World of Warcraft - Circuit City $44.99


Senior member
Jan 24, 2000
After being addicted by beta, I have been searching for good deals for WOW, trying to avoid the 50 dollar heavy price tag. Lowest I found is Circuit City at $45. I am sure can pricematch the other brick and mortars and possibly get additional % off. has this for 44.07 and Collectors edition for 67.91 has really crappy ratings tho, so its risk when theyll get it.



Jun 2, 2000
You could probably beat CC's price at Best Buy. Don't they usually have the new games on sale plus the extra you would save by using the Gamer's GC?


Senior member
Mar 31, 2002
Man this game is $44 while paying a monthly fee the game should be like $20. Anyone know how much is the monthly fee?


Jun 2, 2000
The monthly fee is $14.99 if you pay per month, $13.99 if you prepay for 3 months, and $12.99 per month if you prepay for 6 months.

Pretty much in line with the newer MMORPG's coming out.


Golden Member
Jun 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Thoreau
Should be free since you have to pay monthly to play it anyway.

Costs time and money to maintain servers, to buy new hardware to replace stuff, costs money to have people maintain them. Costs money to have programmers and people fix bugs and put out patches. It costs money to balance the classes. It's NOT going to be like Diablo II where a new patch comes out once every 2 years or so, they're going to be fixing it a lot more than that. I don't mind paying the fee at all since I know that that's what the money goes towards. Now if it were a game like D2, I wouldn't pay to play that game :p Plus it keeps a lot of the kids who don't have credit cards out of the game, and a lot of people who well ... refuse to pay to play a game (those gamers are usually people who play free games, such as CS, SC, WC etc out :D)


Senior member
Oct 15, 2001
Costs time and money to maintain servers, to buy new hardware to replace stuff, costs money to have people maintain them. Costs money to have programmers and people fix bugs and put out patches. It costs money to balance the classes. It's NOT going to be like Diablo II where a new patch comes out once every 2 years or so, they're going to be fixing it a lot more than that. I don't mind paying the fee at all since I know that that's what the money goes towards. Now if it were a game like D2, I wouldn't pay to play that game :p Plus it keeps a lot of the kids who don't have credit cards out of the game, and a lot of people who well ... refuse to pay to play a game (those gamers are usually people who play free games, such as CS, SC, WC etc out :D)

Umm, sorry but no. Sure it costs money for all that sh!t, but you are crazy if you think that they aren't raking in the cash. Blizzard is pushing it bigtime by charging MORE than typical $40 just to buy the game, and then 50% MORE than any other MMORPG just to play the game. They should offer 3 months free with the $50 retail purchase.

As the pricing stands now, its basically a license for Blizzard to print money. Or grow it on trees.
Shoot, they might as well have found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The BIG pot, not that tiny one on the cover of Lucky Charms.
May 29, 2004
Originally posted by: PLaYaHaTeD
As the pricing stands now, its basically a license for Blizzard to print money. Or grow it on trees.
Shoot, they might as well have found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The BIG pot, not that tiny one on the cover of Lucky Charms.
Shame on them for coming up with a fun game that people want to play! They deserve to make money. :p Besides, most games are $50 new these days, and other MMO games are around this same price range.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2002
top best selling game, the mere interest earned from the profit sitting in the bank would be enough to provide 3 years of support.


Diamond Member
Jan 14, 2003
yea, but because they have the money to support the servers doesn't mean they need to nor have to. This pay for play isn't new, don't assume blizzard is evil for doing it

MMORPG's are massive, and require crazy stuff to run and maintain. If you appreciate that, and the game, you'll pay to play.


Diamond Member
May 19, 2003
If you don't want to pay don't play. I'm not gonna pay to play. This deal is semi-hot but it's the lowest I seen next to that walmart 30$ time card/game mix up. Enjoy the beta and I'm waiting to see how Blizzard responds to cheaters/farmers/botters. Most importantly farmers. Cause you do know that FFXI and L2 are plaugued with farmers who collect all the items/craftables/etc to sell at their own set prices. I'll wait and see because plopping down 50$ and monthly fees and a few months of time just to see that cheaters/farmers/ebayers are owning the servers is a waste for me.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2000
Originally posted by: ReiAyanami
top best selling game, the mere interest earned from the profit sitting in the bank would be enough to provide 3 years of support.

Yeah great idea. Take their profits and use it to finance the support because obviously they're not supposed to make any profit.


