Why is DoTA so popular?

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Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: Modeps
Oh well. Back to console gaming.

I'm confused, wouldn't console gaming be the same or worse (I would guess it would be worse with the Halo nation)? You might be better off with single player only games if you are offended by people telling you that you suck (regardless of platform). Maybe that's what you meant?

I suck at CS:S, my steam page even declares it, I play it occasionally and am told that I suck but I still can get enjoyment out of the game. ;)

I've never played Dota but if there is a server browser maybe look for a n33b friendly server?


Golden Member
Mar 15, 2005
Originally posted by: Modeps
Yeah, I think I'm done with this mod. Third game I went into, first thing I said "I'm a new player, so if anyone can help, I'd appreciate it" Some people seemed ok with it, but I was left to fend for myself... about the time where I died for the 4th time, people started cursing and saying that I sucked and what not. I really dont need that when I'm trying to learn.

Oh well. Back to console gaming.

As a new player, you should never be soloing a lane which is what i think is happening. Pick a partner to lane with and back him up when you see him playing aggressive or when he's being targeted.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: Soviet
Ive read the wiki and it said it was based on a starcraft map, the concept of it sounds like it could have been based from hundreds of different starcraft maps, some of the "special forces" maps on starcraft or anything where you level up and earn minerals and push forward against the enemy.

Why is DoTA so popular? Is it just that there isnt many good customs for WC III and this was the best they had or what? How come there hasent been any good custom starcraft maps that got recognition and fame... the thing and the WWIII ones are great! Hot potato and room wars and even the really simple but fun (and often rigged) simpsons madness games are great.

DOTA is the natural evolution of SC RPG maps. If you played SC, you had to have played RPG maps.


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
DoTA has a very steep learning curve and the players are often very harsh. I literally used to play this more than any other game for about a year or so, and would play it every night for 2-4 hours, longer on the weekends. With 80+ heroes and so many items, there are amazing levels of play you can reach and fun to be had. The combinations are virtually limitless and if you're good enough you can develop your own special play style.

Some characters are also just extremely fun to play in public matches but not good in tournaments, such as Noobseeker (basically you play hunt the noob who wanders off solo, this is why he is so fun in pubs, but he sucks in tournaments), Pudge (really really fun character to play if you're hosting the game, or join a game with very low lag - try playing him in a tournament though or a high lag game and you can forget about it), etc..

When I was playing it I would pick one hero at a time and just play almost exclusively them for 2-3 weeks, then move on. You can keep going on and on and on this way as there are so many characters to use and have fun with, and the scripting guys are some very talented coders. DoTA is one of my most favorite maps of all time.

Just keep in mind if you start trying it out that the learning curve can be pretty brutal if you're up against experienced players.
Jun 8, 2008
Just so you know Soviet...You don't need the discs to play warcraft anymore. So as long as you have it installed on your pc you can play it.


Platinum Member
Jul 5, 2007
Originally posted by: Modeps
Yeah, I think I'm done with this mod. Third game I went into, first thing I said "I'm a new player, so if anyone can help, I'd appreciate it" Some people seemed ok with it, but I was left to fend for myself... about the time where I died for the 4th time, people started cursing and saying that I sucked and what not. I really dont need that when I'm trying to learn.

Oh well. Back to console gaming.

Yeah, you should get together and practice a little before you head off into the real world. The fact is that everyone calling you a noob, is in fact, terrible. They suck. If you want to play a little more look me up. Lazy-Elemental on US EAST. I'm usually on afternoon/evening CST. Hope to hear from you! The game is great, some of the people, not so much.


Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2005
Don't the recent DOTA builds have bot ability? You can basically play the game against CPU's who have scripts and know what they're doing and use that as a bit of a tutorial without elitists picking on you.

