Originally posted by: mjh
Originally posted by: lyssword
Its not that russian group is paying him too much, from what I understand it's because Fedor will basically have to be slave to ufc, won't be able to compete in other countries/organizations and sambo. Since Randy Couture is out of UFC maybe fedor will be able to arrange a fight now
Well, I think it's both sides which are at fault in this whole thing...
The UFC obviously doesn't want to let Fedor compete in sambo tournaments! Even though he's a beast and people sometimes quit to avoid facing him, why take a chance and let him get hurt in a sport that most Americans don't care or know about? Furthermore, why would the UFC, the king organization of MMA, cross promote with other organizations? From a pure business stand point, it doesn't make any sense. Besides that, Fedor wanted shows in Russia, and he wanted a few Red Devil fighters under contract in the UFC also.
Then again, I think Fedor is getting played pretty hard by his management.
Then again... again, I don't blame him for not wanting to sell his soul to the UFC.
The whole issue is bad for MMA fans.