Oh for fucks sake, give me the same cut as a steak house and I will cook it just as well. Its seasoning and cooking time, its not rocket science.
People don't have ovens that can get nearly hot enough to sear a steak like one from a five star steak house. While seasoning and technique are both obviously important. Without the broilers high end steak houses use, you won't be able to cook it as well. No matter how good of a chef you are, you won't get the same crust or searing, it's just not possible. I've had a steak at Mastero's, and I've had the supposed same cut of meat cooked on a $4,000 grill that had some uber high tech IR thermal heat sensor cooking doo-hickey. And while both were excellent, Mastero's was easily better.
The closest you'll get at home is sou vide finished in a broiler or with a butane torch. Still without that 1400+ degree broiler it just doesn't come out the same. Now this is void if someone has one of the same broiler as a Mortons or Donovan's in their house, but I've never met someone who does. The searing's where the real magic happens, and you just can't duplicate that at home. That being said my sou vide + butane burner Prime Rib Eye's very tasty, but I'd never put it against the same steak from a top steak house.
sous vide + blow torch
Your argument is invalid.
Having made steaks using about 50 different methods, this gives me the best crust and closest to a Motron's searing I could get. It's definitely better than searing in a home oven. Regardless, a Motron's steak compared to one made using Alton Brown's method, well there's no comparison. And that seems to be the defacto at home premium steak cooking method. Personally I think it's just okay, but it's definitely very good for people who don't have a sous vide setup at home. Which is about 99.9% of people.
True but this isn't about the steak. It's all about the bloomin onion and the wife who didn't know better.
$50 gift card. We got a dope meal, steak. Chicken. Brownie and ice cream. Cost me 4.50$ after the gift card.
She didn't bring home the blooming onion. Which is the only reason to go to Outback.
How much does it cost to get divorced? How long does it take? This isn't forgivable. She'll be sleeping on the couch tonight.