Wireless B vs Wirless G - hardware or software limitations?


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 2006
My girlfriend's house has a newer Linksys Wireless G / draft N router at one end, and the other end of the house has poor single strength. It's impossible to get their family to spend money on computer equipment.

We have their old Wireless B Linksys Router sitting around doing nothing. Is it possible to repeat the Wireless G single or use it as an access point in any way? I'm guessing it's a hardware limitation though, so it won't be doable.

Any other ideas for a cheap wireless access point or repeater? They absolutely refuse to drill any holes and lay any CAT5 / 6, so something that we can just plug an AC adapter into and repeat the existing signal would be ideal.



Moderator<br>Networking<br>Elite member
Mar 19, 2001
The existence of the "b" AP will diminish the throughput of the "G" router because it must flip modes and control two different client bases. Whether there is traffic on the "b" AP or not, it will cost you no less than 20% of whatever throughout you're getting now.



Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 25, 1999
You can use a Cable plugged to the main Router and lay it down out of the Room that the Main Router is in.

Plug this cable to a regular port on the 802.11b Router and configure it as an Access Point.

Depending on the environment it can help with minimal negative results.

Using a Wireless Router as a switch with an Access Point - http://www.ezlan.net/router_AP.html