Why do they suck soooo much?


Senior member
Feb 8, 2001
Best Buy, CompUSA, Circuit City (or insert chain store here)... argh!

I don't care if it has been posted before...

Why do so many of the clerks (not all) not know WTF they're talking about!!!

This kind of crap gets on my nerves...

Me: "Do you have any ATA 66/100 IDE cables?"
Best Buy Clerk: "Try these (ATA 33) they all work the same."

Me: "That Antec case is nice, but do you have one that has more full size drive bays (it had 3)."
Circuit City Clerk: "No, sorry."
Me: "Darn, I need at least four."
Citcuit City Clerk: "I recommend getting rid of one of your devices taking up one of those bays, because Antec makes the best cases."
WTF kinda advice is that... aaarrrggghhh!

Me: "Is there a way you can purchase the Creative Live!Drive seperately (asked while pointing to it on the SoundBlaster 5.1 Platinum's box).
CompUSA Clerk: :confused: Live...Drive?
Me: "Never mind!"


Golden Member
Oct 30, 2000
i bet if you talked to a service clerk at any Inet store they would have the same thing to say....maybe theyll be a bit more knowledgeable. those stores are like any other B&M store... they hire cheap labor. whos cheaper than people who are in high school or think they can make good commision on selling TV's.



Oct 18, 1999
I usually go to these stores just to mess around with the sales people when i am board. i ask all sort of technical questions, make believe the guy is right, make believe I am about to buy all sorts of stuff, then leave. :) The only store that I could ALMOST respect the sales people is at J and R computer world in NYC. But, they are the opposite in some cases. Like, if you dont know what you are talking about, they wont bother with you.


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2000
Here are some of my favorites:

Me: Just out of curiosity do you plan on carrying any of the Geforce2 Ultra video cards?
Best Buy "computer tech": Yes, we should be getting some in the future.
Me: When do you plan on getting them in?
Best Buy "computer tech": They'll probably be here around the same time as the Voodoo5 6000
Me thinking to myself: I guess that means never.

A customer is on the phone asking about CDRWs:
Best Buy computer guy: Honestly sir I would recommend a slower 4x burner because slower CD burners give more reliable burns.
Customer on the phone makes some comment.
Best Buy computer guy: Yes sir, a lot of people get errors when using the faster drives.

I guess he didn't notice the 12x10x32 TDK BURN Proof CDRW two feet in front of him which cost the same as the "slower, more reliable" drive that he recommended.

A lady is shopping for a video card to give her son for Christmas:
Lady: Which one of these video cards would you recommend?
Best Buy guy: Well this one is a little more expensive, but it will play games very smoothly. (as he shows her the 64MB Hercules 3D Prophet II GTS Pro)
Lady: This one will work in his computer?
Best Buy guy: What kind of cpu does he have?
Lady: A Pentium II 266.
Best Buy guy: Yes, this card will work great.

I guess the words bottleneck and cpu limited aren't in the Best Buy computer salesman manual.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2000
Here is a Best Buy Classic.

Rep #1 - The fan only comes on when when the computer is hot enough.
Rep #2 - Yep, thats right, just like the engine cooling fans in those foreign cars.

Funny enough? No ?


Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999
It's really no different than any other area.

Go into a chain Hi-Fi store. Do you think they are all experts?

Or go to an Automotive performance store. I'll guarantee you that they aren't all experts.

It would cost way too much for these chain stores to employ the very knowledgable.