Fahrenheit is (Tc*9/5) + 32.


Senior member
Nov 15, 2001
Here it is the report after about 10 mins off leaving fan off:

Case temp 38 C
CPU Temp 55 C

I placed my hands over the heatsink and i can definitely feel the heat that the heatsink is taking.

Maybe tomorrow i will go and see if i can find some artic silver and see if my CPU temp can be lowered somewhat.

edit** also i found out that my intake fan had died. Time to go look around for a new one **



Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
NO, DO NOT LEAVE ANY OF THE FANS OFF, LEAVE THE CASE COVER OFF ! If it is a midtower, most of them now are set so you can just take the left side cover off. Since we don't know what kind of a case you have, since you didn't say, it is hard to be specific about what to leave off, but you want the case open to the air. Also, you didn;t day what you room temp was.


Senior member
Nov 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Markfw900
NO, DO NOT LEAVE ANY OF THE FANS OFF, LEAVE THE CASE COVER OFF ! If it is a midtower, most of them now are set so you can just take the left side cover off. Since we don't know what kind of a case you have, since you didn't say, it is hard to be specific about what to leave off, but you want the case open to the air. Also, you didn;t day what you room temp was.

I took the left side cover of the case off and let the machine sit idle for about 10mins
I did not know that my intake fan had died until i took the the side case cover off (that's why i commented on it :) )
The room temperature was ~ 78 F to 80 F

Maybe my next cool fan should just be a small, portable air condioner blowing directly at my pc with its case cover off :p



Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2001
I have pretty good ventilation in my case (had a watercooler until lately when its pump died), but at full load with the processors heat and the video cards heat the difference between ambient (room temp) and case temp (system) is about 5C (9F). At idle its usually like 2-3C (4-5F) different.

I have two exhaust (Antec 80mm - loud and I need to change them) and a Panaflo 120mm intake (loud but at a lower frequency which doesn't seem to really get on my nerves - its more like a house fan kind of sound).

If you going to want your processor to run cooler then I suggest an intake and an exhaust, so you have flow across the case. Otherwise you might end up with stagnant air right over the processor. Just a suggestion though.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2000
intake fan??!!! =- hahahahaa....

intake fans are good for making noise, not much else...

do this: use your intake fan as an exhaust fan at the rear of the case....your case temps will drop at least several degrees Celcius.
if you case cannot accomodate rear exhaust fans, then it's garbage...i'd recommend getting a new case, OR, just dremmel out a square at the back of the case and stick a fan in there anyway...

PCI slot fans are garbage too....


Moderator Emeritus, Elite Member
May 16, 2002
OK. With the side cover off, and the room at 80 (lets say), I think that the case ambient temp should show at 85, not 100 ! Are there a bunch of cables restricting air flow around the CPU ? Or around the motherboard sensor ? There is still something wrong here, but remember 56C is nothing to die over. I would have expected 31C case, and 46-49C cpu at idle. The only time you really want to worry is if the CPU goes over about 60-63C, then you are looking at some possible long term damage. It won't blow until about 70C. (lets not find out the hard way) The external diode and the internal are off a bit, about 15-20C. When I forgot to plug my fan back in(one time, hopefully never again), mine got to 78.5 before the CPU locked, and I powered down (stupid me), but it lived, after cooling down.


Senior member
Oct 10, 2001
just a thought; intake fans are not junk! Concept: Try sucking air through a 10 foot straw, and then see how much easier it is with someone blowing in the other side.... You certainly get much more cf/m of airflow, and much better flow on your pci cards, and vid card if the fan is placed right... Strangely, though, some components seem to be designed to run ONLY at warmer temps... I had a USR modem that always connected at 50,666, and as soon as I hooked up an intake fan, that thing got cold, and would connect at 28,8, or 33,6, or even lower... as soon as I disconnected the fan, it worked fine... Anyways theres my bit of junk info


Senior member
Nov 15, 2001
Thanks for all the advises.

I do have an outake fan directly behind my CPU. And a outake fan from the PSU directly above the CPU.
However, like Mark mentioned, there are indeed a bunch of cable inside the case and probably restricting the airflow inside the case.

Any suggestions as to how to manage the the cables in the case?
I have a Antec 330 PSU.



May 4, 2002

I have the same board as you and the same processor.

The diode on teh XRP is screwed up and reports a much higher temp than is real. hence, you are okay. My temps read the same and my rig is rock stable.
If you want to find out more about the diode go to forums.viaarena.com


Senior member
Nov 15, 2001
Originally posted by: KKiller

I have the same board as you and the same processor.

The diode on teh XRP is screwed up and reports a much higher temp than is real. hence, you are okay. My temps read the same and my rig is rock stable.
If you want to find out more about the diode go to forums.viaarena.com

If you don't mind, can you tell me the specs of your setup and your CPU temp?



Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2001
I will tell you right now that the slightly high temparature of yours is definitely due to your high case temparature. My room is very hot all of the time (Because of the comp and it's position to take in the high noon sun). My temps are a tad high as well, because, I too have the high ambient temp.


Junior Member
Aug 9, 2002
My Athlon xp 1800 with a Epox 8kHAL never goes over 34 C What i did was put the power supply outside the case and have a regular fan blow air into the case (over 50 C before this now 34C). As long as your cpu never goes over 60 C you should be fine.