We have lived here for almost 2 years and mosquitoes are extremely rare here. I did see one of the giant mosquitoes, but I think those are the non biting kind? I can keep my screen door open all day long and a gnat or 2 may fly in but that is it.
There are 2 popular theories as to why there are no mosquitoes but even these make little sense.
1) Little precipitation
2) Air pollution
I live in coastal orange county where the air quality is pretty good and does not have the heavy smog issues.
Yes it rains very little here but I have been in places just as dry with a huge mosquito problem. I spent a summer in Sevilla, Spain which is extremely dry and mosquitoes there are a HUGE problem. Even when I spent time in Arizona I was attacked by mosquitoes when I went outside.
I dont think I have been bitten by a mosquito here, I was bitten by something here a while back but it did not resemble a mosquito bite, I used to live in Virginia where mosquito bites are common. It is interesting and I am curious as to why mosquitoes are not a issue here.
There are 2 popular theories as to why there are no mosquitoes but even these make little sense.
1) Little precipitation
2) Air pollution
I live in coastal orange county where the air quality is pretty good and does not have the heavy smog issues.
Yes it rains very little here but I have been in places just as dry with a huge mosquito problem. I spent a summer in Sevilla, Spain which is extremely dry and mosquitoes there are a HUGE problem. Even when I spent time in Arizona I was attacked by mosquitoes when I went outside.
I dont think I have been bitten by a mosquito here, I was bitten by something here a while back but it did not resemble a mosquito bite, I used to live in Virginia where mosquito bites are common. It is interesting and I am curious as to why mosquitoes are not a issue here.