Originally posted by: bjamm2
Originally posted by: M0RPH
So you decided to round $179 down to $170? Hehe
no , use the 10% coupon and its cheaper
Subtotal: $179.00
Discount: -$8.95
Discounted Subtotal: $170.05
For a while you got me looking for the 10% Coupon.
It is only a 5% coupon.
I'm still thinking if I should buy this thing for my 420SC Poweredge and leave my 400SC behind.
Remember, the 400SC is AGP, and the 420 is PCIE, but I still need to modified the PCIE Slot.
The good thing is that I have 2GB of Ram in the 420 and only 1GB in the 400.
Also different memory, DDR on 400SC and DDR2 on 420.
Do you guys think that I would have a better performance on the 420?
I'm currently using the 400 with a Radeon 9000 Pro