XP + 2K Server


Jun 30, 2000
I have an XP Pro client that I use every day at home. I have a 2K server in the basement that I use to store pictures, video, music, etc. (my wife puts stuff out there too - it's pretty handy).

I'm reloading my system (clean install of XP - I do this every once in a while) and I'm not quite sure how to setup the system.

During install, XP asks for info on logins on the domain. I'm not 100% sure how to handle this. I've been bypasssing this and logging in as admin during installation. After everythings installed I log in with an account that's defined on the 2K server. Is this correct? Should I give the 2K account admin rights so I can install other drivers on my XP machine?

It seem like I have to be an admin on the XP machine to load things. Also, if I log in with the 2K account, I cant change the time on the XP box. How is Windows Update handled when I'm logged in with the 2K account?

I just bought an ATI AIW 9700 card and it seems like I have to be admin for certain things.

Can someone who as an XP box with a 2K client provide some tips on getting the most use out of the combination?


Jan 16, 2001
Not sure exactly how you're setup, but one machine runs W2KS and you mentioned the word "domain." If you're getting a popup window saying "enter the username and password of someone qualified to join this machine to the XXXX domain" that's asking you for a Domain Admin username and password.

Are you running a domain at home? If you haven't setup anything special, it should just be "administrator" and whatever password you use on the machine with Server on it.

I hope this helps. :)

AFA having the time synched from the Server out to all clients, I believe there's a script that you load on all the clients...something about "nettime" or something like that.


Jun 30, 2000
Yes, I'm running a domain. Should I just login as admin on the XP client or use one of the logins from the domain?

I guess I dont know what logins to use and when. On both the server(2k) and the client(xp) there is an admin login. There are also user logins. When do I use an admin and when do I use a user. And what about giving admin rights to a user login?

I'm pretty confused.


Jan 16, 2001
With Admin rights, you can do anything, including screw everything up. ;)

To join a machine to a Domain, you need to be a member of the Domain Administrator's group, which your Administrator login is.

On the box you want to join to the domain (the XP box) login as Admin. Then, thru My Computer/Properties, join that box to the domain. You'll need to know your Domain name. A popup window will come up asking for a Domain Admin login and password.

It will be Administrator, and whatever your password is.

Should work.


Jun 30, 2000
Thanks. I think I figured out another way. I added another login on the XP box that is the same as the login on the 2K server. This allowed me to login into the XP box authenticated on the 2K server as admin.

So now I have admin rights with the 2K server domain login on the XP box. This gives me the rights I need to add things and access to shared drives.

Is this a good way to do this?


Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: NRaygun
Thanks. I think I figured out another way. I added another login on the XP box that is the same as the login on the 2K server. This allowed me to login into the XP box authenticated on the 2K server as admin.

So now I have admin rights with the 2K server domain login on the XP box. This gives me the rights I need to add things and access to shared drives.

Is this a good way to do this?

No, you need to be logging onto your domain when you CTRL+ALT+DEL and login. Click advanced on the login prompt and make sure "logon to:" is set to your domain and not "local computer". You shouldn't have to mess with ANY local accounts because the whole purpose of having a domain is to distribute and organize logins and objects.


Jun 30, 2000
Good point.

So how do I define the account on the 2K server such that it gives me admin rights on the XP client when I login?

I already went into the Active Directory app in 2K and made the XP account a "Member of" admins. I logged off the XP box, then logged back in(figuring it would need to see the change). The resultant login on the XP client is still not admin. And I am logging into the domain - the domain drop down dialog box has the name of the domain defined on the 2K box.

BTW, what's the easiest method of finding the current access rights of a login? The only way I'm finding out is by attempting to change the system time or accessing the accounts app in control panel - it will say "you cant do this, you're not an admin". I hope there is a command line or util that will say "you are logged in as X", where X is User, Admin, etc.

So now my issue is: How do I define an account on my 2K server that gives my XP client admin rights when I log into the domain?

Sorry for such newbie questions. :)


Golden Member
May 27, 2001
I plan to set up a network similar to NRaygun's. Is there anyplace that descibes how to set up a domain in simple terms?



Jun 4, 2001
You might need to add "x\Administrator" to the local Administrators group. This is usually not a necessary step. By reading your diagnosis I am seeing that your network is not at all functioning as it should. Try reading through some of the MCSE curriculum before you start messing with Windows domains. It's more complex than you think.


Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: MonkeyK
I plan to set up a network similar to NRaygun's. Is there anyplace that descibes how to set up a domain in simple terms?


If you need to have the setup process described to you in simple terms, you don't need a domain in the first place. The only situation in which you need a domain is if you have several computers, wish to share logins and group policies, or need practice for the MCSE.


Jun 30, 2000
Got it. I added the login to the admin group and now I think I have what I need.

I get admin rights when I login as my original user name from XP. I deleted the local admin account on the XP box and I'm letting 2K do it's thing.

It now works the way I want it - I can log into the XP box using a login defined on the 2K box(domain) and I have admin rights on the XP box.

Thanks everyone. :)