WIN 98, VFAT, and Explorer Invaild Page Fault


Jan 20, 2000
Situation: Loaded software for Linksys 4 port Router to share Cable connection. Unloaded Zone Alarm but failed to check each shared file that Window wanted to delete.
Rebooted and Windows would not load: Blue screen talked about a VFAT error: VFAT Device Failed. A device or resources required by VFAT is not present or is unavailable . VFAT Can not load continue loading. System halted. Went to and checked out problems. SAme with microsoft. Thought it was ifshlp.sys but that was present.
Restarted and get to dekstop without icons. Everytime I get ther I get the following message:

Explorer caused an invalid page fault in module Explorer.exe at 0177:00501f31. I get Register and stack dump addresses.

Bottom Line: What can be done for me to access Windows 98 other than reformatting the hard drive?

I would appreciate it.
