Woman accuses MO Gov of forcing her into sex act during campaign


Oct 18, 2005
Greitens is going to be hosed. There is a criminal trial starting soon related to the pictures and he has very little support in the legislature. He has been even worse than Trump in trying to figure out how to govern and influence policy and the Mo legislature has moved on without. He doesn't have a base of real support there and I don't see him surviving an attempt to impeach him.

The woman told the committee that Greitens had led her down to the basement, taped her hands to pull-up rings, blindfolded her, spit water into her mouth, ripped open her shirt, pulled down her pants and took a photo without her consent.

He threatened to make the photos public if she ever told anyone about their encounter, and called her "a little whore," the woman told lawmakers.

After her hands were freed, she said she felt she had no other choice but to perform oral sex if she was going to get out of the basement.

The woman and Greitens had several sexual encounters over the next few months in 2015, she testified. Some were consensual. Others were not.

On at least three occasions he hit her.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2014
Lol. Him and Roy Moore would be a great presidential part pair.

It's weird, usually you find the dick on the bottom of the horse



Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
So he can now run for a Senate seat!

GOP is probably real happy the filing deadline is passed in MO...

Between him and Hawley's lazy campaigning they were terrified McCaskill was going to just waltz on through to re-election again.


Feb 1, 2008
This makes me sooooo mad....
Not Greitens, but that here again Donald Trump having done the exact same thing gets a FREE PASS.
Hells bells.....
Nov 8, 2012
The woman and Greitens had several sexual encounters over the next few months in 2015, she testified. Some were consensual. Others were not.

...Nothing says Rape an non-consensual... like... returning for consensual? Things like this are such a joke.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
...Nothing says Rape an non-consensual... like... returning for consensual? Things like this are such a joke.

Depends if the consensual encounters were followed by the non-consensual blackmail ones I suppose, which is what I've read. Even still I've seen enough abusive relationships to not dismiss the former as impossible or even out of the ordinary.

Even if you don't believe that end of it he's still up against a felony charge for stealing a donor list from the MO House GOP.
Nov 8, 2012
Depends if the consensual encounters were followed by the non-consensual blackmail ones I suppose, which is what I've read. Even still I've seen enough abusive relationships to not dismiss the former as impossible or even out of the ordinary.

Even if you don't believe that end of it he's still up against a felony charge for stealing a donor list from the MO House GOP.

Absolutely fine. Throw him under the bus for crimes like stealing the donor list. But for the love of fuck, PLEASE stop throwing around the rape word. It's been absolutely decimated as far as something serious and it is starting to turn into a joke the more it comes up. Perfect example being the latest debacle from the dumb bitch that was pulled over and accused the cop of sexually assaulting her - when the body camera proved otherwise.

ANY accusations of rape need to be returned with the same consequences of if it was rape to the person who made the obvious false allegations to begin with. Returning for consensual sex? Unless you can prove he was doing something like holding something for ransom in return for the sexual favors, you should be charged with a a crime. That isn't a joke, it isn't rape, and you ruin things for people that actually are victims.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Absolutely fine. Throw him under the bus for crimes like stealing the donor list. But for the love of fuck, PLEASE stop throwing around the rape word. It's been absolutely decimated as far as something serious and it is starting to turn into a joke the more it comes up. Perfect example being the latest debacle from the dumb bitch that was pulled over and accused the cop of sexually assaulting her - when the body camera proved otherwise.

ANY accusations of rape need to be returned with the same consequences of if it was rape to the person who made the obvious false allegations to begin with. Returning for consensual sex? Unless you can prove he was doing something like holding something for ransom in return for the sexual favors, you should be charged with a a crime. That isn't a joke, it isn't rape, and you ruin things for people that actually are victims.

That's what a trial would be for and blackmail was alleged.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Absolutely fine. Throw him under the bus for crimes like stealing the donor list. But for the love of fuck, PLEASE stop throwing around the rape word. It's been absolutely decimated as far as something serious and it is starting to turn into a joke the more it comes up. Perfect example being the latest debacle from the dumb bitch that was pulled over and accused the cop of sexually assaulting her - when the body camera proved otherwise.

ANY accusations of rape need to be returned with the same consequences of if it was rape to the person who made the obvious false allegations to begin with. Returning for consensual sex? Unless you can prove he was doing something like holding something for ransom in return for the sexual favors, you should be charged with a a crime. That isn't a joke, it isn't rape, and you ruin things for people that actually are victims.

Again, you advertise yourself as very young and inexperienced with the world.
Nov 8, 2012
Again, you advertise yourself as very young and inexperienced with the world.

Amazing counterpoint - Did you learn to argue with your kids or something? You have no counterpoint, I have raised a very valid issue in that accusations are currently being tossed around - with no repercussions for false ones. Your retort? DURRRRRR HURRRRRR I DUN NO N E TING.


Oct 18, 2005
Greitens announced his resignation, effective 6/1.


Although I expected him to stick around awhile longer. I wonder who finally got through to him that he was going to fuck the gop ticket up and down the line.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003

Although I expected him to stick around awhile longer. I wonder who finally got through to him that he was going to fuck the gop ticket up and down the line.

Reportedly it's part of a legal settlement with the prosecutor. Maybe he was about to be in deeper trouble.


Jul 17, 2003
It's weird, usually you find the dick on the bottom of the horse


Not on a mare. ;) But I cringe every time I see these pics. I don't see a saddle pad and that horse looks like she wants to scream "This is a pony's bit you dumbass!"

Glad this holy roller dickhead is out of the picture, at least on the national stage. Sorry Alabama, but you can keep your anti-constitution pederast.

And now Greitens is out! Wow, republicans are dropping like flies lately. Republican governance has become antithetical to democracy and the rule of law, so be it criminal behavior, substance abuse, or fear of getting walloped with a big pink wave in November, this pattern needs to continue for the good of the country.