Why are people so against gay marriage?

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Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: SMOGZINN
Originally posted by: EXman
They deny themselves marriage.
They now want to redefine marriage.

Liberty to you is redefining to meet an agenda. Where is the liberty?

Liberty has always been the process redefining society to meet an agenda.
The agenda of freedom for all.

Some of us were surfs, so we redefined the role of government. Liberty!
Some of us were not land owners, so we redefined who could vote. Liberty!
Some of us were women, so we once again redefined who could vote. Liberty!
Some of us were Black, so we redefined our entire society. Liberty!
Some of us are gay. We need to redefine who can marry. It can only end in Liberty.
LoL sounds like a noble cause but... those were laws that were redefined. And since you say the Government should not tell anyone who can get married then why should they tell us what marriage is?

Marriage is not a law and shouldn't be legislated as such.
It is what it is.

I understand that you are convinced this is freedom. But it isn't.
I understand you think it is liberty. But it isn't

If you want laws that grant you something when your male friend dies go for it, but don't tell me you need to bring marriage into this. You can get married anytime you want. You choose not to. If you want laws that grant you rights once again go for it. Don't try to infringe on others rights to gain your "special right." It is special since you already by law are able to get married.


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: EXman
Originally posted by: SMOGZINN
Originally posted by: EXman
They deny themselves marriage.
They now want to redefine marriage.

Liberty to you is redefining to meet an agenda. Where is the liberty?

Liberty has always been the process redefining society to meet an agenda.
The agenda of freedom for all.

Some of us were surfs, so we redefined the role of government. Liberty!
Some of us were not land owners, so we redefined who could vote. Liberty!
Some of us were women, so we once again redefined who could vote. Liberty!
Some of us were Black, so we redefined our entire society. Liberty!
Some of us are gay. We need to redefine who can marry. It can only end in Liberty.
LoL sounds like a noble cause but... those were laws that were redefined. And since you say the Government should not tell anyone who can get married then why should they tell us what marriage is?

Marriage is not a law and shouldn't be legislated as such.
It is what it is.

I understand that you are convinced this is freedom. But it isn't.
I understand you think it is liberty. But it isn't

If you want laws that grant you something when your male friend dies go for it, but don't tell me you need to bring marriage into this. You can get married anytime you want. You choose not to. If you want laws that grant you rights once again go for it. Don't try to infringe on others rights to gain your "special right." It is special since you already by law are able to get married.

Under 30 votes 2-1 for gay marriage. You are the relic. Tick-tock.


Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: EXman
Originally posted by: SMOGZINN
Originally posted by: EXman
They deny themselves marriage.
They now want to redefine marriage.

Liberty to you is redefining to meet an agenda. Where is the liberty?

Liberty has always been the process redefining society to meet an agenda.
The agenda of freedom for all.

Some of us were surfs, so we redefined the role of government. Liberty!
Some of us were not land owners, so we redefined who could vote. Liberty!
Some of us were women, so we once again redefined who could vote. Liberty!
Some of us were Black, so we redefined our entire society. Liberty!
Some of us are gay. We need to redefine who can marry. It can only end in Liberty.
LoL sounds like a noble cause but... those were laws that were redefined. And since you say the Government should not tell anyone who can get married then why should they tell us what marriage is?

Marriage is not a law and shouldn't be legislated as such.
It is what it is.

I understand that you are convinced this is freedom. But it isn't.
I understand you think it is liberty. But it isn't

If you want laws that grant you something when your male friend dies go for it, but don't tell me you need to bring marriage into this. You can get married anytime you want. You choose not to. If you want laws that grant you rights once again go for it. Don't try to infringe on others rights to gain your "special right." It is special since you already by law are able to get married.

Under 30 votes 2-1 for gay marriage. You are the relic. Tick-tock.

LoL I don't blame them they just have a lack of wisdom and a full dose of indoctrination from public schools.

Latin American Catholics are the biggest group to illegaly enter America. tick-tock.



Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: EXman
Originally posted by: jonks

Under 30 votes 2-1 for gay marriage. You are the relic. Tick-tock.

LoL I don't blame them they just have a lack of wisdom and a full dose of indoctrination from public schools.

Latin American Catholics are the biggest group to illegaly enter America. tick-tock.

First, what do "Latin American Catholics" entering illegally have to do with anything?

If your comment is meant to imply that you have hope that the under 30 vote will be equaled out by the bigotry of more religious zealots entering the country to slow the progress being made against your own hate of another person or group based on some uncontrollable, arbitrary birth gene....good luck with that.


