Originally posted by: Duwelon
Originally posted by: LumbergTech
Originally posted by: PrinceofWands
This won't end until people start executing every police officer, lawyer, judge, and politician involved in these stupid cases. Seriously, every one of them should be killed immediately. When they're more afraid for their lives, than they are of getting elected or keeping their jobs, they'll wise up quick.
i have to agree(sort of), stealing someones children should be grounds for severe punishment,
its just bullshit..
people in law enforcement positions shouldn't be able to go on witch hunts and then receive some kind of protection when its quite clear they never had any basis to do so in the first place
They can't actually do much to you without a Grand jury. If you want to blame the police, first figure out exactly what was seen (which we never will) and what the grand jury saw (which we never will). Some of you advocating the death of police for doing their job should go check into a mental institution because you're clearly insane.
There are bigger problems to discuss than a case that went to the grand jury who decided to continue to trial. Sounds like the OP just hates the police and wanted to pick out 1 story to bash some police over.