- Oct 17, 1999
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I am curious about what the forum thinks about the next two federal election cycles. Yes it is too early for a poll to mean anything.
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I am curious about what forum thinks about the next two federal election cycles. Yes it is too early for a poll to mean anything.
Average Stock Market gain during Democratic Congress: +9.8%
Average Stock Market gain during Republican Congress: +30.1%
Average Stock Market gain during Democratic President:
with Democratic Congress support: +13.2%
with Republican Congress opposition: +32.6%
(+18.8% regardless of Congress)
Average Stock Market gain during Republican President:
With Democratic Congress opposition: +6.6%
With Republican Congress support: +25.3%
(+13.3% regardless of Congress)
The bigger question is "Will it make any difference?"
Last election, we had our choice between "Big Government with Pork" and "Big Government with Slightly Less Pork". I have no faith that the immediate future will be any different.
We will not resolve the problems with our country or our economy until we get someone in the White House who takes the Constitution seriously as our governing document. Only then will we begin to take a step back from the world stage where we have been playing financier, policeman, and nation-builder (roles we should not be playing) and fix our domestic problems. This is not isolationism. It is the noninterventionism that our Founding Fathers envisioned, and it should be practiced abroad as well as at home.
Unless a viable GOP candidate emerges, the economy could fail to improve between now and 2012 (very very unlikely) and Obama would still get re-elected. I don't think people realize just how much damage has been done to the GOP and how fractured and non-inclusive they've become since 2000. It's going to last a decade in all likelihood before a new GOP emerges.
Every poll I've seen is a 60%+ support of the GOP by independants to like 28% for Dems. Independents are very ticked off at Obama and democrats right now.
Have you considered running for POTUS?
Have you considered running for POTUS?
The white house will not go GOP in 2012 no matter what happens. There's absolutely no way the media is going to let the Dear Leader fall out of favor.
Democrats have much too big of a lead in the Senate and House for the Republicans to gain control. The best we can hope for is that the GOP has enough seats in the house and senate to be able to thwart idiotic democrat legislation before it gets through.
The bigger question is "Will it make any difference?"
Last election, we had our choice between "Big Government with Pork" and "Big Government with Slightly Less Pork". I have no faith that the immediate future will be any different.
We will not resolve the problems with our country or our economy until we get someone in the White House who takes the Constitution seriously as our governing document. Only then will we begin to take a step back from the world stage where we have been playing financier, policeman, and nation-builder (roles we should not be playing) and fix our domestic problems. This is not isolationism. It is the noninterventionism that our Founding Fathers envisioned, and it should be practiced abroad as well as at home.
People have not forgotten who got us into the mess we are in. It will take more than one election cycle to turn that around.
People have not forgotten who got us into the mess we are in. It will take more than one election cycle to turn that around.