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: EXman
Originally posted by: jonks
Under 30 votes 2-1 for gay marriage. You are the relic. Tick-tock.

LoL I don't blame them they just have a lack of wisdom and a full dose of indoctrination from public schools.

Latin American Catholics are the biggest group to illegaly enter America. tick-tock.

LOL, damn those public schools for teaching tolerance and stuff. Bring back segregation!

are latin american illegals now voting? no, but their children will be, and their children will be growing up with people who don't demonize gays. So you lose again. boo hoo.


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: EXman
I fear anyone who thinks redefining anything just to further thier agenda. It's not like they can't get married. They can already. They choose not to by wanting to be in a same-sex relationship.

Redefining Marriage is offensive to most.

That would assume that one chooses to be gay, which is what you're saying here. That makes you, what they call in scientific communities, a fucking moron :)


Jun 17, 2005
Originally posted by: EXman
Originally posted by: SMOGZINN
Originally posted by: EXman
They deny themselves marriage.
They now want to redefine marriage.

Liberty to you is redefining to meet an agenda. Where is the liberty?

Liberty has always been the process redefining society to meet an agenda.
The agenda of freedom for all.

Some of us were surfs, so we redefined the role of government. Liberty!
Some of us were not land owners, so we redefined who could vote. Liberty!
Some of us were women, so we once again redefined who could vote. Liberty!
Some of us were Black, so we redefined our entire society. Liberty!
Some of us are gay. We need to redefine who can marry. It can only end in Liberty.
LoL sounds like a noble cause but... those were laws that were redefined. And since you say the Government should not tell anyone who can get married then why should they tell us what marriage is?

Maybe you have not read my other posts. I don't think the government should say anything at all about marriage. If you want to know what I think, I think we should pass an amendment stating that the government can?t tell anyone who to marry or in any way define marriage. Let that be between the couple and their church. That way everyone can have their own definition of marriage, and no one but your spouse has to care what yours is. Contract law can handle all the legal aspects that now go with marriage. Don?t marry, incorporate.

Marriage is not a law and shouldn't be legislated as such.
It is what it is.

Right now it is law. That is what Prop 8 was, a law. That is the problem. It is a law that differentially treats people based on sexual orientation.

You can get married anytime you want. You choose not to.

As I have already pointed out, a gay man is not allowed to get married. That is what prop 8 is about.


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: SMOGZINN
Originally posted by: EXman
You can get married anytime you want. You choose not to.

As I have already pointed out, a gay man is not allowed to get married. That is what prop 8 is about.

He's implying Prop 8 is not discriminatory since a gay man can get married anytime he wants, so long as he marries a woman. In other words, don't waste your time arguing with a person who employs nitwit logic.


Jun 17, 2005
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: SMOGZINN
Originally posted by: EXman
You can get married anytime you want. You choose not to.

As I have already pointed out, a gay man is not allowed to get married. That is what prop 8 is about.

He's implying Prop 8 is not discriminatory since a gay man can get married anytime he wants, so long as he marries a woman. In other words, don't waste your time arguing with a person who employs nitwit logic.

I think also that is what he is trying to say, but I don't want to put words in his mouth. Since he is already working with flawed logic I can't claim to know what conclusions he comes to with it.

But to address your assumptive argument of his:

By the 'gay is a choice' logic if he marries a woman then it is not really a gay man marrying is it? Therefore a gay man can not marry.

If gay is not a choice, then you are giving preferential treatment to one class of people over another. A gay man can marry, but not as a gay man. He can only marry if he does so as a stright man. Therefore we are back to gay men can not marry.

Either way, it is discrimination.


Jun 17, 2005
Originally posted by: Adam8281
Maybe they're worried it will increase the incidence of this sort of situation.

Perhaps they are, but that is already happening. I can't see how it could get worse.
As my post will show, I am all for equality under the law, but I think it is as important to allow individual people (and their companies) to be prejudiced. You might be spouting hateful nonsensical babble, but it is your right to do so.

There is a diffrence between govenment and private sectors. If I don't want to serve jews in my restraunt I don't see why the government should force me to.


Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: SMOGZINN
Originally posted by: jonks
Originally posted by: SMOGZINN
Originally posted by: EXman
You can get married anytime you want. You choose not to.

As I have already pointed out, a gay man is not allowed to get married. That is what prop 8 is about.

