Who here loves their job?


Moderator<br>Digital & Video Cameras
Jan 2, 2006
What do you do? What do you love about it?

I can't say that I love the actual job work (I'm a real estate photographer) but I own my own business doing it and have other people shooting, so I schedule, invoice, do bookkeeping, marketing, and customer service. I have no idea how much I make because the different layers of cost make tracking it hard. But I make enough to get by.

What I love about it is the freedom. Ski bum for a week straight? Can do. Mexico trip at last minute's notice? Can do. Fly back to visit parents? Anytime. Live in a different location than where the work takes place? Can do that too.


Mar 30, 2007
Self employed and currently in the love/hate stage.

I absolutely love not answering to anyone except my customers and the bank. I absolutely hate being responsible for things outside of my control.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2000
Auditor for public accounting firm. Another busy season under the belt (for all ex-auditors out there you know what I mean).

I don't really love my job but I have friends here which makes it tolerable. I also learn a lot which I missed when I went back to private. But it's hard when you are out of town so much with a spouse. Not sure how much longer I am going to stick around.


Sep 20, 2007
When I'm doing my TV gigs, I love it. Finally got a full time job at a station. Starts next month. I'm pretty excited.


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2003
Math Teacher here. If I didn't love my job, I would've washed out a long time ago and saved myself from going prematurely grey.


Moderator<br>Digital & Video Cameras
Jan 2, 2006
Self employed and currently in the love/hate stage.

I absolutely love not answering to anyone except my customers and the bank. I absolutely hate being responsible for things outside of my control.

What's your business?

And I feel ya. Usually it's my clients that bother me. There seems to be a total lack of responsibility and accountability with some of my customers. For example: their house isn't ready for shooting and they don't tell us about it, so we make the trip out there and discover that we can't shoot. Then we charge a return trip fee. And they bitch and moan about it.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
Recently switched from level 3 server support to NOC tech and been doing this job since start of December and loving it. The best part is the shift work. Having time off in the middle of the week is awesome. In fact it seems half the time I'm off, the other half I'm working. I have so much more time to myself, and since I'm off in the middle of the week there's so much more stuff I can get done because businesses are open when I'm not at work.

The job itself is decent too, lot of interesting stuff to deal with, and it's a relatively easy job. Still a lot to know, and there's lot to keep track of, but it's nowhere near as stressful as my last job, and I don't have to deal with that insane IT manager anymore.

When I took this job people kept telling me it was a bad decision but I think it was an awesome one. Who cares about career status, if you like the job, then that's all that counts.
Feb 6, 2007
I don't love my job. But I'm still early in my career. If I loved my job now, I'd have nothing to strive for.


Mar 30, 2007
What's your business?

And I feel ya. Usually it's my clients that bother me. There seems to be a total lack of responsibility and accountability with some of my customers. For example: their house isn't ready for shooting and they don't tell us about it, so we make the trip out there and discover that we can't shoot. Then we charge a return trip fee. And they bitch and moan about it.

I own an automotive repair and customization shop and do some importing of granite. I normally like dealing with customers but the collections aspect always becomes a hassle. I had a contractor I shipped stone to defraud me this year and just this week had a guy give a song and dance when he picked up his car and stiffed us for on payment. Good times.

natto fire

Diamond Member
Jan 4, 2000
I work for an electrical contractor, and am liking it so far, only been there a couple months.

I have never really "loved" any job I have had, but only "hated" working at a UPS hub. I have worked at a CSA while harvesting, so that is saying a lot about how bad it is at UPS.

Coworkers assumed I had it easy when I used to work at my parent's restaurant, but I'm pretty sure we broke some child labor laws and I definitely remember working my ass off.


Jul 14, 2000
IT tech for a consulting company.

I like what I do

I don't care for the way the company is run...but I get my hands in a lot of things that I want experience in, which is going to be good for me when I graduate and look for another job.


Aug 10, 2002
I work as an auditor as well, only been there for 5 working months, and then another month and a half of studying/training over the last 6.5 months, but while it can be depressing and annoying, there's a lot of learning so it's usually interesting and enjoyable.

But like mentioned, it's busy season, and I made the mistake of not taking any holiday (we're allowed 1 week during busy season for a break), so it's really going to drag.


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2000
I work as an auditor as well, only been there for 5 working months, and then another month and a half of studying/training over the last 6.5 months, but while it can be depressing and annoying, there's a lot of learning so it's usually interesting and enjoyable.

But like mentioned, it's busy season, and I made the mistake of not taking any holiday (we're allowed 1 week during busy season for a break), so it's really going to drag.

Wow, never heard of any accounting firm allowing that. Is it a regional firm?

Dr. Detroit

Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2004
Run SOX implementation and other areas of Compliance including IA for a post-IPO start up, I report to the audit committee & CFO. Been here almost 2yrs.

I'm vesting and really believe in the Company and our product. Its not an easy job by any means but I'm happy to not be doing debits & credits and I get to insert myself in lots of areas outside of finance.

Bonus is I have a great boss whose extremely bright.

Other than a $10/hr job I had in college this is my favorite job of my career so far.

child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
IT Consultant

Company treats me very well and stays out of my hair. Even though I'm a full time, salaried employee with full benefits, the job feels like I'm an independent consultant. Some days I'll be at a customer site installing a SAN, helping them migrate from VMware 3.5 to vSphere 5, or setting up some UCS blade servers. Other days I'll be helping someone upgrade firmware or reconfigure something over a Webex session. Sometimes I even get to sit at home and dink around in my lab while I watch Youtube videos when I don't have any client work to do.

Company is very good about sending me to training and technical conferences and the pay is excellent.


Platinum Member
Jul 12, 2006
I work on Navy submarines and Aircraft carriers. Mostly do work as a nuc inside the reactors and on nuclear systems outside the RC.

I'd say Im content with it. Theres parts i like and parts i hate. Sometimes management can be a pain and make everything horrid. Other times its enjoyable doing some of the more interesting and fun jobs. The sudden traveling for emergency work can suck. But the travel opportunities are awesome too. So i'm sticking with my content feeling about the job.

As for other jobs...retail and fast food. Hated them both. But it also makes me appreciate those guys a lot. Had to put up with so many stupid people its amazing.


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2006
I absolutely love my job. Simply put I am a drafter. I design piping systems, structural elements, and etc. for the natural gas refining industry and related industries.

Basically it's, for me, somewhere between playing video games and playing with legos, on the computer.


Jul 1, 2001
I'm not exactly sure what a really do for a living, but it's supposedly IT related. Either way, I hate it.
Jul 10, 2007
i work in IT and make mid $100k.
i get to play with the latest and greatest in tech. i surf the web half the time.
no reason to not like my job.
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