WinXP Pro and the backup utility


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Hello all, I have a question about the backup utility in Windows XP. I would like to use it to backup certain directoried of mine every night. I know how to set it up and schedule it, but what I would like to know is what is the best way to do it. I can choose normal, copy, incremental, differential, and daily. Then I have the choice of append and replace. So if I was to do a nightly backup of say the my documents folder, which is the best way to do this? Thanks for the help.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2001
I would say incremental because that only backups the files that have changed since your last backup. I guess it all depends on how often your files change. I've never done this however, I backup using ghost.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: MoFunk
Hello all, I have a question about the backup utility in Windows XP. I would like to use it to backup certain directoried of mine every night. I know how to set it up and schedule it, but what I would like to know is what is the best way to do it. I can choose normal, copy, incremental, differential, and daily. Then I have the choice of append and replace. So if I was to do a nightly backup of say the my documents folder, which is the best way to do this? Thanks for the help.

Dunno how XP's backup util works but I use Second Copy 2000

Sorry I'm not much help:p



Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Thank you, I also use ghost for me OS and programs, but I have all my important data on a raid0 array (which is why I need to backup everynight). I have a lot or Word and Excel files that change daily, as well as pictures I download from my camera almost nightly.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2000

NT backup work just fine if you don't need to backup active files, and same go for my all time favorite xcopy.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: MoFunk
Hello all, I have a question about the backup utility in Windows XP. I would like to use it to backup certain directoried of mine every night. I know how to set it up and schedule it, but what I would like to know is what is the best way to do it. I can choose normal, copy, incremental, differential, and daily. Then I have the choice of append and replace. So if I was to do a nightly backup of say the my documents folder, which is the best way to do this? Thanks for the help.

Dunno how XP's backup util works but I use Second Copy 2000

Sorry I'm not much help:p


I am going to download the 30 day trial and give it a whirl. Thanks.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Just do a complete backup Sunday, then a differential backup the other days.
differential backup = backup all the files that are different from the last complete backup. If a crash occurs, you just need to restore the complete + the last differential backup.

Incremental backup = backup all the files that are changed since the last incremental backup. If a crash occurs, you'll have to restore the last complete backup + all the incremental backups since the last complete backup...

Make your choice. ;)


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
OK, let me try to put a handle on this so I make sure that I understand. On Sunday I should have a seperate backup job that does a complete backup and that will replace the previous backup file, then have a seperate daily incremental backup. Is this correct? Should the daily backup append to the file or replace. I am assuming it should append, but am probably wrong. Thanks.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2000
Append if you do incremental since you want the complete backup + all incremental to restore

Replace if you do differential since you just need the complete backup + the latest differential


Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
This is my routine:

I make use of the computers on my LAN for backup purposes. Since there are a total of nine computers - seven of which only do SETI I have no concerns about bothering other people. ;)

I make sure all of my important stuff is kept in folders in MY DOCUMENTS.

As often as I think it is important to do so I do a simple copy/paste of MY DOCUMENTS to one of the other LAN computers overwriting whatever may have been there.

I actually do this to no less than three of the LAN computers which I believe insures me against all perils except the total loss of my home and all contents. Now that would really be a lick. :(

I do a GHOST IMAGE of my HARD DRIVE to a secondary Hard Drive once a week.

I also do a GHOST IMAGE "Partition to Partition" on any computer I'm OCing. This has saved me lots of time when the OS crashes beyond repair. You don't have your computer OC-ed to its MAX if you haven't corrupted the OS at least once. ;) :D