He's implying Prop 8 is not discriminatory since a gay man can get married anytime he wants, so long as he marries a woman. In other words, don't waste your time arguing with a person who employs nitwit logic.

I think also that is what he is trying to say, but I don't want to put words in his mouth. Since he is already working with flawed logic I can't claim to know what conclusions he comes to with it.

But to address your assumptive argument of his:

By the 'gay is a choice' logic if he marries a woman then it is not really a gay man marrying is it? Therefore a gay man can not marry.

If gay is not a choice, then you are giving preferential treatment to one class of people over another. A gay man can marry, but not as a gay man. He can only marry if he does so as a stright man. Therefore we are back to gay men can not marry.

Either way, it is discrimination.

Ok I think Liberals need to understand that life is not fair and we don't get everything you want. I don't and you don't. This isn't a Utopia. You all talk of logic and the funny thing is that liberals see thier logic and somehow that superceedes my right to have an opinion.

That is bullsh!t. It is un American any way you slice it to say your logic trumps my right to free speech.

I'm stating my opinion which happens to be the majority opinion. You have not fully listened to what I have to say so why bother. If you want to analyze what I'm saying to get some sort of nasty hatefilled BS crap out of it fine. Your wasting your time. The funny thing here is that it seems to be perfectly ok to discriminate if it meets a liberal's agenda. I see see hatered and vitriol spewed about Christians 24/7 and it seems commonplace and if you really and truly want liberty for all think again you don't, you just want it for those you see fit to have it by your standards. And by that regard you are no better than me so get off your pseudo high horse Libs and smell what you are shoveling.

btw SMOGZINN I think you do argue well and make good points from your prospective I was more addressing Liberals in general.

lil addition--

oh one last thing... You can be against something like gay marriage and NOT BE hatefilled non sensical homophobes. The way liberals start calling names like that is childish, un imaginative, and it is an illogical emotion filled arguement at best. To say that ALL people are XYZ if they oppose your viewpoint is rather silly. I laugh everytime I see someone post an arguement like this with more of the same vitriol. It seems Libs have just a hard of time taking the emotion out of this arguement and then claim to be logical. Nice.


Jun 17, 2005
Originally posted by: EXman
oh one last thing... You can be against something like gay marriage and NOT BE hatefilled non sensical homophobes. The way liberals start calling names like that is childish, un imaginative, and it is an illogical emotion filled arguement at best. To say that ALL people are XYZ if they oppose your viewpoint is rather silly. I laugh everytime I see someone post an arguement like this with more of the same vitriol. It seems Libs have just a hard of time taking the emotion out of this arguement and then claim to be logical. Nice.

I think you just hit on a key problem with all such arguemts. As much as both sides hate to admit it, both sides are comprised of humans.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: EXman
Originally posted by: jonks
Under 30 votes 2-1 for gay marriage. You are the relic. Tick-tock.

LoL I don't blame them they just have a lack of wisdom and a full dose of indoctrination from public schools.

*Every* age bracket under 65 supports gay marriage by double-digit percents. Does your attack fit all of them - or, as it was with race, do the older have a harder time changing?

The public schools are not teaching them how to view gays - that's your ignorant paranoia because you can't understand people who who are not bigoted like yourself.

Latin American Catholics are the biggest group to illegaly enter America. tick-tock.

Latinos were evenly split; illegal immigrants are not a big voting bloc.
Feb 6, 2007
Originally posted by: EXman
Ok I think Liberals need to understand that life is not fair and we don't get everything you want. I don't and you don't. This isn't a Utopia. You all talk of logic and the funny thing is that liberals see thier logic and somehow that superceedes my right to have an opinion.

That is bullsh!t. It is un American any way you slice it to say your logic trumps my right to free speech.

I'm stating my opinion which happens to be the majority opinion. You have not fully listened to what I have to say so why bother. If you want to analyze what I'm saying to get some sort of nasty hatefilled BS crap out of it fine. Your wasting your time. The funny thing here is that it seems to be perfectly ok to discriminate if it meets a liberal's agenda. I see see hatered and vitriol spewed about Christians 24/7 and it seems commonplace and if you really and truly want liberty for all think again you don't, you just want it for those you see fit to have it by your standards. And by that regard you are no better than me so get off your pseudo high horse Libs and smell what you are shoveling.

btw SMOGZINN I think you do argue well and make good points from your prospective I was more addressing Liberals in general.

lil addition--

oh one last thing... You can be against something like gay marriage and NOT BE hatefilled non sensical homophobes. The way liberals start calling names like that is childish, un imaginative, and it is an illogical emotion filled arguement at best. To say that ALL people are XYZ if they oppose your viewpoint is rather silly. I laugh everytime I see someone post an arguement like this with more of the same vitriol. It seems Libs have just a hard of time taking the emotion out of this arguement and then claim to be logical. Nice.