I remember playing one several months ago that had CPU's scripted to deny creeps and towers. o_o


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2006
Originally posted by: Juddog
DoTA has a very steep learning curve and the players are often very harsh. I literally used to play this more than any other game for about a year or so, and would play it every night for 2-4 hours, longer on the weekends. With 80+ heroes and so many items, there are amazing levels of play you can reach and fun to be had. The combinations are virtually limitless and if you're good enough you can develop your own special play style.

Some characters are also just extremely fun to play in public matches but not good in tournaments, such as Noobseeker (basically you play hunt the noob who wanders off solo, this is why he is so fun in pubs, but he sucks in tournaments), Pudge (really really fun character to play if you're hosting the game, or join a game with very low lag - try playing him in a tournament though or a high lag game and you can forget about it), etc..

When I was playing it I would pick one hero at a time and just play almost exclusively them for 2-3 weeks, then move on. You can keep going on and on and on this way as there are so many characters to use and have fun with, and the scripting guys are some very talented coders. DoTA is one of my most favorite maps of all time.

Just keep in mind if you start trying it out that the learning curve can be pretty brutal if you're up against experienced players.

I'd argue that the learning curve is a cliff wall made of diamond that is over a mile in height when facing experienced players as a new person.


Senior member
Jan 17, 2006
Originally posted by: Modeps
Alright, so I played my second game and was not too happy with the other players, I told them I really didn't have much of an idea what to do after somehow (5 minutes in) they started saying that I sucked. Instead of giving me some pointers, they just ignored me, kept saying I was a noob, and finally quit turning over control to me of their Heroes.

It wasnt labeled a "pro" or "league" game, it was just called "DOTA apem" In a game that's basically only multiplayer, the community sure doesn't make it easy for a new person to learn or even want to keep playing.

That is why I quit playing, it was fun, but i just didnt have the time to dedicate to it and people were no help.


Jul 20, 2003
Basically it is for people that got bored of wc3 but still love bnet. I still love wc3 though, and I find playing dota to be like a crappy game of diabloii.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2002
Originally posted by: GenHoth
Yes, they have dota AI maps

How do I get them? I have tried going to the DoTA forums, but I can't even browse them without registering, and last time I tried to register, it said they weren't taking anymore applications.



Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2006
I used to play it a few years back when it was in its infancy. Back then, a few heroes were far better than the rest and everyone strove to get a few super items. It might be different now. It was fun just concentrating on one unit and trying to beat the other team. Pushing into the enemy base is very satisfying, and comebacks can be just as much so.


Senior member
Oct 11, 2006
It's best to have a few good friends (hopefully enough for 5v5 or 3v3) teach you the game. You'll likely be frustrated trying to learn the game by playing on BNet.

I don't think Dota AI (bots) help you learn the game. There were a number of guys I knew that played against themselves and AI all the time. (I'm assuming they don't have access to BNet.) They sucked terribly even after months of playing AI.


May 19, 2008
sounds similar to the 3 paths or 3 towers mod from many years ago for wc3, it was fun as hell I played it all the time on kali (i know dear lord that is old)


Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Jax Omen
Originally posted by: esun
Originally posted by: mushroom3
it's more balanced than the actual game of wc3
for those who are going to argue against this statement, you don't hear people whining about any heroes in games with decent players while you hear many about human towers

Heroes are regularly banned from tournament play because they are too unfair. There are some huge imbalances in heroes. I won't say it's less balanced than WC3, but still it could be better in that regard.

DotA tournaments allow each team to vote on 3/4 heroes to be banned. The teams get to pick whichever of the 90 heroes they want. That is NOT the same thing as "heroes being banned because they're unfair". Most teams ban the couple heroes that are most likely to screw up their intended team lineup.

Just as an example, Google: bristleback banned

There would be absolutely no reason to institute any hero-banning policy if all of the heroes were balanced. The picking order should resolve those kinds of strategic issues if the game were truly balanced.

I like DoTA, but it's pretty naive to think all heroes are equal (or even close).


