Who is lord of the trolls?

Who is the lord of the trolls?

  • anarchist420

  • nehalem256

  • Juror No. 8

  • spidey07

  • jking106

  • incorruptible

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Golden Member
Oct 20, 2004
Who is the Lord of the Trolls in the P/N currently?
While I realize this may be my last post here for a while, I was feeling rather sick today and thought this would be a fun post to make (and more fun for most sane people in P/N). So with that aside…

Affiliation: Articles of Confederation
Anarchist420 has almost certainly had a bit too much 4/20 while reading some history books. He is the quintessential example of a person who uses words yet has no idea of the meaning behind them, often devolving into incoherent rants that usually end up blaming something most of us agree is very good (ie the 14th amendment) for being Hitler reincarnate. See http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2275422 . One thing you must give credit to this troll for is his incredible perseverance for writing out batshit insane crap, see http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2276708 . I would have been exhausted after the first paragraph, but somehow this dude, while living in his parents basement and complaining about taxes he doesn’t pay, fights through the writer’s block to get progressively more insane, ex
Lex Hamilton's farts that became the Constitution
Evil Ghost of King Lincoln
. Good luck with your meds, bro.

Affiliation: Against Single Mothers
Nehalem is one of the few posters on P/N who arguably could be construed as an outright sexist, something not seen too often these days. Should be get out of Iraq? Ban single mothers! Should we try to pay down the debt? Abort single mother pregnancies! Should be discuss the idea of gay marriage? Down with single mothers! His thought process is more or less described by the following code:
If(topic on P/N = true)
Then (blame single mothers)
Else (blame single mothers)
2+2, the war on terror™, and drilling for oil in the gulf of mexico are all irrelevant – as long as we can ban single mothers.
Now, the funny thing here is that I actually don’t disagree with some of nehalem’s ideas – namely, that broken families are more often than not a problem leading to lots of other issues (crime, poverty, welfare issues) that have to be dealt with, and I think it is actually a rather important discussion to have. However, I’m not quite down with ripping fetuses out of women’s wombs against their will.

Juror No. 8
Affiliation: Conspiracy Loon
Juror number 8 is the newest account (although probably a parody from some other poster) on this list, but has shot up through the rankings with near light speed with his incredible ability to see the evil conspiracy government boogyman in every single fucking thing in the world. Preparation for natural disasters? It’s the Hitler youth! http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2277054 Probably more sick was his posts in the Malala thread http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?t=2275589&page=6 in which everything is, of course, some big government conspiracy that never ever happened. In fact, his posts generally are of the opinion that you can’t ever know anything and so all of your knowledge is false by default, which is funny coming from some asshole on the internet. He is a more classis definition of troll, who joined to troll these forums, as seen by his post here:
"Unless you allow me to derail the thread by answering my thread derail questions, you are a troll! And you can take my corporate propaganda when you pry it from my cold, lifeless fingers!"

Some of you guys are a real treat. Maybe I'll stick around longer than I planned.

Affiliation: Reactionary Against Obama, Gun Nut
Spidey is quite an interesting character. In Obama threads, he tends to say things like “may great fuck be upon him” and other commends up there with other poetic geniuses. Everyone else is, of course, a commie, or a socialist, or what have you:
Fuck you communists, fuck you all. America will WIN despite you and obama.
Of course, spidey really belongs up here with the rest of the ATPN winners for his gun issue viewpoints; namely, f*ck it, shoot the mother*cker! This is one of those situations where even when he is right, the way he posts simply comes across as total asshole quality nonsense. Why drive away when you can
Lulz. Just watched with audio.

Fucking shoot him. Lawful self defense.
? His best posts are necessarily in the trayvon martin/Zimmerman thread. Some real beauties in here, like
Dead trey-treys tell no tales.
Why didn't he stay in his car like a good white man is supposed to! Why didn't foo recognize that's SLIM! From da streets! YO! He didn reconize so he deserfed da beatin
Ironically I agree that Zimmerman is innocent, but that doesn’t mean spidey isn’t posting like an asshole. That said, he posts reasonable stuff elsewhere so this is probably just his P/N persona. Highly entertaining!

Affiliation: The Anti-Spidey (not in a good way)
In the endless Zimmerman thread, jking is simply the alternate of spidey, arguing every point from the opposite side of things, being an equally big asshole. Probably the best quote from him is
Fuck your dead dad.
Although there are countless other trolling, baiting posts (spidey but in reverse) in that thread.
"By Florida "I'm A Pussy Who Needs A Concealed Weapon Law," any coward can provoke a confrontation, and legally kill his opponent on the grounds of "self-defense. By the way, we're glad the n****r is dead. Good shoot.

Brought to you by the NRA: If A Gun Had A Cock, We'd Proudly Suck It."
Very classy.

Affiliation: Right-wing/Anti-obama parody poster (too stupid to be anything else).
Obviously a parody account of some type because nobody can possibly be this stupid.
Mormon law wont happen but you should be very concerned about sharia law though
The minimum wage has to be ended, it discriminates against low skilled people and the government has no right to tell them how much to pay
he doesn't care about the budget and will destroy the US
Etc…..Also, why can this troll not use periods? Is his period key broken?
Perhaps he is related to Nehalem:
The single mothers are one of the biggest leeches there are, many have admitted to popping out more babies for welfare and because welfare is there they dont care if they know who the father is

Honorable Mentions
I should note here that Monovillage, cybsersge, Phokus, and dmcowen could all be thrown on here but they are more or less honest hacks and make no pretense otherwise. So you guys do not make the cut this time. That said, you’ve all been trying reaaaaal hard so maybe next time you could be the winner!
One more thing: is this a call-out thread? Obviously. Ban worthy? Probably. But, mods, do you honestly think that this is not an accurate description of a number of the posts made in P/N these days? Of the above, the only one who actually received any vacation time was the ‘fuck your dead dad’ comment. Everything else just continues on the way it is, and I doubt the saner part of P/N disagrees with most of this list. So………yeah.

Eight years here, and your otherwise spotless record gets its first infraction.

Forum Director
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Apr 10, 2000
First, I'm positive this qualifies as a callout thread and is against the rules, even if it's very needed. Second, how can you leave Dave off the list?


Golden Member
Mar 18, 2005
Good job OP, while not as thorough as I hoped it's still well done.
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