wmd's in Iraq


Platinum Member
May 22, 2004
definition of "weapon of mass destruction
Any weapon or device that is intended, or has the capability, to cause death or serious bodily injury to a significant number of people through the release, dissemination, or impact of toxic or poisonous chemicals or their precursors, a disease organism, or radiation or radioactivity.
BAGHDAD -- The threat of chemical attacks hung over Iraq yesterday after terrorists exploded three chlorine-gas bombs in western Iraq, killing at least two persons and injuring 350 others, including children, the U.S. military said.
Six coalition forces were treated for exposure to the gas. A military spokesman said other chemicals have been found recently, stockpiled by insurgents.
The suicide bombings in Anbar province appeared to mark a growing power struggle between Sunni Muslims in Anbar province west of Baghdad, where some tribes have broken with al Qaeda-linked insurgents.
The attacks occurred Friday evening as two dump trucks and one pickup truck containing chlorine exploded within hours of each other near the Sunni towns of Fallujah and Ramadi.
Military spokesman Lt. Col. Christopher Garver said the chlorine used was not weapons-grade and appeared to be geared toward causing fear and panic rather than massive deaths.
"This is regular industrial chlorine. When these terrorists use this regular chemical in car-bomb manufacture, much of the chemical is destroyed in the explosion. These are not effective weapons for causing casualties," Col. Garver said.
The first suicide truck bomb detonated its load at a checkpoint northeast of Ramadi at 4:11 p.m. Two hours later, another explosion took place just south of Fallujah, near the town of Amiriyah.
Two policemen died in that attack, local police reported.
Thirty-seven minutes later, a third blast took place about three miles south of Fallujah in the Albu Issa region when a suicide bomber detonated a dump truck carrying a 200-gallon chlorine tank rigged with explosives.
Amiriyah residents exposed to the chlorine were treated for symptoms ranging from minor skin and lung irritation to vomiting, the military said.
There have been five suicide car bombs using chlorine gas in western Anbar province since Jan. 28, marking a new turn in the ever-evolving conflict in Iraq.
Col. Garver said U.S. military forces had found other stockpiles of chemicals in a car-bomb factory just east of Fallujah.

They did not have any when we got there but thanks to our actions they are busy as beavers figuring out how to make them. this is just another way the war in Iraq has helped to further the general disarray and danger in the middle east. we need to get the H*@l out of Iraq and get our priorities in order we used to be the heroes now we are the source of evil spawning terror at every step as we go forth.
I am sick and disgusted by this and afraid to be an American.



Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
To be fair, chlorine gas is not a very sophisticated WMD. You can make it in chemistry class by accident if you're not careful. So really... we all have WMDs at our local high school.


Senior member
Nov 21, 2004
Wow Old man you are so wise now that Americans are there they have Chlorine? You should be afraid of your ignorance, not because you are and American.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2004
by definition what they are attempting to do "no matter how primitive" is build wmd's.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Every year hundreds or thousands of US householders accidentally poison them selves by doing much the same--- by mixing chlorine and ammonia based house hold cleaning products. As eskimospy points out, hardly high tech. And I wonder if this is now on the verge of becoming the Iraqi insurgent answer to the surge? Get a bunch of troops massed together and they become sitting ducks to poison gas.---it may not kill them---but it sure can slow em down.


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: eskimospy
To be fair, chlorine gas is not a very sophisticated WMD. You can make it in chemistry class by accident if you're not careful. So really... we all have WMDs at our local high school.

This is why we need to give Iran more time to improve on this with their heavy water reactor to produce plutonium. Then Islam can show you real WMDs.


Nov 4, 1999
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Originally posted by: eskimospy
To be fair, chlorine gas is not a very sophisticated WMD. You can make it in chemistry class by accident if you're not careful. So really... we all have WMDs at our local high school.

This is why we need to give Iran more time to improve on this with their heavy water reactor to produce plutonium. Then Islam can show you real WMDs.

If we don't kill them all now they'll never stop looking into nuclear weapons...!!!


/the dog chase its tail but never catches it...



Platinum Member
Jul 7, 2005
they had them before,

but as always its either...

1. not enough WMDs to count
2. not new enough WMDs to count
3. not the RIGHT kind of WMDs to count

Besides, the war wasn't just about WMDs. The BDS sufferers started that line after their previous six bazillion other explanations failed (you know the favorite - oil).

The war was started for many reasons and authorized as well. It was also not unilateral. Doesn't matter, it forsight were as good as hindsight we would not be in this mess.


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Shivetya
they had them before,

but as always its either...

1. not enough WMDs to count
2. not new enough WMDs to count
3. not the RIGHT kind of WMDs to count

Besides, the war wasn't just about WMDs. The BDS sufferers started that line after their previous six bazillion other explanations failed (you know the favorite - oil).

The war was started for many reasons and authorized as well. It was also not unilateral. Doesn't matter, it forsight were as good as hindsight we would not be in this mess.

Not by the UN for what it's worth.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Well we are finally finding WMD in Iraq---even if its been re-invented as a new insurgent weapon some three months after we hung Saddam by the neck---no doubt about it---its all Saddam's fault. Which is just as valid as all the rest of the neocon assertions.


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Originally posted by: eskimospy
To be fair, chlorine gas is not a very sophisticated WMD. You can make it in chemistry class by accident if you're not careful. So really... we all have WMDs at our local high school.

This is why we need to give Iran more time to improve on this with their heavy water reactor to produce plutonium. Then Islam can show you real WMDs.

There are Islamic nations with nuclear weapons.

Almost every Islamic nation has some kind of chemical weapons program.