Jun 2, 2000
Actually, the cost of MMORPG is on the rise for both new and old games. Asheron's Call 1, which just celebrated it's 5th birthday, went up from $9.95/month to $12.95 a month. As much fun as I still have in the game, I have no problem with the cost going up slightly.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jun 10, 2004
Originally posted by: BlueWeasel
The monthly fee is $14.99 if you pay per month, $13.99 if you prepay for 3 months, and $12.99 per month if you prepay for 6 months.

Pretty much in line with the newer MMORPG's coming out.

Still too much IMO. If the game didn't cost but like $10 (to cover costs) I might consider that worth it, just to play for a few months to a few years, depending on how addictive WoW is... (curse you, Blizzard, for making the most addictive games ever! *cringes*)


Golden Member
May 14, 2004
Well, I read this and it kind of changed my perspective on the fees. There has to be some sort of balance and I guess if you do play these types of games for as many hours that some do, then the cost is negligible. Consider that most games will run you and average of $45 new, you would actually save a few bucks by just playing one of these games for a year. I know I would anyway, I probably would buy about 10 - 15 games (PC and PS2 combined) a year.

But then as always it is your choice, if you don't want to pay, then don't buy the game. I personally will not be buying any MMORPG's, because of the time needed to actually enjoy the game.

Also, probably will have to wait until just before release to get the good deals on the game. Or wait until black friday to get the game.


Senior member
Jan 24, 2000
Hrmm, anyone know if can get that bustard buy gamers gift card and 10% price match to get this price down to like 38 bucks?


Sep 28, 2004
if u guys think this is good deal, y dont u just hop over to bestbuy and preorder it for 39.95?
Anyways, I dont believe Blizzard is a greedy corporation who only cares about money. I think its actually just the opposite. Blizzard is one of the only companies that puts up servers for their gamers to enjoy free online gaming on battle net for all their online games. They have never charged their customers a penny after buying the game. To me Blizzard is one of my favorite gaming companies out there not just because of the games they make, but also their great attitude towards their customers. If you ever had a problem with a game and emailed their tech support, you'll know what I am talkin about. They rush their response to help you the best they could.

I think if they are charging monthly now for theis game, then theres probaby a good reason for it, and its not just because they want to make money. But I agree with the lot of you that this move to charging monthly sux. Like the many of you I will not be buying this just because I cant afford paying 180 per year for a video game. As much as I like Blizzard and this game, this deal is not for me.


Senior member
Jan 24, 2000
Preorder for 40 bucks? Is that an in store thing only? or do i hafta fork out another 10 bucks when it comes out?


Golden Member
Jun 1, 2004
Originally posted by: PLaYaHaTeD
Costs time and money to maintain servers, to buy new hardware to replace stuff, costs money to have people maintain them. Costs money to have programmers and people fix bugs and put out patches. It costs money to balance the classes. It's NOT going to be like Diablo II where a new patch comes out once every 2 years or so, they're going to be fixing it a lot more than that. I don't mind paying the fee at all since I know that that's what the money goes towards. Now if it were a game like D2, I wouldn't pay to play that game :p Plus it keeps a lot of the kids who don't have credit cards out of the game, and a lot of people who well ... refuse to pay to play a game (those gamers are usually people who play free games, such as CS, SC, WC etc out :D)

Umm, sorry but no. Sure it costs money for all that sh!t, but you are crazy if you think that they aren't raking in the cash. Blizzard is pushing it bigtime by charging MORE than typical $40 just to buy the game, and then 50% MORE than any other MMORPG just to play the game. They should offer 3 months free with the $50 retail purchase.

As the pricing stands now, its basically a license for Blizzard to print money. Or grow it on trees.
Shoot, they might as well have found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The BIG pot, not that tiny one on the cover of Lucky Charms.

I NEVER said anything about them not wanting or raking in the cash. I mean look at EQ, Sony makes so much money off of them that they have MORE money than RUSSIA all together. Of course though, that when you come out with something like this you hope to make a crap load of money, I mean, isn't that what ALL companies do really?

You're paying for patches, for them to fix bugs, for them to catch the cheaters and the botters. If you ever touched DAoC or EQ or atleast one of the games that were more successful, you'd see that most of the cheaters, never got away with it. They checked packets etc, if something was slightly amiss, that person would be banned in an instant.