Senior member
Sep 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Eeezee
Originally posted by: LumbergTech
personally, i dont like dota at all...seems like someone thought warcraft 3 wasnt good enough and made a horrible mod for it

Dota is shitty

I used to play Tides of Blood... that was so much more awesome. People liked DOTA more because it was completely unbalanced, allowing players to essentially go crazy with ridiculous characters. ToB felt like something Blizzard might actually release; it was balanced, challenging, and tons of fun. Alas, Battle.net is full of retards, so DOTA won in the end.

Seconded. I used to be into ToB when DotA sucked ass and was a total shit-fest. I'll admit that it's come a long way now though. Unfortunately, ToB hasn't been updated in a long time. :(

Jax Omen

Golden Member
Mar 14, 2008
Originally posted by: esun

DotA tournaments allow each team to vote on 3/4 heroes to be banned. The teams get to pick whichever of the 90 heroes they want. That is NOT the same thing as "heroes being banned because they're unfair". Most teams ban the couple heroes that are most likely to screw up their intended team lineup.

Just as an example, Google: bristleback banned

There would be absolutely no reason to institute any hero-banning policy if all of the heroes were balanced. The picking order should resolve those kinds of strategic issues if the game were truly balanced.

I like DoTA, but it's pretty naive to think all heroes are equal (or even close).

I did google that. They also banned backdooring, which is a key STRATEGY in the game. And they banned Alchemist, who is arguably a low-tier hero at best. Not my fault if some tournaments are retarded.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
Originally posted by: Jax Omen
Originally posted by: esun

DotA tournaments allow each team to vote on 3/4 heroes to be banned. The teams get to pick whichever of the 90 heroes they want. That is NOT the same thing as "heroes being banned because they're unfair". Most teams ban the couple heroes that are most likely to screw up their intended team lineup.

Just as an example, Google: bristleback banned

There would be absolutely no reason to institute any hero-banning policy if all of the heroes were balanced. The picking order should resolve those kinds of strategic issues if the game were truly balanced.

I like DoTA, but it's pretty naive to think all heroes are equal (or even close).

I did google that. They also banned backdooring, which is a key STRATEGY in the game. And they banned Alchemist, who is arguably a low-tier hero at best. Not my fault if some tournaments are retarded.

BDing isn't really a key strategy, its usually used when people know they're going to lose and want to be dicks. Also alchemists stun is absolutely ridiculous, it has infinite range and isn't broken by line of sight even.


Platinum Member
Jul 5, 2007
It also takes him out of the fight for 5 seconds. I think removing BDing was uncalled for. If you can't be tasked to defend your own base... meh. I also hate that pooling is no longer allowed. Really hurts heros like Alch and KotL

Jax Omen

Golden Member
Mar 14, 2008
BD is completely a key strategy. I have played games where the enemy team 5-man pushed while my team 4-man defended while we had one of our people backdoor. He destroyed the enemy rax in that lane before they were able to get enough people back to stop him. We would up winning because the sudden backdoor threw their team into such dissarray that we were able to defeat them and counterpush to victory.

That tournament also limited Aegis to one person per team (just silly considering only 1 aegis can spawn every 10 minutes, and only if your team kills Roshan first AND grabs the Aegis first.

Alchemists' stun IS insane. It's also all he has going for him. And it's single-target. And he has to channel for however many seconds the stun lasts. Not broken.

I'm torn on pooling, but in the latest maps it's disabled in code, so I can't really complain too terribly much. Apparently IceFrog doesn't feel that pooling is fair.


Apr 1, 2001
Sorry to dig up a dead thread, but I just moved and finally get to play dota again after a few weeks away. I know I've spoken to a few ATers before about playing, but let's try it again:

Anyone play consistently and would like to try a few games together?


Platinum Member
Jul 5, 2007
I play on USEAST most evenings, GenHoth or Lazy-Elemental. You'll probably find me playing in the TDA games though.