One thing I think you need to understand. When you begin your argument by denigrating an entire group of people (in this case "liberals"), you pretty much undermine any point you might be attempting to make. You're no better than the people your vitriol is directed at; I don't care what you're saying, if you're up on your soapbox raving about how "all them stupid liberals, you're all on your high horse, calling people names, being unAmerican!" That's not a good tone to set in an argument; it comes off as abrasive, petulant, petty, vindictive ad hominem attacks, and adds nothing to the discussion besides establishing that you, in fact, don't like liberals. Great. But it's not a good argumentative tactic.

Now then, on to the next point: two phrases that you use that highlight an incongruity in your thinking. Namely, "life is not fair and we don't get everything you want," and "It is un American any way you slice it..." Seems to me America was founded on the following principle: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. All men are created equal. All men are endowed with certain rights, including the pursuit of happiness. Huh. It says it right there, in the Declaration of Independence, the document that kick-started this little country of ours. If we're all equal, why can straight people marry, but not gays? If we have the inalienable right to pursue happiness, why can straight people marry, but not gays (yes, I know the jokes, marriage leads to suffering, ha ha ha)? Seems to me that denying gays the right to marry is inherently unequal, inherently against the cause of their pursuit of happiness, and distinctly unAmerican.

"Oh, but that's the Declaration of Independence, it has no legal bearing on the Country," you counter. Well, that's true. So let's turn to the US Constitution, which contains the 14th Amendment: No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States... nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. No state shall enforce laws which abridge the privileges of citizens... like saying an entire group isn't entitled to get married. No state shall deny equal protection to its citizens... that sounds an awful lot like "you can't deny equal protection for both straight marriage and gay marriage." So when a state makes special provisions for straight marriages, by treating the couple as a single legal entity, they are Constitutionally required to extend those same protections to gay marriage... and yet not? I don't get it...

"Oh, but really it's a religious issue." Fine, but that's easy to brush aside with the First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. We know there are religions that endorse gay marriage, so the government recognizing some marriages legally but not others seems to be an establishment of one particular religion's view of marriage but not another. And if it's strictly religious, the government has zero reason to be involved anyway.

So now that we've done our daily civics drill, let me address the last point you made. "You can be against something like gay marriage and NOT BE hatefilled non sensical homophobes." Well, since being gay is as much a choice as the color of one's skin, I'm going to flip this into a racial argument. Can you make an argument that black people should not be allowed to marry without being racist? You can try... but let's face it, there's just no way to argue that an entire race should be banned from marriage without being racist. There's just no way to argue that an entire sexual orientation should be banned from marriage without being a bigot. It's homophobia. That's just what it is. You don't want to think of yourself as a bigot; no one does. But there is not a single justification for denying marriage to an entire class of people for a trait they were born with outside of bigotry.

And just so it's all out there, I'll lay my bias on the line. I was adopted and raised by lesbian mothers. They raised two sons. I'm a successful heterosexual college graduate with a good job. My brother is in an upper management position at the largest zoo in Oregon, married (to a woman), and raising two children (in my defense, he is significantly older than me, so I still have some catching up to do). Our mothers were together for over 20 years until one died of breast cancer. There is no way that you will ever be able to convince me that those two women did not love each other, that they were not good mothers, that they were not capable of raising a family, or that their being allowed to marry each other would have in any way, shape or form damaged the sanctity of marriage. You can have whatever opinion you want. But it was bigotry, pure and simple, that saw my mothers live a life together without ever having the option of marriage available to them.


Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: SMOGZINN
Originally posted by: EXman
oh one last thing... You can be against something like gay marriage and NOT BE hatefilled non sensical homophobes. The way liberals start calling names like that is childish, un imaginative, and it is an illogical emotion filled arguement at best. To say that ALL people are XYZ if they oppose your viewpoint is rather silly. I laugh everytime I see someone post an arguement like this with more of the same vitriol. It seems Libs have just a hard of time taking the emotion out of this arguement and then claim to be logical. Nice.