And isn't it the smart thing to do to make money? When someone comes up with some sort of asset? I mean, isn't that what everyone wants to be able to do? Why does anyone buy property? Or any stocks? They want to have money that MAKES them money. If you were able to do that, wouldn't you?


May 7, 2002
They should follow GuildWars format, pay $$$ at retail (I think they state about the same price as a AAA game) then it is FREE to play online. Yes, it is a MMORPG also.

The Beta looks pretty good so far... Check out



Mar 26, 2004
Originally posted by: PLaYaHaTeD
Costs time and money to maintain servers, to buy new hardware to replace stuff, costs money to have people maintain them. Costs money to have programmers and people fix bugs and put out patches. It costs money to balance the classes. It's NOT going to be like Diablo II where a new patch comes out once every 2 years or so, they're going to be fixing it a lot more than that. I don't mind paying the fee at all since I know that that's what the money goes towards. Now if it were a game like D2, I wouldn't pay to play that game :p Plus it keeps a lot of the kids who don't have credit cards out of the game, and a lot of people who well ... refuse to pay to play a game (those gamers are usually people who play free games, such as CS, SC, WC etc out :D)

Umm, sorry but no. Sure it costs money for all that sh!t, but you are crazy if you think that they aren't raking in the cash. Blizzard is pushing it bigtime by charging MORE than typical $40 just to buy the game, and then 50% MORE than any other MMORPG just to play the game. They should offer 3 months free with the $50 retail purchase.

As the pricing stands now, its basically a license for Blizzard to print money. Or grow it on trees.
Shoot, they might as well have found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The BIG pot, not that tiny one on the cover of Lucky Charms.

Nod, I agree.. I do find it funny when people try to defend the huge $50 up front, and then $14.99 a month. Blizzard is getting ready to hit pay day and by getting these monthly fees its like pure crack for internet gamers. Anytime you can hook people onto anything where they pay a monthly subsciption it can turn high profitable. Don't get me wrong here, I love blizzard and the whole warcraft series. But lets face it, THESE mmorph are huge profit centers, and when you about to create the biggest and most popular one of them all, charge the highest rates, this is gonna bring inalot of deniro for blizzard, which is the

bottom line for any company.

and guildwars? Yes I've played both, and Yeh its pretty decent but its not no where as good as world of warcraft imho.



Golden Member
Jun 1, 2004
I DO find it funny that people complain about monthly fees. If you don't like it, don't play it, so then you don't have to complain. It's just that simple.

Read that link, it provides more in depth reason to why it's ALRIGHT and not WRONG of companies to charge per month. Guild Wars is like Diablo 2 ... and well ... diablo 2 was free as well :p but we all know about all the botting, duping, hacks, and cheats people used in that game ... and how long it took for that patch to come out ... 1.10 was it? More than 1 year from when it was promised.


Senior member
Oct 15, 2001
Originally posted by: SupaDupaPan
I DO find it funny that people complain about monthly fees. If you don't like it, don't play it, so then you don't have to complain. It's just that simple.

Read that link, it provides more in depth reason to why it's ALRIGHT and not WRONG of companies to charge per month. Guild Wars is like Diablo 2 ... and well ... diablo 2 was free as well :p but we all know about all the botting, duping, hacks, and cheats people used in that game ... and how long it took for that patch to come out ... 1.10 was it? More than 1 year from when it was promised.

I read your article.... and compared to the average anandtech reader, this guy doesn't know sh!t. I am disappointed, and a little offended, that you tried to use this to "inform" us.

Lets do a little more math. WOW will sell a million copies. That is a million people paying at least 13 dollars a month, or 13 MILLION dollars each month for blizzard. Now, Lets say bliizard pays 50 guys @ $5000/mo to do extra content and fix bugs, 50 @ $5000/mo guys to keep up your network, and $500,000 a month just on servers for WOW.

Guess what, that equals 13 million/mo profits for 1 million/mo of bills. Give that a year and you've made almost 150 million dollars.

You know what the worst part is? My numbers are SAFE. That's right, they dont have 50 freegin monthly content guys, and they dont pay half a million dollars a month for serverst. The profits are outrageous. Now if you'll excuse me i have to go buy some blizzard stock.....are they even traded in the usa?


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2002
Doubt there will be a million people, maybe 500,000 at its peak. I don't even think there will be more people in retail than in OB. How many people do you think signed up for OB with no intentions of buying the game and did it because it was free?