Windows dialer - need some questions answered


Senior member
Jun 7, 2000
Hi, I am looking to add a dialer to one of our applications. I was able to open the Microsoft Windows dialer from the application by making a call to the tapi dll. My questions have to do with what to do from there.

Ideally I would like to be able to place a call from my PC and then be able to pick up my handset and have it be ringing. I do not want to have a dependency on special hardware, or have to have my phone connected to my PC. Am I way off here? Is it possible to have Microsoft dialer know which PC is making a call and then route the call to the telephone in the office the call was placed form? Can I do this with control panel settings?

EDIT: I am connected to a LAN in an office environment.

Please let me know what would be required or what limitations I may face.



Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2000
First of all, if you're interfacing a TAPI dialer with phones, you're going to have to start off with knowing how the PBX works, and finding out what it's capable of... there's no way of joining or routing calls without doing that. ;)