why no dvd or cd changers for pcs?


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2003
It seems that in my opinion thier would be a demand for 100+ disc dvd changers for pcs. they have them for home stereo so its more than possible, or is thier something i'm missing


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2000
I have a 200 home cd - changer - but can you imagine the problem with drive letters :)


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2003
Originally posted by: RadioActiveMan666
It seems that in my opinion thier would be a demand for 100+ disc dvd changers for pcs. they have them for home stereo so its more than possible, or is thier something i'm missing

All those CDs would only take up a mere 6gigs of your 280Gb of storage once converted to Mp3 (I know you know this). The trend should be going to all digital once they figure out this whole file sharing vs. paying thing. That way you download the songs and transfer them to the hard drive in your home theatre/car stereo and upload any old CDs you have. We don't want to move backwards. Well some people do because they have exactly what your talking as noted above and here which seems to be smaller. I don't want anymore CDs but even if I don't have them for music AOL will still send me one once a week like clockwork.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2003
my main idea for this is if someone would comeup with a device like this and make it resonable 300-400ish it would be great for my htpc i'm building aloowing me to not have to swap discs all the time (due to space consrants I have the majority of my tv colletion off line on 50 DVDs but thier still in divx format or I would just get a home stereo unit. Also I feel if this works well it would be better than a HD array sue to the fact its reliable, don't have to worry about a disc crapping out on you