Why do people foward all those fake chain mails?


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2007
Look at this one I just got forwarded:

Hi everyone

Ericsson are distributing free laptops for their brand promotion.

They hope to increase their popularity and sales by this campaign.

All you need to do is send an email about this to 8 people and you will receive an Ericsson T18 Laptop.

However, if you send an email about this to 20 or more people, you will receive an Ericsson R320 Laptop.

Make sure you send a copy to: anna.swelung@ericsson.com

****** *****
Accountant 1, Consumer & Industrial Markets

10 Shelley Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Are people that dense? :confused:


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2007
I think they are dumb too.

But they don't hurt anyone and there's always the possibility that maybe, just maybe, this time it's true.


Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: coldmeat
I think they are dumb too.

But they don't hurt anyone and there's always the possibility that may, just maybe, this time it's true.
Except that they waste bandwidth, and they waste the time of people who possess at least one fully functioning neuron, who therefore have the sense to take the time to delete the message.



Jan 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Skyclad1uhm1
Originally posted by: George P Burdell
Why do people foward all those fake chain mails?
Because they are IDIOTS.

I find that offensive! Idiots aren't _that_ stupid!
Send this to 10 other people to educate them on not being stupid.



No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Barack Obama

Are people that dense? :confused:

Did you try it? It worked for a friend of my wife's sister's pet sitter's cousin's aunt. They actually screwed up and sent her a gold plated one with the soul of Bill Gates inside.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Barack Obama
Look at this one I just got forwarded:

Hi everyone

Ericsson are distributing free laptops for their brand promotion.

They hope to increase their popularity and sales by this campaign.

All you need to do is send an email about this to 8 people and you will receive an Ericsson T18 Laptop.

However, if you send an email about this to 20 or more people, you will receive an Ericsson R320 Laptop.

Make sure you send a copy to: anna.swelung@ericsson.com

****** *****
Accountant 1, Consumer & Industrial Markets

10 Shelley Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Are people that dense? :confused:

Yes, yes they are.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Originally posted by: KK
Originally posted by: Barack Obama

Are people that dense? :confused:

yes, look at who they voted for.

If you belive that has much to do with it, you are dense yourself.

Until bipartisan politics is wiped out, people are just following their peers like lemmings.


Mar 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Jeff7
Originally posted by: coldmeat
I think they are dumb too.

But they don't hurt anyone and there's always the possibility that may, just maybe, this time it's true.
Except that they waste bandwidth, and they waste the time of people who possess at least one fully functioning neuron, who therefore have the sense to take the time to delete the message.



Diamond Member
Mar 27, 2003
when ever i get one i reply with this one:

My name is Billy Evans. I AM A very sick little boy.
My mother is typing this for me, because I can't. She Is crying. The reason she is so sad is because I'm so Sick. I was Born without A body. It doesn't hurt, Except when I try to breathe.

The doctors gave me an artificial body. It is A burlap Bag filled with leaves. The doctors said that was the Best they could do ON account of us having No money OR Insurance.

I would like to have A body transplant, but we need More money. Mommy doesn't work because she said nobody Hires crying people. I said, " Don't cry, Mommy and " and She hugged my burlap bag. Mommy always gives me hugs, Even though she's allergic to burlap and it makes her Sneeze and chafes her real bad.

I hope you will help me. You can help me if you Forward this email to everyone you know. Forward it to People you don't know, the too. Dr. Johansen said that for Every person you forward this email to, Bill Gates Will team up with AOL and send A nickel to NASA. With That funding, NASA will collect prayers from school Children all over America and have the astronauts take Them up into space so that the angels can hear them Better.

Then they will come back to earth and go to the Pope, And he will take up A collection IN church and send All the money to the doctors. The doctors could help Me get better then. Maybe one day I will be able to Play baseball. Right now I can only be third base.

