wierdest email ever


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2001
at first i thought it was junk, but this guy was serious....


I am offering $50,000 2003 US dollars for the below equipment:

1. The mind warper generation 4 Dimensional Warp Generator # 52 4350a series wrist watch with z60 or better memory adapter. Or if in stock the AMD Dimensional Warp Generator module containing the GRC79 induction motor, two I80200 warp stabilizers, 256GB of SRAM, and two Analog Devices isolinear modules, This unit also has a menu driven GUI accessible on the front panel XID display. Or perhaps you have some reliable all in 1 units available?

2. The special 23200 or Acme 5X24 series time transducing capacitor with built in temporal displacement. I need this with complete jumper/auxiliary system

3. An age stopping finger ring if available.

VERY IMPORTANT: All equipment must be original in sealed closed casing of it's time. No old imitation electronic parts or materials are accepted. Please send photos of the above items so I can verify you have them available.

I will offer you $50,000 2003 US funds total for everything with the ring if you can teleport to me in the Boston area within the next 48 earth hours to conduct business in person.

Business in person is greatly preferred! If business cannot be conducted in person, I will send you a deposit only after proof you have them available, and then the remaining funds upon delivery of the time pieces.
Please also reply if you can recommend a reliable supplier in the Boston area.

Send a (SEPARATE) email to me at: Green2boy4@aol.com


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2001
Well? Are you going to just gawk at the email or are you going to buy something?

Forget about item #3. I sold it to a dickclark@hollywood.com. His original ring is starting to short out...


Diamond Member
Nov 30, 2001
You should email him back and start having some fun.... We can all join in here and think of crap to feed him.


Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm waiting to see his WTB thread in FS/T. Just reading the replies should be worth weeks of laughs. :D

Weired than this?

You're not going to believe what's happening to me now.
someone is doing an experiment on me.
I mean an experiment on a living creature.

it's kind of hard to explain this situation.

Base: liquid thing interacting with human body in itself.
1. they raise some koreans(about 20) and put liquid thing into their body.
2. Using satellite, they located korean's liquid thing around me and also put liquid thing
into my body, also liquid thing in my body is interacting with that korean's liquid thing.

can you believe this?
please, trust me !!! (served in US Army as SWAT team).
maybe next time i can explain more details about this situation.

I am sending a help mail to many people, but i think that
my uni. of Hanyang uni. in seoul of south korea is most important.
please, help me to bring attention of Hanyang uni. to me.
(name: Kim chulmin, student# : 91007940, department : industrial engineering)

I wrote down this situation in korean.

tribute fund