"In reality there is no such as having too much FPS, just like there's no such thing has having too much MHz or too much RAM."

Of course that's right, but in reality things aren't quite so clear cut, as usual it is a matter of compromises and personal preferences. Do you want 60FPS at 1600x1200x32, 1024x768x32 2xAA or 800x600x32 4xAA 4tap/L2xAniso? Or do you prefer 100FPS at 1280x960x32 or 800x600x32 2xAA? Of course this also relates to mhz/ghz and RAM too, for example a gamer can often be torn between 2.5ghz&GF2/Rad7500, 2.0ghz&GF3/Rad8500 and 1.6ghz&GF4TI. Clearly 2.5ghz&GF2 is not a smart move, while 1.6ghz won't be getting the most out of a GF4TI, for most of us it always comes down to a compromise, if only in the shorter term. RAM-wise should you go for 256MB RIMM-PC1066, 512MB DDR-PC2700 or 1GB SDR-PC133? Well of course the hit will be nasty if that 'small' amount of super-fast RIMM gets used up, and as for PC133 - capacity is nothing without speed, 512MB DDR-PC2700 seems the best compromise to make for most, but then you could get more RIMM and cheap out a little on the gfx card and CPU ...
"Q: Doesn't Vsync being enabled ensure the FPS never exceed the refresh of the monitor? A: Yes although in reality it does much more than this. It often lowers the average framerate to close to half of your monitor's current refresh rate."

I would have expected that if your card is capable of 100FPS at a given res, detail and refresh rate that with Vsync on and a 75Hz refresh that the you would stay up at 75FPS for the vast majority of the time. Anybody have any hard links to info on Vsync?
"You can't see more fully drawn frames but you can still see the effects of partially drawn frames which is why the statement "you can't see any more frames than your monitor can display" is false."

Isn't the tearing caused by partially drawn frames a significant impact on quality? I know from asking untechnical people's opinion that most didn't see much, if any difference between 1024x768 and 800x600 BUT did see a big difference with Vsync disabled as the tearing was VERY visable to them.

I am not intending any disrespect BFG10K, I respect your info, opinion and preferences, it is just a very grey area which I think comes down very much to personal tastes and preferences ... just like many people don't knowing or noticing the diff between 60Hz and 85Hz, while many people NEED 100Hz.