You sir as usual never post anything educational or factual. Just the usual "Islam this B.S" post.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Shivetya
The war was started for many reasons and authorized as well. It was also not unilateral. Doesn't matter, it forsight were as good as hindsight we would not be in this mess.
Your memory's conveniently shakey. In hindsight, they had plenty all the information they needed to know every one of the "reasons" they gave for starting the war was false. Rather than backing off, they lied to the American public about why they launched a useless, elective war. They did so while offering continuously shifting alleged reasons for this actions:
  • There was no yellow cake uraniium in Niger.
  • There were no aluminum tubes capable of being used in centrifuges process nuclear material.
  • There were no facilities for making nerve gas or biological weapons.
  • There were no long range rockets.
  • There were no WMD's.
They ignored any information from competent internal sources that ran counter to their ambitions:
  • They ignored all warnings about the possiblity of an attack like 9/11, despite explicit warnings from people like Richard Clarke, former terrorisim advisor to Presidents Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton. Richard Clarke also warned Bush that Saddam probably was not tied to 9/11.

    The Bushwhackos didn't want to hear that so they did what any good exec would do -- They fired him.
  • They claimed their pre-war planning included plenty of troops to handle foreseeable problems in the aftermath of their invasion, despite warnings from Army Chief of Staff, Eric Shinseki that they would need around 400,000 troops to do the job.

    The Bushwhackos administration didn't want to hear that so they did what any good exec would do -- They fired him.
  • Before Bush started his war of lies, Ambassador Joseph Wilson was sent to Niger to investigate reports that Saddam was trying to buy yellow cake uranium. He returned and informed that the reports were false.

    The Bushwhackos administration didn't want to hear that so they did what any good adminstration would do. They outed his wife, Valerie Plame's identity as a covert CIA operative, blowing off her value to our national security and endangering her life and the lives of everyone who ever worked with her anywhere in the world.
Since then, they have continued to lie to the American public and the world and to commit countless other crimes in an effort to cover their tracks.

Sorry, but you're full of bullShivetya. :thumbsdown: :frown: :thumbsdown:


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Harvey
Originally posted by: Shivetya
The war was started for many reasons and authorized as well. It was also not unilateral. Doesn't matter, it forsight were as good as hindsight we would not be in this mess.
Your memory's conveniently shakey. In hindsight, they had plenty all the information they needed to know every one of the "reasons" they gave for starting the war was false. Rather than backing off, they lied to the American public about why they launched a useless, elective war. They did so while offering continuously shifting alleged reasons for this actions:
  • There was no yellow cake uraniium in Niger.
  • There were no aluminum tubes capable of being used in centrifuges process nuclear material.
  • There were no facilities for making nerve gas or biological weapons.
  • There were no long range rockets.
  • There were no WMD's.
They ignored any information from competent internal sources that ran counter to their ambitions:
  • They ignored all warnings about the possiblity of an attack like 9/11, despite explicit warnings from people like Richard Clarke, former terrorisim advisor to Presidents Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton. Richard Clarke also warned Bush that Saddam probably was not tied to 9/11.

    The Bushwhackos didn't want to hear that so they did what any good exec would do -- They fired him.
  • They claimed their pre-war planning included plenty of troops to handle foreseeable problems in the aftermath of their invasion, despite warnings from Army Chief of Staff, Eric Shinseki that they would need around 400,000 troops to do the job.

    The Bushwhackos administration didn't want to hear that so they did what any good exec would do -- They fired him.
  • Before Bush started his war of lies, Ambassador Joseph Wilson was sent to Niger to investigate reports that Saddam was trying to buy yellow cake uranium. He returned and informed that the reports were false.

    The Bushwhackos administration didn't want to hear that so they did what any good adminstration would do. They outed his wife, Valerie Plame's identity as a covert CIA operative, blowing off her value to our national security and endangering her life and the lives of everyone who ever worked with her anywhere in the world.
Since then, they have continued to lie to the American public and the world and to commit countless other crimes in an effort to cover their tracks.

Sorry, but you're full of bullShivetya. :thumbsdown: :frown: :thumbsdown:

Harvey for President :thumbsup:


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Damm Harvey...be easy...feeding the righties too many facts, may cause them to overdose on Kool-Aid, as they try to wash the truth away...;)


Golden Member
Oct 24, 2006
There was no yellow cake uraniium in Niger.

There were no aluminum tubes capable of being used in centrifuges process nuclear material.

There were no facilities for making nerve gas or biological weapons.

There were no long range rockets.

There were no WMD's.

Interesting, but evidently meaningless. Mission accomplished.


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 2002
Jesus ffing Christ. You can manufacture tons of mustard gas with bleach and ammonia, available at every grocery store in the world probably. WMD's indeed.


Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: ayabe
Originally posted by: Shivetya
they had them before,

but as always its either...

1. not enough WMDs to count
2. not new enough WMDs to count
3. not the RIGHT kind of WMDs to count

Besides, the war wasn't just about WMDs. The BDS sufferers started that line after their previous six bazillion other explanations failed (you know the favorite - oil).

The war was started for many reasons and authorized as well. It was also not unilateral. Doesn't matter, it forsight were as good as hindsight we would not be in this mess.

Not by the UN for what it's worth.

They can Suck an egg UN should be kicked out of New York.


Jul 12, 2001
Tell them there were no WMDs

Hmm nice facts...

The Halabja attack involved multiple chemical agents, including mustard gas, and the nerve agents sarin, tabun and VX. Some sources have also pointed to the blood agent hydrogen cyanide.

those are not bleach... hmm



Where did the stockpiles go?



Don't you all libs read history? Suppressing the truth doesn't make it not happen.

They had WMD's they used them on many occaisions 3 or more times in the Iraq-Iran War and these poor kurds that were murdered while doing their everday tasks.