Originally posted by: Atomic Playboy
I've eaten dip that was left out for a solid day, and I only died a little, so you'll probably be fine.
Eat that shit, if it smells fine, you’ll be okay. I just at some heluva good French onion dip(opened) I bought like a week ago. Unrefrigerated and about 90F here, some separation (dumped out the the watery part) smelled fine so I ate it. The stuff these days has so much salt and preservatives there is nothing in it that’s gonna make you boot. If it smells rancid toss it, don’t know how to detect rancid? Trust me, you will.
It's been 19 years. Pretty sure you will die if you eat that.
TIME TRAVELER SPOTTED! Did the Google AI take over and they sent you back to save us but Trump made you realize it was a lost cause so you decided to nef instead?
Lol math fail2008 + 19 = 2027... nice try.
Clearly 11 year old dip would be fine to eat.