Originally posted by: MacBaine
Yeah...if you start your own business and become successful... wait.... you're talking about the jobs that you have to pay just to find out what you are selling? The ones that claim you can make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year with only 2-3 hours a day? Oh, I'm sorry.... I thought you were talking about jobs where I live, in Reality.
Ahahahahahaha! That's GREAT!
As harsh as it seems, it's true. The BBB has files upon files of these deals, most are scams. It's pretty easy for them to just take the money and run, you might get a pamphlet out of it, but it's not going to be worth whatever you paid to get it. I shall refer you to a couple pieces of advice my Dad passed along to me:
"If it's too good to be true..."
"If making money were that easy, why aren't freeways clogged full of ferrari's and lamborghini's?"