WinME, IE5.5 and modem connection problems.


Mar 1, 2000
Last night I installed Windows ME. I also installed the Norton System Works 2001 edition. The install process for ME seemed to go flawlessly. However, after the final reboot and config process I immediately noticed some problems.

Last week I had my ISDN line disconnected and I unistalled all software related to my ISDN modem. I put in a Creative labs 56K modem and up until last night after I loaded ME I connected to my ISP via my modem and had no problems whatsoever.

After loading ME I can click on the dialup connection for my ISP and connect. HOWEVER, it appears that the IE5.5, MIRC or Outlook 2000 know that the modem connection is there and active. In Fact after a few minutes the IE 5.5 causes an error window to pop that says "Explorer has detected a problem with your application and will now close. Subsequent shutting down and reboots do not change this scenario. Under NETWORK I do have TCP/IP installed with DNS and IP settings set to "Server Assigne" as one would expect using a modem connection. MY ISP does not require any DNS or WINS settings.
I cannot reach any page because the IE5.5 doesn't detect the modem connection.

Also, the WINDOWS UPDATE FUNCTION does not work because it uses the IE 5.5 which presently doesn't appear to recogonize my modem connection.

I have deleted all previous dialup connections and used the Internet connection wizzard to redo them. The results remain the same. Windows ME sees my modem and when I test it using the Diagnostics from the Modem applet the test shows the modem is working fine.

It was late last night when I gave up and went to bed. I do have a few ideas that I will try when I get home this evening.
1. I will remove my MODEM and reinstall it into ME.
2. I will remove the TCP/IP protocol and reinstall it.
3. Last resort I will call Microsoft.

If anyone has any additional thoughts or ideas I would appreciate hearing them.



Mar 1, 2000
I had to call Microsoft. There is a bug in ME when you update. It sometimes transfers network and dialup networking settings into ME that are incorrect. This is why I could connect to my ISP and not get anything.
With the help of Tech support I renamed and restored 5 files . The bottom line here is if you are UPDATING from win98 SE to ME you should first delete any clients in networks and then any protocols. You should also uninstall in 98 Dialup networking. DO not reboot after removing network and Dialupnetworking. Put the ME CD in the drive and from a DOS Promt run SETUP.
There should be an article on this problem on the Microsoft site soon.

Files replaced winsock.dll, ws_32.dll, wsock.vxd, wsock2.vxd, wsock32.dll. It was a rather involved process.
I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else.



Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2000
Thanks for the info. Now I know why I had so much trouble with my upgrade.

Went back to SE for now.

Might try ME again later.



Mar 1, 2000
I forgot to mention that to further avoid this trap, tech support recommended that you unistall any modems and adapters in the Network settings in Win98SE and not reboot. Then run setup from the ME CD. This prevents 98 from redecting the hardware. So in summation, if you plan to upgrade follow this list and then do not reboot Win98.
RUN Setup from the ME CD Immediately
1. Uninstall Dialup networking (of course write down the setting for you dial up connections. This can be done from the control panel add/remove programs SETUP.

2. Delete all NETWORK settings (clients, protocols then adapters)
3. DO NOT REBOOT WI98. Run SETUP from the ME CD.

May the schwartz be with you all



Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2000
That is what updating is a bad idea. Just back up the stuff you need and format and do a full install. You can do full installs with the upgrade disks.