I have a SureWest box on the outside of my house. There are three cat5e cables running from it into three rooms of my house. Originally, one connected to a router and the other two connected to DVRs. I've now cancelled their TV service. Also, SureWest supplies a router with no discount for declining it, so I happen to have an extra (old) router lying around.
Can I make a wired Ethernet network by configuring the router as an AP and connecting it to the Ethernet wall jack, through a LAN port?
I have a SureWest box on the outside of my house. There are three cat5e cables running from it into three rooms of my house. Originally, one connected to a router and the other two connected to DVRs. I've now cancelled their TV service. Also, SureWest supplies a router with no discount for declining it, so I happen to have an extra (old) router lying around.
Can I make a wired Ethernet network by configuring the router as an AP and connecting it to the Ethernet wall jack, through a LAN port?