Windows XP: public access securing and Counter-Strike


Sep 13, 2003
I want to have a computer that I want the public to have access to, mostly for web browsing. How do I secure it? Obviously, it's going to be a user account, so no access to control panel, but I don't know what else it will stop and what it won't stop. What about the run command? I'll mostly have a separate HDD (small, 3GB) for downloading files onto, etc. How would I go protecting the C: without losing any functionality? I guess you know the jist of my first question by now...

My second question is probably one you've heard a lot about. Not necessarily connected with the first problem: How do I install CS for a user to run? I've read online about editing the registry and even then, it wouldn't work (for me and for them). Thanks!


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2001
Starting with the caveat that I am not as knowledgeable as some here...

If you're using XP Pro, then I know you can define a "limited" user account that really is quite limiting. For instance, a "limited" user can not install programs. You can learn more from the Windows help files.

I've installed counterstrike 1.5 and recently upgraded to 1.6/Steam, and both seem to work fine for me under a "limited" account in XP Pro. The tricky part is making sure that the firewall software (I'm using Norton) opens up all the ports necessary to allow the game to work. You will also have to alter the access priviledges on the installed directories so that the "limited" account has full priviledges. Go to the counterstrike website for information on the upgrade to 1.6 and Steam. You might also want to look in on the forums there; lots of people aren't having as easy a time with 1.6/Steam as I did.

Good luck