I believe the obstacle to seeing the world as you do, in my opinion, objectively and rationally, one needs a lack of personal motivation to see otherwise, in short an unbiased observer. My theory as to why, this does not happen is because millions and millions of people live in economic distress. I believe the biggest factor as to why economically stretched people are in that condition is because our economy produces an inequality of income where most of the wealth in the country belongs to way way too few people and that most of those who own most of the wealth want it to stay that way and pay others to keep it that way.
They are well aware that where economic stress exists people live in fear and that fear produced greediness and hatred of competitors. Thus the manufacture of notions that someone other than the haves are responsible for the stress felt by millions they use that hatred and fear and greed to keep control. They sell fear, hatred, and resentment to the stressed by creating the notions that others then themselves are to blame for their misery. They blame socialism and all notions of economic equality of income, by calling it theft from those already stressed, and the unemployed looking to work for less if it means a job. They blame immigrants especially for this, and while the rich will use immigrants as scapegoats for the stressed to blame, they will be the first to hire them and prevent unionization while pretending to want walls built.
Thus we live in a world where the stressed do everything in their power to fuck themselves because they have been convinced they are fucking somebody else. And if you were such a fool would you really want to know it?
It's the economy stupid means there is only one God and it is money because money is how our society papers over self hate. The rich are rich because they are deserving. Of course they are deserving because they sacrifices their life energies to achieve it as well as, for so many, any shreds of health self respect.