Will new consoles mean a leap in PC graphics?


Sep 4, 2011
Do you think we will see a huge leap in PC games graphics quality once Sony and MS come out with their latest consoles whenver that maybe?

If the PC and console platforms are alot closer then hopefully this will be the case.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Do you think we will see a huge leap in PC games graphics quality once Sony and MS come out with their latest consoles whenver that maybe?

If the PC and console platforms are alot closer then hopefully this will be the case.

I figure with the new consoles the best we will get is about what performance you get today @ 1080P with a 6970 or maybe the future 7970, depending on how soon they release them.

happy medium

Jun 8, 2003
Do you think we will see a huge leap in PC games graphics quality once Sony and MS come out with their latest consoles whenver that maybe?

If the PC and console platforms are alot closer then hopefully this will be the case.

New consoles bring PC gaming one step closer to death IMHO.
Console with keyboard and mouse= PC gaming death.

The next generation of consoles will bring high resolution 1080p graphics that will be good enough for 99% of the gamers out there.

To answer your question, consoles are not holding back PC graphics, the game makers are. Its all about the money.
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Diamond Member
May 9, 2004
If there is something I want out from new consoles I don't really want better graphics; I want better interactivity instead.
Feb 19, 2009
Ppl have been saying PC gaming is dead since the Playstation.

Ppl have been wrong since then.

PC gaming will never die as long as there are people who are willing and happy to upgrade their hardware frequently. Demand = supply.

Edit: Myself, i had a PS, PS2 and a Wii and i rarely game on console. These days, my PC gaming is as fun or more so than it was years ago. Long live PC gamers.


Platinum Member
Oct 17, 2010
Ppl have been saying PC gaming is dead since the Playstation.

Ppl have been wrong since then.

PC gaming will never die as long as there are people who are willing and happy to upgrade their hardware frequently. Demand = supply.

Edit: Myself, i had a PS, PS2 and a Wii and i rarely game on console. These days, my PC gaming is as fun or more so than it was years ago. Long live PC gamers.


I think the leap in graphics will depend on whether developers target 720p or 1080p. I honestly think many will move up but many will stay. Too many of them would want the "benefit" of 720p as far as rendering goes.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2006
I think what will change more is the scale of games. Current gen consoles are limited in areas besides their GPU power. One of the biggest is ram, followed by cpu power. With more of both multiplayer games can grow in scale. More players, larger maps, etc.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2005
If there is something I want out from new consoles I don't really want better graphics; I want better interactivity instead.
I suspect this is the way future consoles are heading. There were those rumors floating around that AMD APUs may be used in some (or was it all?) of the next gen consoles, for example. Seems like they may be focusing less on graphics horsepower and more on affordability and gaming experience like Nintendo did with the Wii, which was a huge success for them, they sold a ton of consoles and actually made money off each one sold due to the more modest hardware. Sony and Microsoft probably want to do the same for their next gen consoles.
Aug 11, 2008
New consoles bring PC gaming one step closer to death IMHO.
Console with keyboard and mouse= PC gaming death.

The next generation of consoles will bring high resolution 1080p graphics that will be good enough for 99% of the gamers out there.

To answer your question, consoles are not holding back PC graphics, the game makers are. Its all about the money.

Unfortunately, I agree with you to a certain extent. If the new consoles come out with 1080p graphics and keyboard/mouse support, at a reasonable price, I fear they will take a big hit out of PC gaming. Advantages I still see to PC gaming are cheap sales via Steam, MMOs and casual gaming on social sites. The last two dont interest me at all though.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Do you think we will see a huge leap in PC games graphics quality once Sony and MS come out with their latest consoles whenver that maybe?


To answer your question, consoles are not holding back PC graphics, the game makers are. Its all about the money.

PC Gamers more then anything are holding back the industry. I see how many people are PC gamers, what I don't see are sales numbers to back this up. Why do console games outsell PC offerings by close to an order of magnitude on a regular basis? As a publisher, how do you justify a $30 Million budget for a game that may sell 500K units?

The more advanced visual fidelity becomes the larger the percentage of the budget used to create assets. Weak generalized example- DooM cost $1Million to make, $600K on development costs, $200K administrative, $100K promotional $100K assets. Rage- $30Million- $5 Million development, $1.5Million administrative, $8.5Million marketing, $15Million asset development(all numbers completely made up, but the rough guideline is a very real trend).

If your title has a very low ceiling for potential revenue, which every non MMO/casual PC game does right now in relation to budgets, then you can't afford to sink enormous resources into creating the games.

Console titles very frequently sell over 1 Million units, when talking about the HD twins combined they have multiple titles in the 10Million unit range each year- PCs have never been able to touch that(not for a single given year, not even WoW has ever been close to that).

Console gamers cover the asset development, marketing and promotional costs of the games, then PC gamers need only buy enough to offset the cost of developing the port. Yes, PC gamers are 'second class' citizens in the gaming market. That is because they are thoroughly 'second class' in how much money they spend on games.

A lot of people love to talk about the technology and how it relates to this topic. The reality is that this is a business. If you want huge budget AAA games you need money. If PC gamers aren't going to buy them at anywhere close to the pace of their console counterparts then obviously development is going to focus on where the money is.


Elite Member
Dec 8, 2010
No, PC gaming graphics will remain at Xbox 360 level despite new consoles.

Feb 19, 2009
Not every game have to be a big budget blockbuster. Plenty of Indy developers making $$ on low-production but excellent gameplay titles. Thats where the PC still shines.

Big games need to be cross-platform in general, as the big developers want to maximize their profit, if you can make a game for all the platforms, why not do it? BC2 sold over 9 million copies, with ~5.8M from consoles. That is still a huge chunk from PC sales. Guess how many copies BF3 will sell.


Senior member
Apr 9, 2011
I think it's a no-brainer that DX11/DX11.1 will take off first when the next-gen consoles are released

But then, two years later PC gamers will be whining about lack of DX12 and DX13 support:p


Platinum Member
Aug 19, 2001
When the PS4 and Xbox 3 come out, certainly. Not the WiiU though, which will ship first and only have a Radeon 4000 family gpu.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010

I think the leap in graphics will depend on whether developers target 720p or 1080p. I honestly think many will move up but many will stay. Too many of them would want the "benefit" of 720p as far as rendering goes.
There's a huge benefit of 1280x720 over 1920x1080. It uses only ~3/5 as much graphics memory which means you can have 4x MSAA and/or higher RGBA and depth precision.

1920x1080 will take up way too much graphics memory. 1680x1050 or even 1600x900 is a happy medium, and the next consoles shouldn't be limited to just a high res (1080p) and a low res mode (720p).

I'm quite worried that 1080p is going to priority over AA, depth buffer precision, and color buffer precision.