x800 SE Overclock, Flash, Softmod, or Hardmod?


Nov 13, 2003
I messed up some bs company listed the x800se in the Pricewatch's x800 Pro section and I was in a hurry.

Does anyone know what this card will do if you can flash the bios, hardmod, softmod, or even how much it will probably overclock.

Thanks for the help in advance to bas $60 would have gotten me a 4more pipeline card :



Nov 13, 2003

Was on the 3rd page I'll ask a diffrent question.

Does anyone know any good overcocking forums?????


Nov 13, 2003
Nope, Unless I break it and they take it in as RMA they eather send another or take a year to get my cash back. :

I't some PW company and they aren't real big. Would probably send it back to whoever they got it from. LOL

Ok, I just overclocked to a sync of 519/519. So thats good but the pipelines and OC'n more then this with the Pro would be so much better.

Every x800 card is made with the potential of the x800 XT they just find ways to underclock and screw it up to the point you cant use half of the speed and they can make several prices where the XT is $300 more because of thier greedyness.

I'm sure every PC part manufact does this with thier parts just to make money off of the rich and the poor. They could probably release a CPU that would blow anyone in this forums CPU away times two.

Why release them that way when you can drain all you fanatics that will buy the newest parts every month.

Anyway I'm Just looking for some one who knows a few things on this or some overclock forums or something that has info on newer x800 cards bios softmods and hardmods. 519/519 is good but I would say a Pro would go higher plus the extra pipelines for speed. :\\\


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2004
I'd really hate to see you screw up the card by trying to hardmod it into something it isn't. Then you're out $300 regardless. If you really do not want it and you're unable to send it back, sell it on eBay or here in the FS/T forum for a percentage of the price. That way, you're only out a few dollars and you learned from your mistake.