Who will or has gone P4 1.6A? I have!! :D


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2000
Hehe, i succumbed to my desires and straightout bought a P4 1.6A and a P4B266-C from googlegear 2nd day. such stories of 1.6 @ 2.2+ wowwzers. and i've only been on athlon 1700, 8kha+ for 1.5 weeks. hEHee. i'll probably lose about $40 upgrading, but whatever. ;D


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I received my 1.6a from googlegear today, it is a malaysia chip, using it right now at 145fsb 2320mhz it wouldnt post at 150 even at 1.7volts , but that may be the motherboard, it is running around 46c at 1.65v , 4114 in 3dmark2001 up from 3500 , very nice scores in sandra, beats all of the comparison systems except the 850chip mem bandwidth test, I have 2175mbps mem bandwidth 850/ddr gets 2450.

I have run 3dmark 2001 many times, and played some heavy Q3, both of those programs are good at crashing unstable overclocks, everything is looking good so far :D I would have liked to get 150mhz cpu fsb for 2.4ghz and memory at 150 for 300 ddr (I have DDR333 memory) but I am not going to worry about 80mhz on the cpu and 43mhz on the memory.

Is the 1.6a the new DANCING QUEEN I say YES!!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

Bangsailio, can you run some sandra benchmarks to compare, I have a p4s333, <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://home.cox.rr.com/xslackerx/Sandra%20Tests.html">Here is a link to screenshots of my sandra memory, multimedia, and cpu math benchmarks