I personally think he is borderline genius. That Superbowl clip is bad example.
He has some really funny one like Doctor Curly. His best friend, which is a piece of ham dies and is lost in a super market. So he goes to the market and starts sniffing through the ham and finally finds Dr. Curly. Then he reflects on the times he had with the piece of ham. Theres this one scene where Andy want's to kill himself but Dr Curly tells him he F'n loves him and he puts the knife down.
There's another one where he talks about living in a poor family with one eye. How his family can't afford a fake eye so he wears a cup for an eye. It's just a paper cup with a drawing of an eye. There's also tons of great videos way better than the Superbowl one. The one where he plays spin the bottle with a cig box, snapple box and ends up kissing a male cig box.
I don't know, I like him a lot.