Every time you forward this letter, the astronauts can Take more prayers to the angels and my dream will be Closer to coming true. Please help me. Mommy is so Sad and and I want A body. I don't want my leaves to rot Before I turn 10

If you don't forward this email, that's okay. Mommy Says you're A mean and heartless bastard who doesn't Care about A poor little boy with only A head. She Says that if you don't stew IN the raw pit of your own Guilt-ridden stomach, she hopes you die A long slow, Horrible death and then burn forever IN hell.

What kind of cruel person are you that you can't take Five freakin' minutes to forward this to all your Friends so that they can feel guilt and shame about Ignoring A poor, bodiless nine-year-old boy? Please Help me.

I try to be happy, but it's hard. I wish I had A Kitty. I wish I could hold A kitty. I wish I could Hold A kitty that wouldn't chew ON me and try to bury Its turds IN the leaves of my burlap body. I wish that Very much.

Thank You,

Billy " Smiles " Evans


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Originally posted by: captains
when ever i get one i reply with this one:

My name is Billy Evans. I AM A very sick little boy.
My mother is typing this for me, because I can't. She Is crying. The reason she is so sad is because I'm so Sick. I was Born without A body. It doesn't hurt, Except when I try to breathe.

The doctors gave me an artificial body. It is A burlap Bag filled with leaves. The doctors said that was the Best they could do ON account of us having No money OR Insurance.

I would like to have A body transplant, but we need More money. Mommy doesn't work because she said nobody Hires crying people. I said, " Don't cry, Mommy and " and She hugged my burlap bag. Mommy always gives me hugs, Even though she's allergic to burlap and it makes her Sneeze and chafes her real bad.

I hope you will help me. You can help me if you Forward this email to everyone you know. Forward it to People you don't know, the too. Dr. Johansen said that for Every person you forward this email to, Bill Gates Will team up with AOL and send A nickel to NASA. With That funding, NASA will collect prayers from school Children all over America and have the astronauts take Them up into space so that the angels can hear them Better.

Then they will come back to earth and go to the Pope, And he will take up A collection IN church and send All the money to the doctors. The doctors could help Me get better then. Maybe one day I will be able to Play baseball. Right now I can only be third base.

Every time you forward this letter, the astronauts can Take more prayers to the angels and my dream will be Closer to coming true. Please help me. Mommy is so Sad and and I want A body. I don't want my leaves to rot Before I turn 10

If you don't forward this email, that's okay. Mommy Says you're A mean and heartless bastard who doesn't Care about A poor little boy with only A head. She Says that if you don't stew IN the raw pit of your own Guilt-ridden stomach, she hopes you die A long slow, Horrible death and then burn forever IN hell.

What kind of cruel person are you that you can't take Five freakin' minutes to forward this to all your Friends so that they can feel guilt and shame about Ignoring A poor, bodiless nine-year-old boy? Please Help me.

I try to be happy, but it's hard. I wish I had A Kitty. I wish I could hold A kitty. I wish I could Hold A kitty that wouldn't chew ON me and try to bury Its turds IN the leaves of my burlap body. I wish that Very much.

Thank You,

Billy " Smiles " Evans

That's gold. I've marked this for later so I can forward it to some people when I get home.
I sure do hope Billy gets a body!


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: coldmeat
I think they are dumb too.

But they don't hurt anyone and there's always the possibility that maybe, just maybe, this time it's true.

There's NEVER the possibility that it's ever true. People should know by now.


Golden Member
Jan 31, 2005
because they are idiots, the same idiots that will send 400k to Nigeria for 'big cash rewards p3n1s ++'


Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: alkemyst
Originally posted by: KK
Originally posted by: Barack Obama

Are people that dense? :confused:

yes, look at who they voted for.

If you belive that has much to do with it, you are dense yourself.

Until bipartisan politics is wiped out, people are just following their peers like lemmings.

tap tap...


Jan 25, 2008
Some bitch died 50 years ago. If you don't forward this, she'll be on your ceiling when you wake up.


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2004
Originally posted by: coldmeat
I think they are dumb too.

But they don't hurt anyone and there's always the possibility that maybe, just maybe, this time it's true.

They waste bandwidth, storage and cpu cycles