I think you just hit on a key problem with all such arguemts. As much as both sides hate to admit it, both sides are comprised of humans.

hmmm against all better judgement I find you refreshingly reasonable.

Libs and any partisan for that matter take note.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: SMOGZINN
Originally posted by: Adam8281
Maybe they're worried it will increase the incidence of this sort of situation.

Perhaps they are, but that is already happening. I can't see how it could get worse.
As my post will show, I am all for equality under the law, but I think it is as important to allow individual people (and their companies) to be prejudiced. You might be spouting hateful nonsensical babble, but it is your right to do so.

There is a diffrence between govenment and private sectors. If I don't want to serve jews in my restraunt I don't see why the government should force me to.

I agree with you, surprisingly, that you should have the right to spout hateful nonsensical babble. But I draw the line at you personally, not when you are setting policy.

Employers have power. Women should not be subject to sexual harrassment, workers should not be subject to unreasonable dangers, minorities should not be excluded from jobs because of owners' bigotry - society has the right to set public policy over public policy such as public accomodations and employer discrimination. If you don't like it, then you are tolerant of and an enabler of bigotry.

If you want the privilege of society letting you operate a public business, you will conform to society's moral demand not to discriminate in its operation.

Other than some paranoid ideology, what's your objection to a lack of discrimination?


Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Atomic Playboy
Originally posted by: EXman
Ok I think Liberals need to understand that life is not fair and we don't get everything you want. I don't and you don't. This isn't a Utopia. You all talk of logic and the funny thing is that liberals see thier logic and somehow that superceedes my right to have an opinion.

That is bullsh!t. It is un American any way you slice it to say your logic trumps my right to free speech.

I'm stating my opinion which happens to be the majority opinion. You have not fully listened to what I have to say so why bother. If you want to analyze what I'm saying to get some sort of nasty hatefilled BS crap out of it fine. Your wasting your time. The funny thing here is that it seems to be perfectly ok to discriminate if it meets a liberal's agenda. I see see hatered and vitriol spewed about Christians 24/7 and it seems commonplace and if you really and truly want liberty for all think again you don't, you just want it for those you see fit to have it by your standards. And by that regard you are no better than me so get off your pseudo high horse Libs and smell what you are shoveling.

btw SMOGZINN I think you do argue well and make good points from your prospective I was more addressing Liberals in general.

lil addition--

oh one last thing... You can be against something like gay marriage and NOT BE hatefilled non sensical homophobes. The way liberals start calling names like that is childish, un imaginative, and it is an illogical emotion filled arguement at best. To say that ALL people are XYZ if they oppose your viewpoint is rather silly. I laugh everytime I see someone post an arguement like this with more of the same vitriol. It seems Libs have just a hard of time taking the emotion out of this arguement and then claim to be logical. Nice.

One thing I think you need to understand. When you begin your argument by denigrating an entire group of people (in this case "liberals"), you pretty much undermine any point you might be attempting to make.

Stop right there. I'm not making an arguement. I voiced an opinion and then I was voicing my opinion on others arguements which you yourself just stepped in. :)

oh and this statement by you
That's just what it is. You don't want to think of yourself as a bigot; no one does. But there is not a single justification for denying marriage to an entire class of people for a trait they were born with outside of bigotry.
That my friend is the exact arguement that I was laughing at. That is your opinion nothing more. I see your Bias. I'm glad you are sticking up for both your moms. But don't let your emotions get the better of you. Feeling that you are right in your gut does not equate to fact or logic. Go back and read more.
Feb 6, 2007
Originally posted by: EXman
Stop right there. I'm not making an arguement. I voiced an opinion and then I was voicing my opinion on others arguements which you yourself just stepped in. :)

oh and this statement by you
That's just what it is. You don't want to think of yourself as a bigot; no one does. But there is not a single justification for denying marriage to an entire class of people for a trait they were born with outside of bigotry.
That my friend is the exact arguement that I was laughing at. That is your opinion nothing more. I see your Bias. I'm glad you are sticking up for both your moms. But don't let your emotions get the better of you. Feeling that you are right in your gut does not equate to fact or logic. Go back and read more.

That's why I posted the logic behind my argument. Or did you skip all that so that you could claim I was merely making an appeal to emotion when I was citing the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution? Why don't you try addressing the salient points I made in looking at the logic behind a gay marriage ban from a legal perspective; you know as well as I that a gut feeling means shit (I just thought of that, but I like it; it's like some down-home folk wisdom).


Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Atomic Playboy
Originally posted by: EXman
Stop right there. I'm not making an arguement. I voiced an opinion and then I was voicing my opinion on others arguements which you yourself just stepped in. :)

oh and this statement by you
That's just what it is. You don't want to think of yourself as a bigot; no one does. But there is not a single justification for denying marriage to an entire class of people for a trait they were born with outside of bigotry.
That my friend is the exact arguement that I was laughing at. That is your opinion nothing more. I see your Bias. I'm glad you are sticking up for both your moms. But don't let your emotions get the better of you. Feeling that you are right in your gut does not equate to fact or logic. Go back and read more.

That's why I posted the logic behind my argument. Or did you skip all that so that you could claim I was merely making an appeal to emotion when I was citing the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution? Why don't you try addressing the salient points I made in looking at the logic behind a gay marriage ban from a legal perspective; you know as well as I that a gut feeling means shit (I just thought of that, but I like it; it's like some down-home folk wisdom).

I already did earlier. You didn't address what I had to say prior either and you added arguements that I didn't make. Sorry your getting in on this late no one likes to repeat themselves.


Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: EXman
Originally posted by: jonks
Under 30 votes 2-1 for gay marriage. You are the relic. Tick-tock.

LoL I don't blame them they just have a lack of wisdom and a full dose of indoctrination from public schools.

*Every* age bracket under 65 supports gay marriage by double-digit percents. Does your attack fit all of them - or, as it was with race, do the older have a harder time changing?

The public schools are not teaching them how to view gays - that's your ignorant paranoia because you can't understand people who who are not bigoted like yourself.

Latin American Catholics are the biggest group to illegaly enter America. tick-tock.

Latinos were evenly split; illegal immigrants are not a big voting bloc.

OK show us the data from a non biased source. Better yet show us a Refferendum that has passed that is pro gay. I cannot remember one marriage admendment that went the way of the gay agenda. And didn't the Black vote in Cali on prop 8 didn't go as you planned?
Feb 19, 2001
Originally posted by: EXman
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: EXman
Originally posted by: jonks
Under 30 votes 2-1 for gay marriage. You are the relic. Tick-tock.

LoL I don't blame them they just have a lack of wisdom and a full dose of indoctrination from public schools.

*Every* age bracket under 65 supports gay marriage by double-digit percents. Does your attack fit all of them - or, as it was with race, do the older have a harder time changing?

The public schools are not teaching them how to view gays - that's your ignorant paranoia because you can't understand people who who are not bigoted like yourself.

Latin American Catholics are the biggest group to illegaly enter America. tick-tock.

Latinos were evenly split; illegal immigrants are not a big voting bloc.

OK show us the data from a non biased source. Better yet show us a Refferendum that has passed that is pro gay. I cannot remember one marriage admendment that went the way of the gay agenda. And didn't the Black vote in Cali on prop 8 didn't go as you planned?

Word. You're telling me people over 65 made Prop 8 a reality in CA? LAFF. It's a culture issue you guys.


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: DLeRium
Word. You're telling me people over 65 made Prop 8 a reality in CA? LAFF. It's a culture issue you guys.

It's a generational issue you guys. My mother doesn't even understand what gay is. Prop X in 4 or 8 or 12 years will flip this back the other way, permanently. And states across the country: prepare, gay marriage is coming your way. You can moan and drag your feet like white southerners did for 150 years but you'll lose in the end like you always do.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Originally posted by: Atomic Playboy
Originally posted by: EXman
Stop right there. I'm not making an arguement. I voiced an opinion and then I was voicing my opinion on others arguements which you yourself just stepped in. :)

oh and this statement by you
That's just what it is. You don't want to think of yourself as a bigot; no one does. But there is not a single justification for denying marriage to an entire class of people for a trait they were born with outside of bigotry.
That my friend is the exact arguement that I was laughing at. That is your opinion nothing more. I see your Bias. I'm glad you are sticking up for both your moms. But don't let your emotions get the better of you. Feeling that you are right in your gut does not equate to fact or logic. Go back and read more.

That's why I posted the logic behind my argument. Or did you skip all that so that you could claim I was merely making an appeal to emotion when I was citing the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution? Why don't you try addressing the salient points I made in looking at the logic behind a gay marriage ban from a legal perspective; you know as well as I that a gut feeling means shit (I just thought of that, but I like it; it's like some down-home folk wisdom).

A gut feeling is a bigots term for bigotry. He just knows he's right but he can't argue his point with any real or cogent reasoning.