I could but the only adjustment seems to be larger. not really what I want to do but it does help readability
text on the desktop, confined to ie 10. windows elements such as control panel or file explorer are sharp. there too is a separate annoyance where compared to w7 (dual booting) brightness or whiteness if you will is higher as is contrast and color saturation than in w7 across all windows.
clear type is on and I have tried adjusting it. oddly enough clear type is difficult to adjust because it offers no clear text to select. regardless, it was set at what would have been the unadjusted state in w7 before the inplace upgrade.
24" Samsung .27 pixel pitch NVidia gts-450 or alternatively ati-4670
not blurry in the litteral sense but inconsistent like a ballpoint pen skips ink but in every letter. or like selecting the worst option in clear type. the text in an anandtech topic is probably the worst I have seen yet, but readable. where as a full page of text like a new York times article bring a feeling of eye strain in 2 minutes.