Why are we being so nice to Yemen when they are buddies with Hamas?

Aug 10, 2001
May 4, 2002

Yemeni president meets leader of Hamas

SANA'A, Yemen (AP) - Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh today received the leader of Hamas, a militant Palestinian group responsible for a series of suicide attacks against Israelis, without asking him to cease such operations, the Palestinian said.

"The brothers in Yemen, especially President Ali Abdullah Saleh, didn't pressure, and did not demand from Hamas ... to stop the martyrdom operations," Khaled Mashaal told The Associated Press following the meeting. He did not elaborate.

According to the official Yemeni news agency, the two men discussed "the aggression and terrorism the Palestinian people are subjected to at the hands of the Israeli occupation troops."

Hamas is a staunch opponent of the Palestinian-Israeli peace process and is on the U.S. list of terrorist organization. Mashaal is based in the Syrian capital, Damascus.

Yemen has seen some of the largest pro-Palestinian rallies in the Arab world after Israeli troops launched their incursion in the West Bank in search of Palestinian militants blamed for suicide attacks on Israelis. Saleh has called on Arab nations to open their borders for Arab volunteers to fight Israel, and sever relations with the Jewish state.

At the meeting, Saleh expressed his country's support for the Palestinian uprising and a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, the news agency reported.

Officials close to Saleh said the president was making a donation of $10 million to the Palestinian Authority as well as to "active Palestinian forces," which include Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, another militant Palestinian group.

The delegation from Hamas has been in the country for a week.