Windows 2000 and boot error - help


Junior Member
Feb 16, 2002
I just got an new mother board and duron CPU and i put my old hdd into it. It come up with a stop error "inaccessible boot device". when i put it back into the original or my third pc it work fine. What could be going on? please help!


Senior member
Oct 22, 1999
For some reason Win2k cannot see the hard drive.

Does you BIOS see the hard drive?

If your new motherboard comes with a RAID support, you must use the standard IDE ports for the hard drive until you load drivers for it.

Check the manual that came with the motherboard. You might have to load drivers for Win2k to work properly with the new chipset. You can load the drivers in your old computer and then shutdown. Then install the hard drive on the new motherboard.

You might be able to install the hard drive then boot with your Win2k CD. Select Repair when given the option. Have it repair the boot files.

If all else fails, you might have to do a clean install following the instructions in the motherboards manual.

Good Luck

Bozo :D


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
The cause of the problem is that the device driver used to access the disk on the old motherboard is different than the device driver needed to access the disk on the new motherboard. Since W2K's ntldr is not loading the needed device driver on the new motherboard, the kernel can't get to the OS files.

My advice: do a backup including a system state backup to a file. Install W2K on the drive on the new HD from scratch, then do a restore.

Or you could edit HKLM\System\CCS\Services\<neededdrivername>\Start = 0 if you can determine what <neededdrivername> is on the new motherboard and the driver comes in the box with W2K.



Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2001
OR you can do the following:

Put the drive back into your original machine with the original Motherboard.

Open Contorl Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager, IDE/ATAPI controllers.
Double click on the first item in the list.

Select "Update driver"
Then select "Display list of known items"
Once there it should show you the hardware name you clicke don and the option for "Standard IDE/ATAPI"
Select the standard one then reboot.
Once you are back into windows, shutdown and put the drive in your new PC.
It should come right up as normal, once you get into windows, install the new IDE controller drivers from the new motherboars cd driver disk.

Select the