802.11n, the 2.4GHz part has only 3 separate (none overlapping channels 1 6 11).
Thus the MIMO affect that the 802.11n is based upon is restricted to one double channel MIMO combo.
In contrast 802.11a (5Ghz) has many more sparate channels so more channels can be combined to go up to few Gigabits of bandwidth.
So ac would be able to create more than just one MIMO doubler by using more pairs of separate channels.
The draw back.
1. 5GHz does not propagate as well as 2.4GHz
2. If the same channles would be MIMOed by every one the singal to noise ratio in a congested enviroment full of 801.11ac would be terrible.
As usually with Wireless depending on the environment, some users will benefit from the "ac" arrangement, some would get worse Wireless, and for many it probably would not be different from the current Wireless network that they have.